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Neograft, best value?

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Im looking to get a neograft procedure soon. Seems like pricing is all over the place.

Im looking for a place (anywhere in the usa) where i will get the most for my money. Not looking for cheap, just a good qualified place that will do the best job for the least amount of money, or Value. Any help?

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  • Senior Member

Neograft is garbage unless you enjoy butchering yourself and throwing money down the toilet. Definitely stick around the forum a bit and do some more research.


Better to post pics of your situation and say what norwood you are its easier for people to help too.


"best job for the least amount of money,"


That is fairy tale thinking, unless you're prepared to travel.

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Stay away, nay, stay FAR away.


It is a second rate tool only utilized by second rate physicians...if they can even be called that.


Any "clinic" that advertises the robot (NeoGraft, Artas) over the physician is to be avoided.


Also stay away from chain clinics such as Bosley, Hair Club.


And beware of celebrity endorsements.


Take your sweet time picking a doctor, don't rush into this, now is the time to buckle down and do your homework.


A fair price for FUT from a trustworthy surgeon is 4 to 5 dollars a graft. I'd be skeptical of the skill and demand of a doctor who does it for less.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Regular Member
Stay away, nay, stay FAR away.


It is a second rate tool only utilized by second rate physicians...if they can even be called that.


Any "clinic" that advertises the robot (NeoGraft, Artas) over the physician is to be avoided.


Also stay away from chain clinics such as Bosley, Hair Club.


And beware of celebrity endorsements.


Take your sweet time picking a doctor, don't rush into this, now is the time to buckle down and do your homework.


A fair price for FUT from a trustworthy surgeon is 4 to 5 dollars a graft. I'd be skeptical of the skill and demand of a doctor who does it for less.



Explains why Rahal stopped the robotic hair transplants.

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I honestly think there is a healthy in between that we should be discussing here. For example, Neograft is not garbage but it is also not a procedure. In fact, it is a medical device used in a follicular unit extraction procedure. It is just a tool, one that some of our recommend surgeons choose to use but also one that some of our recommended surgeons choose not to use. Like any other tool or device used in a hair transplant procedure, there are advantages and disadvantage is to using the Neograft.


The main problem that I had with the Neo graft when it was first developed was that it was overmarketed and height as a procedure which is why this post exists in the first place. The original poster obviously saw a commercial or infomercial or something about the Neograft and believed the hype regarding its benefits. Now, I'm not going to argue and suggest that there are no benefits because there are. But there are also disadvantages that I'm sure the infomercial did not share.


To learn more about the Neograft hair transplant machine, I suggest clicking on the following link, I wrote this myself.




You will have to forgive me as I usually hot link but I am using my cell phone and it is a bit harder to do that so I just posted the actual link above.


But do you understand that the Neograft is not a new or revolutionary hair transplant procedure, it is just a tool used in a donor extraction method called for chiller unit extraction that's been around since 2000 or maybe 2001.


Yes there have been developments in tools and technology and some superstar surgeons such as the ones we recommend have improved the FUE procedure but whether FUE or FUT/strip is better for you, I suggest consulting with one of our recommended hair transplant doctors.



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I suggest consulting with one of our recommended physicians who have been prescreened and approved by the members of this community.




And if you want to see more of their results, you can do a search on this for him to see patient post the results or results posted by the clinic themselves. You will see a lot of results post by the patients themselves which in my opinion, are the best form of information as to whether or not a physician is good. Because you know patients aren't going to lie. Not that the doctors we recommend are lying or doctoring results, but some doctors are real good at dressing up their photos to make them look better than they are. If doctors do it on this form, they are called out. And we will promptly remove any recommend a doctor that is cheating the system by posting false photos.



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  • Senior Member
Thanks guys, can you recommend a good FUT practice. Im ok with traveling to whereever necessary.
We all have our favorites. Peruse the site and scrutinize what you see and feel free to reach out to any posters who's signatures indicate they're hair transplant veterans and ask them their doctor experiences in private, some don't like to share the details on the forum but do in PMs or emails.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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I did some reading and am now more confused than ever. Very difficult for me to determine

1. Who's advice to trust

2. Determining which technology procedure has the best outcome

3. Which practioner to select

4. Where to go to get procedure done, there may be 2 qualified practioners doing the same quality work but one is in new york and one is in florida but the guy in new york will charge $5k more.

This sucks.

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  • Senior Member

A good idea first would be to post photos of your situation to help people give you a more accurate recommendation. A very general claim would be that FUT or the strip procedure is best suited to large cases while FUE smaller work.


Look into Hasson and Wong in Canada, also Dr. Cooley, Dr. Feller and Dr. Shapiro for some of the best FUT surgeons in the US.


Well worth researching some of those names as a starting point and scrutinising their results for yourself, there's no short answer to any of those questions. The more research you do the better.

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  • Senior Member
I did some reading and am now more confused than ever. Very difficult for me to determine

1. Who's advice to trust

2. Determining which technology procedure has the best outcome

3. Which practioner to select

4. Where to go to get procedure done, there may be 2 qualified practioners doing the same quality work but one is in new york and one is in florida but the guy in new york will charge $5k more.

