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Dr. Shapiro the best!!


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If Dr. Shapiro charged you $39.95 for a protein shake to help you with your growth, then that really says all we need to know. That piece of information in itself is enough where people can go ahead and make up their own minds.


I also still don't understand how you have "long hair" like your cousin after three and a half months. It's nonsensical. And trust me, it was not a protein shake.

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This isn't a site to talk about your life accomplishments riky.


This is a site created to share information and experiences on hair loss, hair transplants, and hair transplant doctors.


You have already engaged in one form of deception and in my opinion that is all it takes for you to lose complete credibility. Especially when it happens on the same day you registered on this site. Your motives are obviously not in line with what is trying to be accomplished on this site.


There are other hair loss sites out there that I am sure would love to have you as a member. I think it is more than clear that your statements, opinions, etc. are no longer respected here.

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I was tryin to show my improvement about my hair transplant but I believe you guys dont beleive me or dont want to accpet the truth. Thanks 4d03...

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All Bill has to do is look up the IP address and if its in Cali then Riky is being beaten up a little too harshly imo.

Im no fan of Larry Shapiro one bit but even below average doctors have a few nice results laying around.

I would give Riky a break until its proven he doesnt work for Larry and that its dermatch on his scalp.

Your English is fine Riky . Its about as good as my Spanish . icon_smile.gif

My Latin friends laugh at me but understand what Im trying to convey and we understand you.

DDD3 has had a bad experience with your doctor so I can understand his feelings but if your happy thats all that matters.

Riky I suggest taking some clear pics and posting them to end any of this

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I understand being a bit skeptical, but it just looks like the majority of you are beating up on a legitimate patiient.


Remember, ALL patients are welcome to share their experience and photos regardless of whether or not the surgeon is recommended here.




If you are indeed a legitimate patient, you are welcome to post here. I do recommend however, that you post better quality photos so members can take a closer and better look at your results.


I am glad you're happy with your results.


Best wishes,



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I'm responding in defense of my cousin riky, who I recommended to Dr. L. Shapiro, and offcourse doctor Shapiro who has had more experience in hair transplant than most sergeants in this field. I took the time to read some of the replies to my cousin's postings and I find embarrasing the slandering attacks on both of them. Obviously Dr. Shapiro is very concern about his patients keeping their hair and that is why he has developed his own protein shake. People pay a lot more than $35.00 for goods that last alot less, so what does it matter how much my cousing or I'm willing to pay for it. This and several other arguments are petty and shameful.

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Guest comb

Perhaps we have been overly skeptical and cynical in this thread, with no proof of anything. Yours and your cousin's pictures are welcome if you would like to post them.

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I find it embarrasing for both of you that you beleive a protein shake somehow makes a difference in your hair growth.


I stand by my argument that Dr. L Shapiro is a phony salesmen. I also stand by argument that your cousin has no credibility on here after trying to convince us he had substantial growth after 3 months with a picture where his dome was covered in dermatch.


Maybe you can make less of a fool of yourself and post some ACTUAL before and after pictures that arent taken with a disposable camera...

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Riky --

Here's the deal...

I have no experience with Dr. L Shapiro -- period. If you say you have had a good experience with him, then I am happy to hear it. I do not want anyone out there to receive sub-par care.

There are patients on here who say that they do have first hand experience with Dr. L Shapiro, and that their experience was very different. You should respect them as well. If you feel that others have no reason to question your legitimacy, then understand that no one should question their validity either.

Our forum moderator had to kick someone off recently because they were posting testimonials under different aliases with the same ip address. Please forgive a lot of people's skepticism.

I offer my apologies to you. I hope your hair looks great -- honestly.

In my personal opinion, I feel the safest with the doctors on this forum. Recent posters have sarcastically insulted this forum and its credibility as well. Let's be fair.


Please ask any dermatologist you know if a protein shake can grow hair. I am not an MD, see what others have to say.

Be well and all the best. If you are someone suffering from hair loss, then I can identify with you. I don't care who did your transplant, I just hope it looks good.

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Hello, I still don't understand why some of you guys are very antagonistic :-(. My pics are there, just click on my name riky that is on the left of any of my post, later click on view riky's public profile, click on view forum post by riky, and then click on before and after (my success). Thanks??¦

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Originally posted by DDD03:

I can't remember but did you ever say how many grafts you recieved?

I recived 2500 graft. Is that enough? Did you see the pics?

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well riky IM suggesting... your hardly 3 months out, your hair looks fine but what ya got in it??


im a dermmatch man myself and it sure looks like dermmatch was bouncing off your scalp in your 1st set of photos with flash....come clean buddy, its ok, hts are not that filled in at 3 months...for sure not in a top down pic with flash at 3 months


im glad you can make your hair look good with it in tho, and im glad you liked your experience so much with L. shapiro.

