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Am i too young for an ht? check the pics please!

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Hello there people, its my first topic around here, eheh,as you can imagine im one of many of those who have nightmares and lots of questions going on in my mind, but i started to read this great forum and i hope all of you can help a poor guy like me!eheh



Here s my problem!


I start loosing my hair about my 18 years, the temples just got bigger and bigger and now on my 24 years old, i decided yo do something about it, what do you sugest? ill let my photos here for all of you to check it!


I know of the dangerous of makin a hair transplant at this age, but i would really like your opinions about what you see in the photos!


I think i need about 1500 grafts, i dont know how sure i am!


Another question is: Here in Portugal there is a very reputated clinic who??s implants dont use the strip method, the unit follicule tranplantation has another method, as you can see here:




and here:




(ask me or use a translator if you need help)


My question is, does the scar usually gives a bad look?


I like to have my hair very short and thats one of my fears!eheh



Hope u can all help me, from those clinics ive been lookin im very surprised with hasson and wong!


Sorry for my english, im a portuguese guy!eheh


Thank you very much in advance and the best of luck for all of you!!












Ps: All photos are no flashicon_smile.gif

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  • Regular Member

Hello there people, its my first topic around here, eheh,as you can imagine im one of many of those who have nightmares and lots of questions going on in my mind, but i started to read this great forum and i hope all of you can help a poor guy like me!eheh



Here s my problem!


I start loosing my hair about my 18 years, the temples just got bigger and bigger and now on my 24 years old, i decided yo do something about it, what do you sugest? ill let my photos here for all of you to check it!


I know of the dangerous of makin a hair transplant at this age, but i would really like your opinions about what you see in the photos!


I think i need about 1500 grafts, i dont know how sure i am!


Another question is: Here in Portugal there is a very reputated clinic who??s implants dont use the strip method, the unit follicule tranplantation has another method, as you can see here:




and here:




(ask me or use a translator if you need help)


My question is, does the scar usually gives a bad look?


I like to have my hair very short and thats one of my fears!eheh



Hope u can all help me, from those clinics ive been lookin im very surprised with hasson and wong!


Sorry for my english, im a portuguese guy!eheh


Thank you very much in advance and the best of luck for all of you!!












Ps: All photos are no flashicon_smile.gif

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Hey man, welcome,


Well, as you have already pointed out, you have temple recession. Whilst this is obvious, the remainder of your hair looks to be holding out quite well. For sure, you could get a HT and would be very happy with the results, but my advise to you, would be to wait for the time being. I know that this is very difficult, but due to your hairloss pattern, you really dont want to be using too many donor hairs without knowing you potential future pattern. Of course, it would be possible to great a good hairline with conservative use of your donor hair. The decision is really yours. Do you use any preventative medication? Maybe you do, but if not there are two FDA approved products for hairloss, which should prevent you from losing further hair whilst also thickening up your current follicles and possibly also promoting regrowth of hairs that are currently in a resting phase (white hairs). The first is in tablet form and is called Finasteride. The second is a liquid or foam product called Minoxidil. Both have varying product names that are available. But regardless of whether you choose to continue research for a HT, these meds must be the first step. Research them and be aware of potential side-effects.


If you do then still decide that you would like to research and look more into a HT. Please do not make the mistake of location of clinic being a deciding factor in your choice. For sure Europe has some reputable Dr.s but the top docs that are producing the most outstanding results consistantly reside in the USA or Canada. The only thing that is worse than hairloss, is a bad hair transplant.

Hope this helps. By all means ask your questions, as many as you possibly can, and research always.

Good luck my friend.


Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

Hello my friend!


First of all , thanks for such a quick and complete answer!


You pointed well, I dont like my look right now but im still young,as you ask, i dont use any medication for my hair loss, im still very afraid cause i heard theres more negative things about it than positive, the side efects are really big?


