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Transplant history of a 72 year old

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Some observations of an oldtimer. I've had 8 transplants over the years.  Unfortunately my journey began in the late 80s when I was in my early 40s and when plugs were the big thing.  I had 4 sessions between 88 and 92 and used up all of my donor area in the back of my scalp.  I am not even sure any of those transplanted hairs are still around.  I began looking anew in 2005 when I was in my late 50s.  This time around I did my research and consulted with some well known transplant surgeons such as Dr Cooley and  Dr Shapiro, among others.  The feedback I received was the best doctor in the country was right in my back door, Dr William Parsley out of Louisville KY. Dr Parsley was low key and wasn't prone to self promotion.  Instead, he let his work do his talking as well as the admiration of his peers.  Dr Parsley retired at the end of 2018.

My four sessions and results with Dr Parsley (2005, 2006, 2008, and 2016)  could not have gone any better.  Choosing him as my transplant surgeon was among the best choices of my life.  I couldn't tell you exactly the numbers of grafts Dr Parsley transplanted.  Maybe around 3000 to 3200 grafts in all.  I do remember my last session in 2016 was 518.  The pic below is from late 2018 when I was 71.  Click to enlarge.  Although I am cursed with baby fine thin hair, luckily it is very curly.

A few comments.  Although I lived my life as a risk taker living all over the country and making my living as a stock and bond trader, no way would I ever take finasteride.  I have always been prone to side effects of any medication as well as various vitamins so I can only imagine the side effects i would suffer with finasteride.  Hair or no hair,  I would never take anything that messes with my hormones. Instead, I take biotin, collagen, and other supplements for my hair.

In case you are wondering, yes, if your hair bothered you when you were young, it will still bother you in old age. Of course that is assuming you make it to old age and in good health.  If you don't have your health you have nothing. It is rare, but I have  heard of those in their 80s having hair transplants. I will say though  the total obsession of full coverage of  your scalp  isn't as important as you age. I have a bald spot in my back but could care less about trying to conceal it.    

 Recently I wanted to have have one last transplant session to fill in some spots in the top of my scalp. But I was told by the surgeon they could only get 250 to 300.grafts. At my age  250 to 300 grafts (surgery, recovery) is not worth missing out being  on the hiking trails. From what I have read, I don't consider FUE as a viable option.  Instead I just discovered the  power of hair fibers and now using Febron which I feel is far superior to Toppik.  The best advice I can give younger people is not hair related. If you want to enjoy life to the fullest in old age then  eat lightly and keep moving.  Meaning, stay thin and keep exercising.1878982794_oldchurch039.thumb.jpg.a29138fe79d43554d00256fd33244ed5.jpg 

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24 minutes ago, LonelyGraft said:

Thank you for sharing your story. You look great at 72. Do you have pictures showing the condition of your hair before any transplants?  

The only thing I have is from 1994 when I was 47 and a few years after my plug transplants.  My hairline was much higher then and no fullness as compared to now.


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I am also 72.  I see that you have not gone gray.  Are you coloring your hair.  Other than gray around the ears my hair has stayed brown.  I too have a balding spot on the crown, but enough is enough.  I only had 2 procedures one FUT and one FUE in 2011 and 2018 respectively.  I was in Walmart yesterday and I saw myself in a mirror and I was amazed at how thick my hair looked.  I don't use any fibers.  I probably have much more donor hair, but I am done with transplants.  Styling my hair has become a much bigger issue now that I have hair.  Young guys should realize that they will care about how they look as they grow older. 

"Imagination frames events unknown in wild fantastic shapes of hideous ruin, and what it fears, creates." Hannah More

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7 hours ago, Curious said:

Did you ever have some of the plugs removed and redistributed?

No, I was not aware that was an option.  That entire experience (plug transplants) was not a good one.  The doctor I chose was not very competent. He only performed transplants for a few years and eventually quit because he was not happy with his results.   As I mentioned, I am not even sure any of those plugs have survived my old age.

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1 hour ago, Dazed said:

I am also 72.  I see that you have not gone gray.  Are you coloring your hair.  Other than gray around the ears my hair has stayed brown.  I too have a balding spot on the crown, but enough is enough.  I only had 2 procedures one FUT and one FUE in 2011 and 2018 respectively.  I was in Walmart yesterday and I saw myself in a mirror and I was amazed at how thick my hair looked.  I don't use any fibers.  I probably have much more donor hair, but I am done with transplants.  Styling my hair has become a much bigger issue now that I have hair.  Young guys should realize that they will care about how they look as they grow older. 

If you are looking at my photo from last year in my original post, trust me, I definitely have lots of gray hairs, especially when the sun hits just right.  I don't believe in men coloring their hair.  For me, I could care less if my hair were red, white, or blue, just that I have hair. The fibers I just discovered last month.  I am surprised at how well they work in covering a particular thinning spot that bothers me.  I am tall so the bald spot in my back doesn't bother me. But I do still care about how I look. If only because I lead a lot of hikes and all of my fellow hikers are younger than me.  Even though they are well aware of my age,  I still don't want  to project the image of some old geezer who might get them lost as we do a lot of off trail hiking.

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