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Hair Thinning, Not Sure Where to Start?

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Hi everyone, I've been a little stressed out in the last 2 years, my hair has been thinning out, and I dont know what direction to go, in (confused)?


My barber says he thinks in 2-3 years I'll be bald, and thinks its genetics (my father had hair, but my grandfather was bald in his 40-50's at the top).


Is there any way I can reverse, and start growing my hair? Here's what I've done recently:


- Started using biotin 5000mg a few weeks ago.

- Started drinking more water.

- Have been using Shea Butter's Shampoo for a few months.

- Have started using jojoba oil.


And I plan on eating less fast food (more healthy), cut out sodas, start using coconut oil, and start getting back to exercising.


I've looked into the rogaine/Finasteride/Propecia options, and I'm a bit scared. I've been hearing people say side effects include erectile dysfunctions and sex issues, and if that's the case, thats is not me (rather be bald then a head full of hair and no sex problems). I also heard that once you started taking one of these medications, you have to permanently or your hair will fallout (dont mind that, but if it will eventually cause sex issues, then why go for it)?



Can anyone shed some light for me, I really dont know how to go about this, and not sure if I need to see a dermatologist or hair surgeon. I'm located around the Houston area if that helps.










Thanks in advance!

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  • Senior Member

Welcome HouTx....the first and easiest thing I would do is make an appointment with a talented hair transplant surgeon based right in Houston. Dr. Bernardino Arocha can offer you sound advice during a consultation at his new state of the art facility in Houston. Dr. Arocha is one of the recommended surgeons on this site.


Hair Loss Houston Dallas Austin TX Arocha Hair Restoration

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Welcome HouTx88!


The changes you're talking about making, while definitely beneficial for your overall health, will not likely slow the progression of hair loss or regrow hair that you've already lost. Biotin is really good for hair quality but does not address genetic balding.


Propecia (1mg finasteride) is is currently the best non-surgical hair loss treatment for maintaining and restoring hair. Rogaine (minoxidil) is generally considered the second most important component of a medical hair growth regimen. These two drugs are the only ones that are clinically proven and FDA approved for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.


The decision to start finasteride can be a scary one. There is a lot of information out here about severe, and in some cases permanent, sexual side effects and this is a risk. However, you'll find lots of guys online that have taken it for many years with little or no adverse side effects. For the majority of those that do have a negative experience, the side effects subside upon discontinuation of the drug.


As for Rogaine, the side effects tend to be mild. Common side effects of minoxidil are scalp redness, itching and irritation. Though you will find instances of men reporting sexual side effects from minoxidil, it's important to note that this is not a documented side effect of the drug.


The decision to give these drugs a try is a personal one and should be discussed with your physician. Unfortunately, there are really no viable alternatives available today that match their effects.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Thanks for the advice David and Shampoo. I think the first step is contacting a physician, and see what is suggested. I am not sold on finasteride, just reading that some side effects can be permanent moved me away. I do like the ideal of rogaine though.


Based on my pictures above, do I need a FUE transplant? Or can I improve with a non-surgical method? Also, what would my hair be considered on the norwood scale?


Thanks for all the input!

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Could not get your photos to open...I think once you have a comprehensive consultation you will have a much better idea on your plans and goals.


Surgery should always be a last alternative so anything that you can do medicinally speaking is worth it's weight in gold IMHO.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hello Houtx88. In reading your post I also ran basically the same regimen (shampoos, vitamins, drinking mineral water, etc) as yourself in a desperate attempt to regrow hair as soon as I started to notice thinning.


Based on my experience though such regimen rarely does anything but alleviate some psychological effects of hair thinning. Hair will thin no matter how much biotin you take for example. Honestly I am not trying to kill your spirit at all but I want to spare you the frustration of wasting your time and money on such things when your time and money can be better spent on a qualified doctor's opinion.


Throughout my research in hair transplantation I have come across men who, just like you and me, began to first seek out the snake oil man for help - vitamins, oils, you name it - but the results were always the same no matter what sadly. The moral to your story however is that you should seek out a doctor like a dermatologist or hair transplant surgeon to give you his honest opinion and from there he may prescribe the necessary steps. Until then all the oils and magic pills in the world will not help.


All in all you are lucky that you are in the initial stages of thinning. Men who have been thinning for years do not even bother to seek out professional help rather they leave it up to nature to decide for them. In time they could have done something about their thinning but it turns out to be a little too late. Had they caught it in time they would have kept as much of it as possible.


As noted you are very lucky that you caught this early. Now go out there and find a good qualified doctor. Let me know how it turns out. If you need any assistance you can always pm me.


Oh yes one last piece of advice. Be very careful with medications like topical solutions. They may possess nasty side effects that if you are not careful may produce permanent damage. My friend from work experienced such a situation. Just be careful. I wish you a lot of luck.