I know that the location should not be the more important, so i looked for hanson and wong, but im still very afraid, cause i didnt want that big scar back there, cause i always used my hair shaved in the sides and in the back , i was thinkin in fue, dont know, a lot of questions, ehehe


Any good doctor of fue around here? or any good doctor in geral?eheheh


Thanks once again for the help

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I totally appreciate your unsureness regarding medication, and this can only really be your own decision. But be aware that they are the only non surgical approved option. Regarding the side effects of the medication, they exist in only 2% of users, and it will become apparent very early on into your course of medication whether you are experiencing these, in which case you stop and before long the side effects should halt also.


H&W are for sure up there with the very best, and this big scar that you speak of, should not be visible even with a short shaved number 3 or perhaps 2 cut. Plus Im sure, that if you have undergone a HT and have great hairline qualities, it should not be too much of a problem for you to grow you hair out at the back a little longer.


FUE is much more expensive, and is usually used for much smaller sessions in a specific area. I would highly suggest that you concentrate on FUT for the best results. Please understand that everybody who has undergone a HT, also has the same issues regarding scarring, ultimately everything must be weighed up, which is more important. A potentially hidden scar, or a life with hairloss. However, these are of course very personal decisions, and for this reason we all choose differently.


You could of course send your pics off to the docs for a virtual consultation. With all your thoughts and concerns and they will get back to you with their opinions and thoughts.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Also, for more FUE info, please check out the following posts from Dr Feller of New York. Another top coalition docs.



Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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If I were your age, I'd go for the FUT. You will look years younger...and yes MPB is progressive...but its a bummer to deal with it day-in/day-out--only knowing that it will get worse. Fortunately you can fix it---recognizing that you will probably have to fix it again....check out the good ole US of A or Canada. Belgium seems to have a good one also. Don't be afraid to travel--you have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday and the travel will be a "distant" memory.

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ei there, once again, thanks for all the help, im sure the scar is not the big issue, but my fears are for example:


What if i do a HT now and get a scar, and if in in the next 5 years a need another one and get another scar?


I dont want to acumulate so many and get disform in the back of my head, do you think that is possible?


And callin for your expertise in the case? how many grafts do you think i need?


Anyway i already sent a virtual consultation on hasson and wong, waiting response!


For what ve know, so the fue are for small cases, eheh,


Thanks once again

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one more thing, dont know if my job lets me do a Ht, im a fireman, so i have to use hat or helmet all the time, besides when i go to fires the hot is very intense and the sweat to, do you think that can interfere?

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Regarding you job environment surely you know better than me. But for sure you will need to take a little time off work


And regarding further HT's, you will only ever have 1 scar. They will strip from around your current scar and when all is healed, you will only have 1. Were all here too help you but I think that it would be in your best interests to research a little. Read many posts and articles on this site and others and educate yourself a little. This may well but your mind at ease regarding the whole HT process!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

once again, thanks for all the answers, that scar problem really let me relieved, im sorry for makin all this questions, im doing intense research, and now im also waiting for the response of virtual consultations, ill put the answers they will give me here!

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well people i already recieveed both answers from hasson and dr rahal, both said the same , about 2500 grafts, so i think now is a matter of price right?eheheh


They said that the age was no problem as long as was made a mature hair line and preserve donor hair for another intervention in the future

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They said that the age was no problem as long as was made a mature hair line and preserve donor hair for another intervention in the future


you are a young guy right? so this statement makes no sense to me. who told you this? dr. Rahal or dr. Feller? preserving donor hair for another intervention in the future goes without saying, but mature hairline hmmm donno.... i hope they are were not talking dr. Farjo type mature hairline style. after looking at your pics, all you need is to fill in those two temple regions, so again mature hairline talk just doesn't make any sense to me at this point or am i missing something here?


Take a look at Eman's hairline and that should be your goal and it's the "golden" standard within current HT industry and i'm pretty sure that H&Ws, Fellers, Shapiros and other top docs are producing the same type of standard for guys with minimal hairloss like yourself. heck, even the guys with medium to severe hairloss are not getting the "mature type" hairlines anymore.

