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Questions about Donor hairs and Graft count

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  • Regular Member

Hey Everyone,


Have two questions about HR


My first question is how are follicles from the Donor region chosen? I'm 23 years old and know that some hairs in the Donor region have limited life spans and want to make sure if I go for HR that the transplanted hairs don't die.


My second question is regarding my budget. I'm limited right now to about $5500.00 apx 1300 grafts, yes very little I know. Can someone give me an idea of what percentage of a hypothetically bald crown 1300 grafts can cover if only 40% density is desired?(100% being zero hair loss)


I'm actually far from being bald anywhere but I ask this hypothetical question so I can "visualize" 1300 grafts. Thanks guys!

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  • Regular Member

Hey Everyone,


Have two questions about HR


My first question is how are follicles from the Donor region chosen? I'm 23 years old and know that some hairs in the Donor region have limited life spans and want to make sure if I go for HR that the transplanted hairs don't die.


My second question is regarding my budget. I'm limited right now to about $5500.00 apx 1300 grafts, yes very little I know. Can someone give me an idea of what percentage of a hypothetically bald crown 1300 grafts can cover if only 40% density is desired?(100% being zero hair loss)


I'm actually far from being bald anywhere but I ask this hypothetical question so I can "visualize" 1300 grafts. Thanks guys!

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  • Senior Member

Well let me attempt to answer these questions.


1.The hair in your donor region is genetically programmed to grow throughtout you life and will not drop. The doctor usually takes the strip from the lower more 'meaty' part of the scalp(assuming this is your first HT). When you run your hand on your scalp the bump you feel is where the doc will probably take the strip.


2.5500$ is quite enough to cover the crown , assuming that the area to be covered is small. But since you are only 23 years old, the crown will probably open up further and then you will need another HT. I would suggest holding back on the crown and not doing a HT there till at least you are 30.

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1.The hair in the donor region is non-atrophic and does not have "limited life spans".


2.You can investigate HT surgeons in other parts of the world, where the cost of operations is lesser and consequently the cost to the patient is less. There are Coalition surgeons in Asia, Pakistan etc.


You will have to investigate.

take care...



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Aged 23 IMO it is a very bad idea to start addressing the crown. Since your hair loss has started so young it would be wiser (not easier) to wait and conserve grafts which could be better used in the hairline and frontal areas if (I almost said when) this becomes necessary.


1300 is not enough for a full crown. Even if it would be OK for the bald patch you have now there is no realistic likelihood that your hair loss has stabilised at 23.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks guys for the info,


I do just want to get the front and with Dr. Brandon M. Ross, in Sandiego I can now afford around 1700 grafts!($3/graft and good standing)


How does this strategy sound? I'll maintain the crown with Rogaine (my crown is fine still) and have 1700 grafts in front. Anyone know how many square inches apx that 1700 can cover?

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How about posting a pic or two? I'm not too keen on signing up 23 year old's who can barely afford one surgery, let along the 100% likelihood that you will need at least 1-2 more procedures.


Have you discussed future loss, and have you looked into FUE?


From your posts I think you really need to wait and shave or buzz down for a while why you gather information.


I have nothing to gain from your decision making process, but you have a LOT to lose.


I hope you take my advice.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Vollow, Dr. Brandon Ross is a good doctor. I have seen the results of his surgery first hand and they were quite good (not in the league of Rahal or Shapiro yet, but nevertheless the results were quite good).


I think it is a good idea to target the front hairline instead of the crown. Propecia and Rogaine can take care of your crown. The front hairline is more important from an aesthetic point of view. Good luck!

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Vollow:

How does this strategy sound? I'll maintain the crown with Rogaine (my crown is fine still) and have 1700 grafts in front. Anyone know how many square inches apx that 1700 can cover?


Go to the Hair Transplant Network Home page and click on "Multi-Media Center". Then scroll down to the bottom left for the "Graft calculator". It will give you a rough idea of how many grafts you might want with whatever density you chose.

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  • Senior Member

I'd pay particular attention to everything Bspot said. I'm generally very liberal in who I'd think would be a solid "candidate" for a HT, and even without seeing your pics, I think you should proceed cautiously, and then proceed even more cautiously.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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You can find the graft calculator that Severn was talking about by clicking on the link. This is a helpful too to guestimate how many grafts you may require based on your goals. Of course, it only takes into consideration your approximate level of baldness and numbers of follicular units. It doesn't take into consideration the number of hairs per graft, hair characteristics, available donor supply, etc.


Best wishes,



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Thanks guys and yes I am definitely seeing HT now as a very weighty decision, I definitely need to proceed cautiously.

I have been hearing about Fue and the minimal scarring it incurs sounds quite favorable.

Does this mean that most scars from non FUE HT are often permanent? So you can't have a buzz once you undergo normal HT?