This sucks.

I empathize with your confusion, most of us have been in your shoes.


I studied for 9 months before I pulled the trigger on my first one, and ended up going to a different physician for subsequent procedures because I found Dr. Gabel to be a better option than my initial doctor.


Go to doctors not robots, some good doctors use robots but sparingly.


I also respectfully disagree about the merits of the NeoGraft, some of my esteemed peers differ with my opinion, but I don't know of a single reputable doctor that actively still uses one. Most doctors up to speed have abandoned it in favor of doing FUE manually or investing in an Artas robot.


Most importantly be very discerning in choosing a doctor, truth be told there are probably less than ten you should be entertaining at all, that's how few are truly elite.


Do not be afraid of travel to get the procedure done with the physician that is right for you.


I live in Austin, Texas for example and have traveled far out of state thrice for my procedures because my vetting of out of state doctors led me to conclude they were what was the best option for me.


Money of course is a reality for everyone, and to a degree you get what you pay for.


But as a rule of thumb you can expect an elite doctor to charge 4 to 5 dollars for an FUT graft, and if they're one of the truly elite, they're absolutely worth the investment.


That being said, I entrusted my restoration to Dr. Gabel in Portland, and his rates were comparable to far less esteemed doctors I could've entertained in a major Texas metropolitan, so travel for what I determined was a vetted and elite surgeon was a no brainier.


In order to determine the legitimacy of a surgeon I recommend scouring this forum, scheduling online or in person consults with the names that capture your attention and cross examining what each of them says about your hair loss to build a general idea of what's best for tackling a restoration for you.


A good doctor will offer both FUT and FUE, don't settle for a doctor that only does one or the other.


A good doctor will also be able to provide you patient references to speak with about their experience.


A reputable practice will have dozens if not hundreds of case photos for you examine, and in my experience I would show preference to doctors who have either board certified plastic surgery credentials or who once worked as plastic surgeons.


Typically that background has a sound foundation in aesthetics.


That being said, DO NOT go to a plastic surgeon who performs hair transplantation as one of many cosmetic surgical offerings, give preference to physicians who practice hair restoration specifically and exclusively.


You can also inquire about whether or not doctors have performed restorations on fellow doctors, a good sign of peer respect.


For example one reason I was intrigued by Dr. Gabel was that I learned he worked closely under Dr. Konior at one point (a very esteemed doctor in his own right) and even performed some restoration on Dr. Konior, a sure sign of great respect when an elite surgeon allows another surgeon to perform work on them.


Similarly I believe Dr. Feller has performed hair restoration on Dr. Alexander.


Little nuances such as this reveal a great deal about the work and reputation of a doctor.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Regular Member

I'm no expert but that looks like a 3v or a 4. I'd suggest contating hassan wong. They do great crown work. I talked to them before agreeing to rahal becuase mine was more recession at the ocrners and none at the top. Rahal is known for hairlines, so it was better for my case.

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  • Senior Member
I think im a norwood 4 but might be incorrect
Substantial crown thinning and frontal loss suggests you'll need a large number of grafts, most reputable doctors will likely recommend the FUT route to best utilize your donor area both now and for the future.


You can probably realistically expect to have two different procedures in order to tackle your existing loss. You'll probably start with framing your face with a frontal restoration and moving on to the crown in a subsequent procedure.


Are you taking finasteride in an effort to slow down or halt future loss?

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Senior Member
Im on 5% rogaine now, started to receed about 10 years ago. I started with propecia and got significant liver damage from it so i stopped and started with rogaine.
Liver damage? Did you verify that prognosis with a physician?

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Senior Member
I think im a norwood 4 but might be incorrect


I agree with 2863grafts and your own assessment that you're a NW3V - NW4.


I also tend to agree (lots of agreement here) with what Bill said that it's best not to get too hung up over what tools a surgeon uses. There are endless debates on the forums over what tool Dr X uses and whether it's better than the tool Dr Y uses. Remember that doctors get their hands on all of the tools at some point and they settle on the one that they personally like. What's important is that they get consistent results with that tool.


Neograft is just one form of extraction tool, albeit one in a specific class of automated systems. I'm not going to say it's good or bad, but I definitely wouldn't advise anyone considering a hair transplant to seek out Neograft specifically. The only thing you should be pursuing is the best hair transplant result possible and that means choosing a world class doctor.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I'm sorry that you are confused. I tried to make it easier for you by describing things above. At the end of the day, the skill and experience of the surgeon is superior and more important than which tool is used to extract the follicles. I've seen some doctors work wonders with manual FUE extraction tools while others prefer and are better with motorized tools. The tool is the preference of the surgeon and a surgeon picks what works best for them and their patients.


At the end of the day, go to a surgeon who has a proven track record for producing outstanding results. You can find evidence of this on this forum. Don't just take my word for it. Look at the surgeons we recommend and then use the search feature on this forum to find patient posted results. You can also browse the patient websites at http://www.hairlossweblogs.com where patients posted their own journeys and photos.


Best wishes,



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