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Late 20's, Hair loss without supposedly balding genes.


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I am currently 29 years old. I have no idea when my hair loss started since I used to be in denial. We don't really have a history of balding in any side of the family. Only other person that seems to be balding in our fam is one of my cousin who has some kind of a down syndrome so I am not sure if there could.be an underlying health issue that affects his hair loss.


I am now considering hair transplant since it has gotten so bad, the right side of my hair seems to be norwood 2.5/3 while the left just aggressively receded this Jan after using a Saw Palmetto spray which I never thought could worsen the situation. Left is now probably Norwood 2.


Since I've been seeing that hair loss needs to be stabilized.before going for ht. How would I know when it would stop when there's no one in my fam to be used as reference?


I also dont think I want to wait, since I am not exactly young anymore. I want to squeeze and enjoy the most out of my remaining "younger years". As my hair loss has massively affected me emotionally.


What could be my best option?

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for rep. Here it goes

This is my right which is the worst side

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet


Left side which got bad on Jan

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet


Front view

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet


How many grafts you think it.will take to fix this? I hope theres option to fix without transplant but Ive done natural cures and it just wasted my time.

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  • Senior Member

First of all, are you trying out finasteride and preventative treatments? Those supersede pursuing surgical options, you must first attempt to stabilize your loss from progressing.


As for hair loss being hereditary, it doesn't matter if your immediate family on both sides have full heads of hair, the gene is in your gene pool and can be passed on just the same.


It can skip generations, and it is also why you can see a bald brother with a brother with all of his hair intact.


Male pattern baldness is a cruel and hard to predict hereditary phenomenon that virtually no gene pool is immune to.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Regular Member

Sadly no... I havent tried fin, min and drugs proven by FDA since I am scared of the side effects...


There was a time I was thinking about min but I already have bad eye bags due to my allergies and dont want to make it worse...


As for propecia/fin, don't want to suddenly become sterile because of it. :))

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  • Senior Member
Sadly no... I havent tried fin, min and drugs proven by FDA since I am scared of the side effects...


There was a time I was thinking about min but I already have bad eye bags due to my allergies and dont want to make it worse...


As for propecia/fin, don't want to suddenly become sterile because of it. :))

A minority of people experience the dreaded side effects, and typically those effected are men of a certain age who are prone to begin experiencing sexual dysfunction during their age bracket in general and it may not be fiasteride that is their culprit.


Just the same, it is extremely rare for young men to have finasteride related sexual impotence, and the symptoms disappear soon after discontinuing the regimen.


The fear mongering some have put out about that is way over the top.


I've been on it for 11 years and have never experienced a decline in drive or ability to get an erection.


If you're seriously concerned about hair loss I'm afraid you're going to need to give it a shot, getting a transplant without preserving what you have will be like chasing the wind, you'll constantly be having to keep up with the thinning and there will not be enough donor available to cover your whole scalp with a convincing density.


I think you should reconsider.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Regular Member

I see... thanks guys... I'll think about it and do more research on propecia. About how many mg per day of propecia do you take though?


From experience who used it, do they recover/reverse miniaturized hairs? Like the one on my hairline or mostly just halt or stop aggressively thinning down the hair.

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  • Senior Member
I see... thanks guys... I'll think about it and do more research on propecia. About how many mg per day of propecia do you take though?


From experience who used it, do they recover/reverse miniaturized hairs? Like the one on my hairline or mostly just halt or stop aggressively thinning down the hair.

Propecia is the name brand of a 1mg finasteride tablet, the dosage that clinical studies determined was best for most men to combat DHT excesses from attacking and miniaturizing their genetically predisposed hair follicles.


You can more affordably have a physician write you a prescription for a generic 5mg finasteride tablet, brand name Proscar, and cut it into pieces. It is the exact same medicine as Propecia, just make sure you get a trustworthy generic such as Teva. Pharmacies such as Walgreens typically carry reputable generics.


Here's some additional research:


Finasteride (Propecia): Important Information to Understand - Gabel Hair Restoration Center - FUE and Strip - Board Certified - Most Experienced Hair Transplant Surgeon in Oregon

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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I agree with the gen consensus here that meds are your first option. It's hard to judge based on 3 photos. Family history is just one piece of the puzzle. Need to see more photos to search for any additional miniaturization (with hair wet helps) and your donor availability before even starting a conversation about eligibility for HT.


Best of luck with the meds research :)


Rahal Hair Transplant Clinic - Answers to questions and posts using this account are strictly opinions and not to be considered medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
I am currently 29 years old. I have no idea when my hair loss started since I used to be in denial. We don't really have a history of balding in any side of the family. Only other person that seems to be balding in our fam is one of my cousin who has some kind of a down syndrome so I am not sure if there could.be an underlying health issue that affects his hair loss.


I am now considering hair transplant since it has gotten so bad, the right side of my hair seems to be norwood 2.5/3 while the left just aggressively receded this Jan after using a Saw Palmetto spray which I never thought could worsen the situation. Left is now probably Norwood 2.


Since I've been seeing that hair loss needs to be stabilized.before going for ht. How would I know when it would stop when there's no one in my fam to be used as reference?


I also dont think I want to wait, since I am not exactly young anymore. I want to squeeze and enjoy the most out of my remaining "younger years". As my hair loss has massively affected me emotionally.


What could be my best option?


Definitely get more than two consultations without committing to surgery. During the process of consultation, you'll learn what would be the most practical options for your unique case. You have many options with medical therapy and other hair loss products. Try not to make surgery the first and only choice. If you must choose to have surgery, be sure to effectively manage your donor resource. At 29, start with a 'less is more' approach with regards to any surgery.


Thanks for sharing.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member
I am currently 29 years old. I have no idea when my hair loss started since I used to be in denial. We don't really have a history of balding in any side of the family. Only other person that seems to be balding in our fam is one of my cousin who has some kind of a down syndrome so I am not sure if there could.be an underlying health issue that affects his hair loss.


I am now considering hair transplant since it has gotten so bad, the right side of my hair seems to be norwood 2.5/3 while the left just aggressively receded this Jan after using a Saw Palmetto spray which I never thought could worsen the situation. Left is now probably Norwood 2.


Since I've been seeing that hair loss needs to be stabilized.before going for ht. How would I know when it would stop when there's no one in my fam to be used as reference?


I also dont think I want to wait, since I am not exactly young anymore. I want to squeeze and enjoy the most out of my remaining "younger years". As my hair loss has massively affected me emotionally.


What could be my best option?


I agree with the previous responses, in case of genes such problem can appear accidenatlly and not in every generation :( From the pics I saw I say too that it's not the time for transplantation, you'll need to wait some time for it... And yeah, taking propecia is a nice idea :o

Also some of such tips as here on MachoHairstyles can be useful for making the general effect better, especially the ones connected with the vitamins and more healthy daily diet :o




Natural oils and green tea juice can be helpful too, some guys in such ways restored their hair greatly, I personally saw them on some other resources :o

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