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Riky --

The reason people are antagonistic is because not everyone who comes on these forums is completely sincere.


And in case you are not aware of it, there are lots of doctors out there who are not operating in the best interests of their patients. There are people on this forum who have made decisions to go to doctors where their lives were altered -- and not for the better.

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Originally posted by DDD03:

Bro I saw your pics. I'm not suggesting, just asking but... are you not wearing any concealer in those?

No bro i'm not wearing any concealer i took these pict today at lunch. I also have a thick or curly hair.

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Originally posted by lost my swagger:

well riky IM suggesting... your hardly 3 months out, your hair looks fine but what ya got in it??


im a dermmatch man myself and it sure looks like dermmatch was bouncing off your scalp in your 1st set of photos with flash....come clean buddy, its ok, hts are not that filled in at 3 months...for sure not in a top down pic with flash at 3 months


im glad you can make your hair look good with it in tho, and im glad you liked your experience so much with L. shapiro.

Thanks man, i don't know what else to say my operation was on feb 25, 2009 and the after pics were taken today Jan 3, 2009. Is what i got maybe fall down and grow again but that happen to me already and it wasn't to much. Also, I would not like that and I'm not going to be too happy about it. hahaha

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It's good that Riky is pleased with his result; though, his pics are totally dubious and I put little stock in them. Something does strikes me as fishy about all of this...the protein shakes....3months miracle growth.....and part of which is that L. Shapiro is fond of employing shills and deceitful marketing....which leads to the other important thing:


99.9% of people who do research, like everyone on this forum, will come to the opinion that there are *far*, *far* better docs and clinics to go to. But, if Riky is genuine and happy all the best for him -- if he would like to persuade anyone, however, and improve his doc's standing he should produce a nice set of quality before and afters.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Originally posted by riky:

Hello everyone I'm a patient of Dr. Shapiro from California and I was surfing on the web in order to see some patients improvements and compared with the awesome work that he did to me by the middle of Feb 2009. Suddenly, I found this page were I see some black propaganda about his work and, I totally disapprove it. .


Going back to your original post, I think this is what may have caused some people here to react. You are certainly entitled to post your personal experience with a doctor and say that it is positive. Stating that what another person experienced is "black propaganda" is a very inflammatory statement that implies another person is lying on here.

Perhaps what made a lot of people react is not the fact that you came on here with a testimonial, but that you were actually the one making implicit (or not so implicit) accusations about the honesty of what other people wrote. If you do not want to be questioned, then you should not be questioning others.

Whether or not you had a good experience with a doctor has nothing to do with another's patient's experience. It's fair to say, "I had a different experience" but "black propaganda" is something entirely different. Saying that you "disapprove" of another's person's stated experience is condescending and combative. There are posters who have been here for a long time, and it is only natural that people would not take kindly on someone coming on here and writing such things in their very first post.

If you are indeed happy with your hair now, you should feel bad that someone else did not have the same positive outcome.

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Just thought I'd share a quick story about L. Shapiro...


So I had my initial consultation with him where he threw me a great pitch about how he had done over 10,000 procedures and was the pioneer in hair transplantation. I was 21 years old at the time. I really did not have much of an affinity to him but I thought to myself "shit, if I am going to do a procedure I might as well do it with someone who has experience". The Doc and I agreed that he would do 1,500 grafts in the frontal 1/3 (which was BARELY thinning). I choose a date and we agree on the price.


I show up the day of surgery and the Doc says to me..."you know what...what do you say we do an extra 500 grafts on you today".


It kind of put me in a panic mode right then and there. Do I pay the extra money and get the extra grafts? Do I need them? Is he just trying to take advantage of me? No no no, He is a doctor...he is just looking out for my best interest.


I knew nothing about hair transplantation and didn't even realize that I had a limited donor supply. So I figured I better not short myself and agreed with the Doctor that I would go ahead with the extra 500.


In actuality I probably needed 0 grafts that day, but Dr. Shapiro wanted to push me to get as many as possible in order for that final bill to be as high as possible. He did this just moments before I was about to go under the scalpel. It's something that has really ticked me off to this day. It goes to show you what type of unethical sales practice the man uses.


Attached is a photo of what my hair looked like about 1 year before the procedure. It thinned out a bit since then but not much.


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And ideally, this is exactly the purpose of having an open forum like this where people can share their experiences.


There are clearly two different patients on this thread who have had two entirely different experiences. People can read both accounts now and ultimately make up their own minds.

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