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to tell you the truth i dont even know what is a mature hair line,can you help? in the mean time ill take a look also


"Dr. Hasson has reviewed yourcase and feels that between 2000 and 2500 grafts will be necessary for thefront 1/2 of your scalp. This will allow Dr. Hasson to rebuild a mature butstrong hairline for you that will continue to be approriate as you age."



Thats what i recieved from hasson and wong

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did you also receive the picture with the outlined scetch of your new hairline. i think you should have, so if you don't mind sharing that with us or perhaps PM me and i'll tell you. mature hairline is the one that looks like a letter V or a narrow letter U making you look like you are still receding as in NW2.5 or parhaps NW3 type. i'm sure you have seen those before no?

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oh yes, i ve seen that for sure, maybe what he said was not on this context, i dont know, in the mail he said to see the photo he attached with the new hair line, but there was nothing attached to the mail, i ve already sent another mail askin for the picture, as soon as i have it ill show it for sure!

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yes you better fix this issue ASAP and if you are happy with the sketch, then good for you and you don't have to show it to anyone. or if you are not happy still, have an open and transparent conversation with dr. Hasson until you guys come to best terms. you don't have to show anything to anyone as long as you happy in the end. although you should show/expose the worst case scenarios but i'm sure dr. Hasson listens to his patient's needs and tries his best to make all of his patients happy. you are in good hands so nothing to worry about.

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actually im now more inclined to do with dr rahal, nothing against hasson and wong but the price is a very important question for me, and has a i research around here, he is also an excelent doctor!

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Hello Jingo


You have received good advice so far. Personally, if it really bothered you, then i think you should do it. Definitely get on the meds though, to prevent any future loss of hair as much as possible.


your hairline looks a bit like mine (except i was also diffuse across the entire scalp) and i am 22 and have had 2 procedures of 4400 grafts total.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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I see you have a little more recession than me and I am 26. You also have a different hair type.


I wanted to get work done on my temples and hairline when I was 23, but one of the most respected doctors on here said to wait a few years since I am still young.


I was very eager to get a H/T done this year since I didn't receed. Also within the past 2 months I have visited 3 different surgeons. Each of them telling me that 2,000 grafts would be ideal, but it's impossible to tell if I will lose more hair and that would be a risk I must take.


But I thought about a few key elements to having the hair that I want and why I have decided against it for a few more years;


1. My hairline might recede past the transplanted grafts leaving me with numerous touch ups.


2. I am only 26 and you never know if I will become a NW 6. I am a 2 right now but my family history is mixed with good and bad hair. You look to be a 2 as well.


3. Even though I have plenty of donor hair (well above average), if I use up 2,000 to fill in my temples and hairline, I will use up important hair if I do recede later on really badly.


So I have decided to wait a few more years. I'm not saying that you shouldn't get a hair transplant. I am just saying that my advice is a good thing to take under consideration.


Also you know where I got this advice... On here from people that want to help you! ; )

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i understand what you say and im thankfull for the advice, of course if ill go trought with it ill have to speak with the doctor for we to get a safe secure plan for later make another transplant still having hair in donor area!


Are u using propecia or something to see if it has stabliazed?


The thing is, you can preserve your hair line, or, you can also loose your hair slowly passed the years, if you can handle your image going worst and worst, thats up to you of course, i just dont know if i can handle, eheheh

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i can only fiind my dense packing when ill go to surgery unfurtently because im going from very far to do the ht, so only when im with the doctor to decide the best way to tranplant, thats how it is, im going with a booked ht without knowing my dense yet!eheh

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Hello Jingo, first off let me tell you some truths about HT's. Ht's are not a cure for baldness, don't let anybody tell you otherwise. I began to lose hair when I was 30, had my first transplant at 38, been on fin for over 3 years, I went from a N1 to N4a in 4 years. I beleive that to many young men go rushing off for a HT way to early...It might look good for a couple of years, but what if your loss continues? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life trying to catch up or worse trying to hide it? My advice to you, for what it's worth, get on fin., cut your hair short, and forget about HT's for at least 6 to 7 years. If you don't agree, look at the repair section...I have nothing to win or lose, if you get a hair trsansplant or not, just trying to steer you straight.



Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

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