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Hattingen Consultation and Mega Sessions

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Today I had a consultation via Skype with the Hattingen Clinic in Switzerland because I want FUT and @Gasthoerer recommends them so I though an e-consultation can't hurt. I have looked on the French fora and some of their results are really, really excellent. Great hairlines and good on the crown too. He was also very nice and I imagine he has very good bedside manner. Both he and his wife are the surgeons and they do every surgery together. They have a large team of techs too. His wife does the incisions as he said she is just naturally better at it then he is.

They are experts at FUT mega sessions and he said to me we could do a 5,000+/- transplant for the first procedure. This is a huge risk though. If this goes wrong, it is about half of my grafts gone (from other doctors' calculations in consultations). That said, as I will have a virgin scalp, they are more likely to take and I could potentially have an amazing result from it. What are other people's opinions on this as I am really torn. I had originally wanted 3,000-3,500 grafts but I would debate this 5,000 graft avenue too.

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glad that you had a good consultation. It is very true that I recommend Hattingen for Mega-session FUT, but there are 2 other things I also always recommend:

1. Make at least 2-3 consultations with different clinics to get different opinions. Example: I have visited a great and recommended clinic (my first choice) but we could not agree for the hairline design I wanted (and mine was very conservative). That was the major reason for me to chose Feriduni finally.

2. Post pictures of your case, so that the forum members can really give you their best advice.

If you need 5000 FU then independent if you need one or two session to achieve your goals it will be a long an expensive journey. Take your time and chose wisely.

Which you all the best.

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Thanks for the reply. I have actually had a consultation already with Dr Lupanzula and this weekend I have one with Dr Feriduni, one with Dr Bisanga and one with Dr Devroye. I will likely go to Hattingen for an in person one as they don't travel much to do consultations in other countries.

I a NW4 heading to a 5 and I do not take medication so I will need two surgeries anyway therefore I do not mind the fact it may be a large session in terms of cost, it is the risk involved if it goes wrong. On their website, 5,000 would cost around 14,000 euros which is fine.

Although I know it will be helpful, I do not want to post pictures just yet. I will make a decision about whether I do or not in the next few weeks.

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Hi @spex As I said above, my donor has been measured already by Dr Lupanzula and I have several other in person appointments this weekend with other top surgeons, including your old clinic Dr Feriduni. Dr Lupanzula calculated a donor of 9,000 if he used FUE. I am performing all due diligence before I make a decision.

There was no miscommunication. His English is flawless. The clinic has a stellar reputation on the German fora of being very good at large sessions like this and he said "large sessions of 4,000-5,000 are our bread and butter". There was a debate on one thread of who was better, H&W or Hattingen. Even if H&W was the winner, that is still good company to be compared to. 

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@spex Always! Thanks for the advice

@bismarck I am not. Or anywhere else for that matter! I want to stay in Europe for this. That is not because I think one continent is better than the other etc. It is just the logistics. North American security and immigration are horrendous plus long flights and different time zones. I really do not want to go through it all and add to what will already be a stressful experience. If I stay in Europe I can take the train and be back home at my doorstep 2-3 hours after checking out from the hotel. No contest.

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Hi Bismarck. As I said on your other thread, I do not. On top of the reasons I mentioned there, I intend to get FUE into the scar and I am also considering MSP into the scar too. I have seen men with this done and they are able to cut their hair very short without it being visible. I also think milking your donor to its full potential with FUE will also leave scars so that also limits somewhat how far you can take your hair down. Although, I concede this is more of a visible and therefore more of a risk with FUT than FUE.

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