Edited by milo12
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I agree...some of these topicals can induce a shed cycle and especially when a combination of them are used for the first initial time.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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For actual results there's only 2 ways to do this:


1. Finistaride/ Propecia. You'll start seeing results a little past a year from now.

2. Hair Surgery procedure (preferably FUE)


Anything else in my experience has been... meh. But good news is I'm happy and full of hair now.

Richter101 is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi

Born Oct ’89

Began Seeing Gradual Hair Loss Oct ’09

Began Seeing Gradual Hair Gain June ’15


My regimen includes:

HT #1 2200 (ARTAS- FUE) grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2016

Finasteride daily, since 2014

Rogaine experimenter from 2012- ’13 RIP


Planning HT #2 By End of This Year :)

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  • Senior Member
For actual results there's only 2 ways to do this:


1. Finistaride/ Propecia. You'll start seeing results a little past a year from now.

2. Hair Surgery procedure (preferably FUE)


Anything else in my experience has been... meh. But good news is I'm happy and full of hair now.


Pretty much agree with this

Avodart( dutasteride ) will also certainly help if propecia doesn't and I also think you can get some benefit of using Nizoral shampoo once or twice per week.


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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I also think you can get some benefit of using Nizoral shampoo once or twice per week.


I looked into this. You got to be careful with nizoral. I read that it may cause hair loss. Ironic but true.



Anything else in my experience has been... meh. But good news is I'm happy and full of hair now.


Hello richter,


I did not come across your hair gallery. Do you have a link by any chance?



Never mind, I saw your youtube video. I had an uncle who suffered from seborrheic dermatitis also. It still haunts him. But he manages with medicated shampoos and topicals. Hopefully you can arrest that condition sosn.

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Actually under certain conditions it can. I read it.


That could probably be said for anything....under NORMAL conditions, nizoral does not cause hair loss. I've never even heard that.


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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I have heard of several guys who used Nizoral and then experienced an acute shed...and they were using it several times per week which I think may be a bit of an overkill. Shedding and hair loss are two different things altogether.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Thanks for all the advice everyone,


I actually had a visit with Dr. Arocha, and he said he saw some thining at the top, and around the left/right sides of my head. He gave me a printout with the following:


- Rogaine 5% daily

- Propecia one per day

- Nizoral Shampoo - lather every other day 5 'mins

- Biotin 5000mg (already taking)

- Laser Cap Pro (Laser Light Cap)


He told me he thinks the laser cap will be helpful for to use, and I basically will have to keep using it. Because the hair baldness/thining is genetics.


I told him I didnt want propecia because of sexual concerns, but he suggested those are very rare and he's been prescribing it for over 20 years.


I asked if I just stuck to rogaine, biotin, and the shampoo, and he said it probably would be a very little if any progress (like 19%, in addition, I think I would lose the new hair if I stopped using it).


But he highly suggest the laser cap. He told me it could prevent 90% of the hair I have now from losing/going out quickly, and about 50% increase in hair growth after some months. He says you just put it on your head every other day for 30 mins. It is kind of expensive as well.



I wanted to hear you all thoughts on this after following up with Dr. Arocha? Thanks in advance!

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  • Senior Member
Thanks for all the advice everyone,


I actually had a visit with Dr. Arocha, and he said he saw some thining at the top, and around the left/right sides of my head. He gave me a printout with the following:


- Rogaine 5% daily

- Propecia one per day

- Nizoral Shampoo - lather every other day 5 'mins

- Biotin 5000mg (already taking)

- Laser Cap Pro (Laser Light Cap)


He told me he thinks the laser cap will be helpful for to use, and I basically will have to keep using it. Because the hair baldness/thining is genetics.


I told him I didnt want propecia because of sexual concerns, but he suggested those are very rare and he's been prescribing it for over 20 years.


I asked if I just stuck to rogaine, biotin, and the shampoo, and he said it probably would be a very little if any progress (like 19%, in addition, I think I would lose the new hair if I stopped using it).


But he highly suggest the laser cap. He told me it could prevent 90% of the hair I have now from losing/going out quickly, and about 50% increase in hair growth after some months. He says you just put it on your head every other day for 30 mins. It is kind of expensive as well.



I wanted to hear you all thoughts on this after following up with Dr. Arocha? Thanks in advance!




I'm actually not even sure what all of that is ...

But Dr Arocha WILL NOT steer you wrong!!!! He's is an ultimate classs act and great guy!!!


Dr Rahal in January 19, 2012:)

4808 FUT grafts- 941 singles, 2809 doubles, 1031 triples, 27 quads


My Hairloss Website

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I'm actually not even sure what all of that is ...

But Dr Arocha WILL NOT steer you wrong!!!! He's is an ultimate classs act and great guy!!!


Glad to hear that. He was straight to the point with me. He said to try the laser cap, and other methods mentioned.

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To date, am still skeptical of laser therapy for treating MPB...just have not read or seen any measurable results that would convince me otherwise....:rolleyes:


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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