I'm posting some pics of my current hair status, could you guys give me some suggestions on strategy? Someone said that severe hair loss a young age can lead to a i think it was N 6 or N7?? I'm 23 anyone have a guess of what road I'm heading forward naturally in terms of hair loss?


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After looking at these photos, how do you guys gauge potential actions? Could rogaine hold the top and what of my previous consideration of HT's(apx 1700) in the front. Also I hear of Shock loss, does everyone go through it and recover?


Thanks guys! without this great community, no one could ever learn this stuff through solo resaearch.


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Hi Vollow, right now your not a HT candidate. I am sorry as I personally know the heartache of loosing hair at a young age, but you have to wait it out a bit I'm afraid.


At 23, you show thinning throughout the male pattern, which generally speaking the younger we are and the more aggressive our balding during these years means your going to continue to lose.


Maybe at 28-30, coupled with several years of using propecia, then I would reconsider and re-evaluate, if I were you.


Cut it short--buzz it to a #2 --channel your energy into working out or getting your masters, etc.... because if you do go forward,(and trust me there are plenty of docs who will take your cash) your going to start a commitment to getting Ht's period---no matter what, or when.


From your comments, your simply not ready for that.


Please do not take this as a negative, this advice is what is best for you.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the insight guys,


Bspot, are you saying that young hair losers should wait till they can see the whole range of their hair loss before undergoing HT? Is the average age for hair loss climax around age 30??


However, what if my approach is to prevent the non fronta regions from reaching the full scope with rogaine?


I know it's difficult to prevent hair loss in the frontal regions, so I was thinking of HT as a means to address the front.


Also I have a question about about philosophy for perhaps older community members but younger may give their opinions as well.


Are looks more important when you are young or when you are old? What do you guys think?


Right now I kind of feel that while we are young, pursuing our careers and romances that we should look our best and that once we have a family, are parents and are established that being even bald is not a big issue as you have your loved ones, are established and are not after any sort of wild chase any longer.


Any thoughts on this?


Good idea Forest Gump, I'm thinking of just going down to Brandon Ross in San Diego and asking a thousand questions: Hope to get some scientific insight on hair loss patterns, ability to use background information and scientific ques, predictions, predictions are the key to any strategy I think. Yeah, 1700 is a restricted amount, totally.... it all really depends on the "when"


Thanks guys!

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Vallow, hairloss is progressive. If your thinning throughout the entire male pattern, as you are, you WILL continue to lose hair---how much, no one knows.


However, from a logical standpoint, the earlier and more aggressive your balding is, the likelihood of your reaching a higher norwood is greatly increased.


What your not understanding is that until your hairloss has reached a stabilized point, you nor any doctor will know what you need.


Which means you might do 1700 grafts, it grows in only to find you losing more hair around the transplants.... well you can't have a patchy head of hair...so you go back in for another round...only to find 2 years later, you need more---and this happens until you run out of donor/money.


Additionally, you have significant loss in your crown/vertex and you have no idea of how propecia/rogaine will work for you.


You know, every 20 something thinks this is IT! After my 20's it is all over, etc...well I have news for you--- your insane if you think your looks matter more during your 20's---it matters until you die.


Dr. Ross should tell you exactly what I have...at 23, with your level of loss, your not a candidate.


I wish you well my friend.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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In my opinion at your age, the best thing to do is consider getting on Propecia and Rogaine. Young hair loss sufferers who start at first signs of hair loss have a good chance at retaining their existing hair and potentially improving it's fullness.


In my opnion, give medication a chance before considering a hair transplant procedure.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks guys, to the point and sensible.

B Spot, well illustrated statements there, it makes absolute sense that if left to nature, I WILL lose more hair and right now, I have no idea how to quantify the problem.


I never should have stopped Rogaine, when I was using it, someone actually told me I had too much hair... Should of listened to them and not stopped.


Definitely Bill, now I think I'll just saturate my head to death with rogaine for the rest of my life and hope that it can once again rule with an iron fist indefinitely. We'll see, if not, I just might go for a buzz, maybe a system...

I'm thinking however if it does again fill the top and top back, then maybe, would it then be fine to go HT on the front?


Further Regarding Rogaine, is it common for young people who use rogaine early on in life without ever stopping, to need no other solution?


in other words can this chemical, if used on a person's hair when their hair loss is in the beginning phases, just continue to consistently retard hair loss?


Thanks again guys!

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Hey vollow, i had your same situation, got my first ht at 26 and it didnt do what i wnated it to do. mY expectations were not met. Also i tried the "system" for 2 years prior to ht. It sucked. there is tension that certain system have in the manner they are attached that will exacerbate hair loss and speed up the process. i think you should try propecia and rogaine and see what you get in 6 years, then make a decision. Stay away from hair systems they look like crap after afew months anyway.


1000 grafts with dr rosanelli

1000 grafts with Dr. Peterson

1600 (july 17) with Dr. Ochs

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