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Donor Scar Repair with FUE

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If I decide to go with strip surgery, then I will want to fill in my donor scar later with FUE. Any idea on the average cost for FUE donor scar repair? I'm worried they will charge a minimum of like $3000, any and all thoughts are appreciated.

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  • Regular Member

If I decide to go with strip surgery, then I will want to fill in my donor scar later with FUE. Any idea on the average cost for FUE donor scar repair? I'm worried they will charge a minimum of like $3000, any and all thoughts are appreciated.

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FUE is still being perfected and I've been hearing a few challenging lately with the procedure (as far as donor depletion on mega FUE sessions).

I just had a procedure with Shapiro (my 6th) in which he did scar revision of my previous 4 scars-- used internal stiches and external staples to get the finest scar line possible and now it isnt even deteched-- He did an awesome job. In addion, I had 1500 FU extracted between my previous scar to transplant to my midscalp. He aslo had just done a cancer patient that had absolutely undetectable wonderful results at 5 months post op.

My suggestion is to do a strip scar revision with a top notch surgeon who has tons of case experience with this and wait for FUE to be perfected.

That's just my personal opinion, like always, do your research and consult (in person, phone, or email) with at least 4-5 top surgeons-- read published articles (which many will provide if you request-- Shapiro will), then make a educated decision based on your opinions

Best of luck.

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If you are that concerned about having no donor scar, then I wonder why you'd get a strip excision transplant in the first place.


The best way to avoid the donor scar is to not get one in the first place.


3000 dollars is not enough to do FUE, probably. That will only give you a couple hundred grafts or less, and graft survival in a scar is not great... sometimes only 50% or less, depending on the scar and the doctor and luck...


It sounds like maybe you aren't being realistic about hair transplants (?)


I haven't posted here in a while so I am not familiar with your situation, though. I'm not trying to be rude.

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Well the reason I would do strip first is because the results look better at this time, I haven't seen many great results with FUE. I am worried about the moth-eaten look, and the shortage of experienced doctors. Also the price, FUT is much cheaper than FUE so I would be saving money by getting FUT then fill in my scar with FUE.


Of course money isn't a big issue because it's quality over price.

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Though I do all that I can to stay out of "FUE vs. Strip" discussions, I couldn't help but to chime in this time. I have to completely back up smoothy. If you can live with the donor scar from a strip procedure(this means if you can live with your hair cut to a #2 guard or longer in the back) then I would definitely go with that. The price is better, the refinement is there, and you preserve donor hair for future procedures.


I am sure that there will be many others chiming in, so listen to all angles and opinions, but the bottom line of it is that strip is cheaper and more refined at this stage of the game.


Oh yeah, before anyone jumps on this thread, I am NOT anti-FUE. I AM, however, pro-educated choice. icon_wink.gif





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Before you invest a lot of money in FUE for a strip scar fill in. Try going to a cosmetic surgeon or dermatologist and get a scar reduction prescription med. I have even used Medaderm which is over the counter--you apply it 3x a day for 8 weeks and in my case it deminshed my scar by about 50%--- some say as much as 80%.

Then after that, if your still unhappy with your scar, look into FUE-- but my opinion if the scar is wide-- do a scar revision procedure with a top notch plastic surgeon-- it might be cheaper than $15 FUE??

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  • 1 month later...

What is this Medaderm or scar reduction prescription med stuff you guys are talking about? Will it shrink the scar? My scar is flat (four years old), my problem is that my hair is thinner around the scar and shows when I get a haircut. Will this stuff help reduce that appearance? I too am considering a FIT into scar donor area to make it less noticeable.

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Mederma is used by burn patients and plastic surgeons-- it is now over the counter. It basically reduces any redness or discoloration making the scar appear closer to the skin-color wise. It also smooths out the scar and blends it into the surrounding skin. I've used it and it does a pretty good job--- I would say for me it help around 80% from the visual perpective.

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Ok, any idea on pricing to fill in a strip scar with FUE? How many grafts do you think that would be? 50?

50 grafts could hide 50mm of a very fine 1mm wide scar.

If u get such a scar you will probably not want a fue.

But if u get say a 20 cm long scar about 3mm wide aim for at least 500 fue grafts.

The prices vary a lot for fue specially if u are willing to travel to get it done.

It varies between $7-10 in N. America to $3 in India.

There's of course Woods with his $13 per graft in Australia.

About the moth eaten appearance, I have heard about the donor sealant Dr.Arvind seems to be researching. Seems an option (if it works out).


You could plan on body hair into your scar from areas of body which are normally hidden and even if u get some scars you may not bother about them.

Going to Dr.AP for Body hair transplant and fue

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Dr. Poswal has photos of donor area sealing results at his website and another forum.


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I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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