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Upcoming 2400 FUT. What to expect?

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I have an FUT procedure coming up on Dec 9. During my consultation, it was recommended I concentrate more on the front, with a relatively small percentage on the crown, and that I could have a 2nd procedure later to cover the crown.

My wife, ever the skeptic, believes he simply wants to make more money, and that I should tell the doctor (Dr Jesse Smith, Fort Worth TX) to put more on the crown. A quick perusal of the forum tells me that the crown requires more grafts than the front, for similar results.

Here are a couple of pictures from tonight. Can you tell me how I might reasonably request my grafts to be distributed? I think I have a large area to cover, and 2450 grafts or so would not be sufficient to include the crown. What do you think?



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  • Senior Member

I agree. At your age you want the most experienced 'dense packing' surgeon(s) to evaluate you.


It's the only way to go when you have advanced hairloss. Listen to the poster above me and you won't regret it. Don't go to a doctor that does other plastic surgery like your guy in Texas. HUGE mistake. Looks like that guy will basically do any plastic surgery ever invented. You want a true hair restoration expert that has done at least at least 3,000 hair transplant surgeries or has trained extensively under one that has.


2500 grafts 'spread out' won't suit your hair loss. You have to start with the most critical area (hairline) and then move back from there.


Hasson and Wong are pioneers in dense packing w/ a truly aesthetic focus as well.

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Hi Gander. I echo what the others have stated about your case in that you need to make sure whomever you trust to give you the best result possible has a lot of experience doing the same for others.


The problem with any approach for you is that you are limited by the resources of your donor zone, which is where the hair is coming from to address the areas of loss. In your case, your supply does not meet the demand so that means you just do not have enough hair to address all of your balding areas with a very high density so you have to accept some compromises.


There are two schools of thought when it comes to transplanting hair on patients with a lot of loss (like you). You are a NW5A which means you still have some hair across the bridge of your scalp but your crown and the front are essentially bald. You have the option of either going for the biggest session possible to address all areas or to break your pattern of loss into two sections and address each accordingly.


If you go for option #1, you're looking at 4000 to 6000 grafts in one procedure and this is using FUT (strip). You'll have enough hair transplanted to give you a strong hairline but one that has natural looking recession and with moderate density. You'll then have lighter coverage for the top and even lighter coverage for the back. Will the coverage or density be enough in any of these areas? it is difficult to say.


Option # 2 is to have two sessions. Session #1 is to address the front first as this is going to give you the biggest cosmetic improvement since it is what you see in the mirror and what people around you see when they look at you and talk to you. If that works out well and you're happy you have the option of having a second procedure for the back or to not do anything at all and enjoy your results and improved appearance.


Coalition member Dr. Arocha, of Arocha Hair Restoration in Houston, routinely offers consultations in Dallas so if you are in the area then you can meet with him personally for a consultation so you can get a qualified second opinion. In fact, he's in Dallas today so if you call our office today maybe he can see you. If not he'll be back to Dallas again soon.



Online representative for Dr. Bernard Arocha


Learn more about Hair Transplants in Texas!

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  • Senior Member

I fully Agree wit the above statements

1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) Sept 1996




1600 grafts FUT Mr May (UK) February 1998




2475 grafts FUT Dr Mohammed Humayun Mohmand (Pakistan)


27th January 2009




3550 Total Grafts (3000 rear donor area & 400 from beard and 150 breast area) FUE & PRP Treatment with Dr Emrah Cinik (ISHRS), Istanbul, Turkey. 10th October 2017




My Blog & Hair loss website story:



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With 2400, you are not likely to get much crown density. I've never heard of this doc before. That doesn't mean he isn't good, but I'm pretty active, and I'd never get a transplant from someone that I hadn't heard of.


Where did he train? Who did he train with?


There are a lot of docs that do small procedures on high ME levels like you. I don't think that means that they are trying to get extra money. They should do the transplant so that you looked normal if you decided to not have another. Also, you should really expect to have 2 procedures, especially if you are going for only 2400. Really, I think all of the 2400 sshould go in the frontal third and go for the crown if you decide to get a second procedure.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

Really sound advice here in this thread that I hope you're taking into account.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Senior Member

I agree with everything above. There is some very good advice on your question. Please reach out if you need further help or assistance. I have gotten some great advice on this forum in tthe past as many others have as well. Most guys on here would be glad to help and assist you if needed.

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