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Dr. Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic)/AGA V/FUE 2,047 grafts/Post-op 18 months 

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A 47-year-old Caucasian male who had extensive hair loss from front to crown.  His hair is fine, straight and light blonde.  He has very good donor hair density (80 follicular units per square centimeter) and good scalp laxity.  He underwent 1 session of FUE, the amount of grafts is shown below; 


1-hair = 261 grafts 

2 hairs = 797 grafts 

3 hairs = 810 grafts 

4 hairs = 179 grafts 


A total of 2,047 grafts (4,911 hairs) were transplanted at the front to mid scalp.  Below are photos of before and after surgery (18 months).  Overall FUE scars are minimal.  The patient is very satisfied with the result and he will undergo another session to fill in the crown.


Lt 45.jpg


Rt 45.jpg




FUE Scar.jpg

Dr. Pathomvanich is a highly esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

DHT CLINIC (BANGKOK, THAILAND) 32nd floor, Paholyothin Place Building, Paholyothin Road, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400.

Tel: +662 6190 351-3  ,  Fax: +662 6190 353

Visit our website  http://www.dhthairclinic.com      E-mail: info@dhtclinic.com

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Great work, the patient must be thrilled.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Dr. Path,

Thanks for presenting another example of your excellent results. In this case, it’s obvious that a small number of graphs makes a nice difference on this patient, in particular in the frontal zone. It still looks a little thin when you look at the top down picture but that’s to be expected given how much hair loss he is experienced. But from the front, most people probably wouldn’t guess he’s lost any hair. In the past, I’m sure that wasn’t the case because when you looked at him from on, he looks completely bald. So that’s quite a nice transition with a small number of gra case because when you looked at him friend on, he looks completely bald. So that’s quite nice transition with a small number of grafts.    Is he planning to get additional work done? 


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