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Spinning class one month post surgery?

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Guys, prior to surgery, I was going to a weekend spin class. I would like to go back next weekend, which will be just 2 days shy of 4 weeks since my surgery which is the guidelines from ASMED.


Based on the guidelines, I should be fine, but Spinning is pretty intense (gets the heart rate up) and in the studio I go to they sometimes have the rooms quite hot and you sweat loads. Should I be concerned about the room temp and excess sweating?

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Wouldn't hurt anything. Just wash your head off afterwards

Okay thanks, i more worried about the temperature actually, but I just realised I confused Solarium with Sauna on the ASMED guidelines which suggest avoiding Solarium/sunbeds for 6 months but sauna for only a month .. not that a spin class is a sauna of course, but it can get pretty darn hot in there. Anyway I've decided I'm going to do a spin class at my gym instead of the dedicated Spin studio i normally go too, classes at the gym are a bit less intense and they also really chill the room so prob better option to ease back into it.

Need to start hitting the iron again.:cool:..no point having Brad Pitt hair and arms like Grover From Sesame Street.:D:D

Lol, that made me chuckle. Totally agree, I was making some pretty good gains until my surgery so definitely need to get back lifting. :D

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You should always follow your clinics advice, Dr. Diep gave me the green light to start heavy lifting at 2 weeks for my surgery last summer, at day 14 I was back in the gym doing squats and deadlifts with moderate weight, at about a month I was back to heavy lifting,I had no issues at all with growth, I'm two weeks and a half post op now, at one week I got the okay from Dr. Diep to ride a bike through Central Park, some parts were uphill and resembled spin class, I agree with dolph though hit the weights, spin class great for cardio but need some strength training too:D

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Spinning = intense indoor cycling, I had to search it... lol


You should be good as others mentioned

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


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HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

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Spinning = intense indoor cycling, I had to search it... lol


You should be good as others mentioned

Haha, assumed everyone had heard of spinning. With the righ instructors a spin class can be crazy intense, burnt nearly 700 calories in a 45 min class once. Anyway back in the gym right now (typing as I walk on the treadmill), as mentioned I'm essentially just planning to do about 40-50 mins daily walking on the treadmill this week as ASMED guidelines such I can't start training with weights again until next week. That's fIne though. Would rather ease into things than jump back in super intense and then worry that I've over done it. To be honest it's actually just good to be back in the gym itself. Gets my mind back into fitness mode. Thankfully despite 3 weeks off, I've only gained 1 pound/half a kilo, although my body fat percentage has gone up. I blame all the Turkish Baklava I ate. :D

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So Asmed recommends waiting 4-5 weeks before weight training after fue?

bisanga said after two weeks was fine, but it's much better after fue than the long wait after fut..


Yours and others experiences got my attain with this doc, good growing to you and try to not to sweat the small details lol, I think you're going have super results based on your postop pics etc.

Just takes time for it to grow in.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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  • Senior Member
So Asmed recommends waiting 4-5 weeks before weight training after fue?

bisanga said after two weeks was fine, but it's much better after fue than the long wait after fut..


No, it's 4 weeks. Although in an earlier email when I asked about the gym, they said 3-4 weeks but then in the post surgery pack that ASMED give you, its states 4 weeks before resuming sports.


To be honest, I probably could have started back weight/resistance training today with no detrimental effect (some surgeons suggest it's safe to start back as early as 5 days post surgery) but in the interest of getting the very best result, I'm going to stick to ASMED's guidelines to hold off until next week.

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