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Is it the old vellus hairs returned or new vellus hairs which will transform to normal hairs?


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I underwent hair transplantation about 7 months ago with fue method. Before the surgery, I had vellus hairs which disappeared after the hair transplantation. My transplanted hairs also fell after one month of the transplantation. About 3 months ago, new vellus hairs have appeared.

I am very mystefied of this new vellus hairs:

Is the old vellus hairs returned which means that my transplantation is failed (and transplanted hairs did not grow)?

Or do the transplanted hairs start to grow as vellus hairs at the beginning and it will transform to normal hairs later?

Please give me your opinion

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  • Senior Member

Where was the vellus hair, on the to, I presume? It was likely miniaturized hair about to dissipate and go away.  The procedure may have prompted the departure.

Transplanted hairs, (which is the grown stubble that came along with the graft), can sometimes remain and start growing from the start, or it can fall off along with the crusts when you start scrubbing at about 7 days post op.  The new hair will start growing at about 3-4 months. The hair starts, vellus-like and, 9-12 months later the shaft will thicken up until you see the matured result, (12-18 months post procedure). 

Are you doing any type of medical therapy? Having lost the hair so recently, it is likely you may enhance some of it. Talk to the doctor about doing Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP.

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  • Regular Member
4 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

Where was the vellus hair, on the to, I presume? It was likely miniaturized hair about to dissipate and go away.  The procedure may have prompted the departure.

Transplanted hairs, (which is the grown stubble that came along with the graft), can sometimes remain and start growing from the start, or it can fall off along with the crusts when you start scrubbing at about 7 days post op.  The new hair will start growing at about 3-4 months. The hair starts, vellus-like and, 9-12 months later the shaft will thicken up until you see the matured result, (12-18 months post procedure). 

Are you doing any type of medical therapy? Having lost the hair so recently, it is likely you may enhance some of it. Talk to the doctor about doing Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP.

Unfortunately, the up-to-date PRP technique is not available in my country, just the old technique. I prefer not to take Propecia because its side effects and Regaine because its effect is temporary. Laser cap is not also available in my country

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All modalities only work if taken.  If you can't or won't do them, why even consider transplants?

With such advancements in the world, including the internet, why not order what you need from an outside source? Another Country, perhaps.

The fact is, if you've lost, you'll continue losing.  So you do a transplant and gain density, but then you lose....now you have to do more transplants just to replace what you lost. Eventually we run out of donor and now we're stuck and not able to do anymore.

Get on something!

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  • Regular Member
5 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

All modalities only work if taken.  If you can't or won't do them, why even consider transplants?

With such advancements in the world, including the internet, why not order what you need from an outside source? Another Country, perhaps.

The fact is, if you've lost, you'll continue losing.  So you do a transplant and gain density, but then you lose....now you have to do more transplants just to replace what you lost. Eventually we run out of donor and now we're stuck and not able to do anymore.

Get on something!

But I have taken vitamins which I have bought from the hospital and I use a medical shampoo which I bought from them too.

Really I don't know know which is most important meditation to take. I don't know if I it was better to buy PRP injections other than vitamins from the hospital.

Do you think that I must buy PRP injections from the hospital online? Every PRP injection costs $150 in addition to the express costs and the costs of the clinic in my country which will inject my head with them. It means that it I buy 6 PRP injections, it will totally costs me 6*(150$ +100$ )+100$=1600$. The operation itself costed me 1400$!

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54 minutes ago, hairtargeter said:

But I have taken vitamins which I have bought from the hospital and I use a medical shampoo which I bought from them too.

Really I don't know know which is most important meditation to take. I don't know if I it was better to buy PRP injections other than vitamins from the hospital.

Do you think that I must buy PRP injections from the hospital online? Every PRP injection costs $150 in addition to the express costs and the costs of the clinic in my country which will inject my head with them. It means that it I buy 6 PRP injections, it will totally costs me 6*(150$ +100$ )+100$=1600$. The operation itself costed me 1400$!

Where were you able to get a dhi transplant for $1400? The cost is very good. Any pictures of your hair?

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  • Senior Member
9 hours ago, hairtargeter said:

But I have taken vitamins which I have bought from the hospital and I use a medical shampoo which I bought from them too.

Really I don't know know which is most important meditation to take. I don't know if I it was better to buy PRP injections other than vitamins from the hospital.

Do you think that I must buy PRP injections from the hospital online? Every PRP injection costs $150 in addition to the express costs and the costs of the clinic in my country which will inject my head with them. It means that it I buy 6 PRP injections, it will totally costs me 6*(150$ +100$ )+100$=1600$. The operation itself costed me 1400$!

Shampoos and vitamins do absolutely nothing to help with retention nor enhancement of the hair.  Vitamins are meant to help the hair look as good as it can.  Shampoo is only good to wash and keep clean.

If they are asking for $150 for PRP, it is likely they don't know what they're doing.  Ask them to show you photos of results.  How often do they suggest you do the shots?  Do they combine this with a matrix to help bind the PRP?

$1400 for hair restoration?  How many grafts?


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  • Regular Member
15 hours ago, LaserCap said:

Shampoos and vitamins do absolutely nothing to help with retention nor enhancement of the hair.  Vitamins are meant to help the hair look as good as it can.  Shampoo is only good to wash and keep clean.

If they are asking for $150 for PRP, it is likely they don't know what they're doing.  Ask them to show you photos of results.  How often do they suggest you do the shots?  Do they combine this with a matrix to help bind the PRP?

$1400 for hair restoration?  How many grafts?


Today it has passed 222 days since my hair transplant procedure.

Do you think it is too late now to take PRP injections?

In my country, PRP is proceeded mainly by seperating plasma from the blood by using the centriputal device. There is no activation substance dedicated to be mixed with the plasma for the hair.

Is it enough?

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You can do PRP at any time.  It is typically best to do it at the time of the procedure as it will help the transplanted hair to come in sooner.  It can also help reverse miniaturization of the native hair. 

Get photos of results and ask to speak to some of the patients they've done in the past.  This should give you a decent reference if their system works or not.

Keep in mind, once you are on this band wagon, you need to continue doing them to keep the effect.  Like all other modalities, you have to keep up with it otherwise it's a waste of time and money.


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  • Regular Member
3 minutes ago, LaserCap said:

You can do PRP at any time.  It is typically best to do it at the time of the procedure as it will help the transplanted hair to come in sooner.  It can also help reverse miniaturization of the native hair. 

Get photos of results and ask to speak to some of the patients they've done in the past.  This should give you a decent reference if their system works or not.

Keep in mind, once you are on this band wagon, you need to continue doing them to keep the effect.  Like all other modalities, you have to keep up with it otherwise it's a waste of time and money.


I am really depressed. I take photos to myself and I ready find no progress since 125 days post operation till now (222 days post operation)

Is it normal that the hairs delay to grow?

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Transplanted hair typically takes 3-4 months to start growing.  At first it is vellus-like and, with time, the shaft thickens.  A matured result can take 12-18 months.  Stop worrying.

Consider, if you can not tell what's happening, neither will anyone else.  When things really start going, people will start asking you if you've lost weight, etc. A gradual change is a good thing.

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34 minutes ago, Giastro said:

@hairtargeter Try also to post some photos of the pre-intervention and some of you are now, maybe the veteran members of this community will be able to tell if you can really worry or not.

@Giastro I will send photos but unfortunately the vellus hairs don't appear at all in the photos

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