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A failed Procedure what next

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after around 14 months, i can say my results are failure, i cannot live with this hair i hate it, the distribution not right and i believe from the 3500 grafts only around 2000 or less grow


In addition there is ridging on the left side of the hairline, sometime i feel it become smaller and sometime it become bigger


What is annying me most, is i become so obssessed about my hair, each corner and checking the skin and always worry and feel depress, i cannot live properly anymore, i feel i m stuck and not normal like oth people, i hate going out now, i always stay home, i cannot feel comfortable around the people, and all of that because of this curse, i cannot look to myself or take pics, i cannot go to gym or swimming pool or even walking under rain or wind, it is a prison


My natural hair all gone after this procedure, so i end up with only transplanted hair, so it increase the harm and that make me more depress


Before this surgery i did not think twice about my scalp, everything was normal thin soft hair but normal looking, i just want to increase the volume in in the middle just to not look totally bald but this surgeon did what he want and did not listen to me,so i end up with artifical hairline and large bald spot


The regret is killing me everyday,


Now, i hate this artifically look and when there is a wind the hair is stand up like herbs, as there is no hair behind it a combover but if i m just setting and comb my hair without any actoin, nobody will notice and everything look normal, only when i m in a action or under external envirnent or when i wake up, the whole scalp is look messy and like unmanageable weed, this is prevent me from doig any exercise in addition to the skin issue like permenant redness and uncomfortable feeling


Should i do another hair transplant, maybe but the chances that i will end up with the same situation like now are high maybe more also i do not want to be slave to any meds for my hair and continue worring that i lost hair here and there,


I missed how much i was relieve before this surgery not thinking so much about my hair, i feel i put myself in prison or black hole



Should i start removing it gradually, this is maybe uncharted area and more expensive than doing another session, but it gives me relieve that it will give more natural looking than dense hairline with large bald spot


I tried the hair transplant once and i found it will not give anything near natural, i cannot live with artifically hairline with nothing behind and with ruined skin and this feeling that i m hiding something always, also i might stuck in the middle and end up with depleted donor area and worse status than now, at least now there no thinning effect behind


I transplanted 3500 grafts in front, those are plenty and difficult to remove but when i consult with many good doctors they said it can be done on stages 3 to 4 sessions and no need to remove everythig just first 2 or 3 rows and get them back to donor area to hide any empty spaces , so it can give the thining look and then i should be able to shave or cust my hair short



Now , everyone said there would be scars and it will not look natural, that is why i will start with small spot at the corner where the ridgging is,


I think there is still chance of no scars if the original transplant are small 1 or 2 graft and not plugs and the tools that used are 0.6 or 0.8 maximum and this type of tool should not leave any appreciable scars and i guess skin can be treated later, at the end there are more sever cases of scars and burning and it all end up in good status under the hand of skillful surgeon,


I m thinking of 2 doctors ( Bisanga or Mwamba to do this process) o already saw some cases for dr bisanga or removing around 800 graft and the results are amazing, zero scars


This is encourage me that there is a hope and it is not a dead end


Do i like hair, ofcourse, i hate baldness so much and that what puch me in the beginning to do hair transplant, and sometime i like the results as it give frame to my face but after seeing the whole results and skin situation , the baldness is far better than this artifically look


I still in the thinking process and not the action, i will not jump in this like the first time,


Also i will try to shave all my head before start doing anything to see how much the damages are


Edited by Sam23
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It is fue, he claimed before the surgery it is a stem cell FUE and then i found out it is traditional FUE


all of what he claim was not true,


Now i just want to remove this hair and get it back to donor area, i want to remove this artificall hairline


Is it possible?

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I'm not sure if you mentioned your first doctor, but Dr. Bisanga and Dr. Mwamba are both recommended by this community and are doing outstanding work. At the very least, I suggest you let them evaluate your scalp and provide their assessment, firstly of the initial work and secondly, as to whether or not you're a good candidate for a second procedure.


Just as some encouragement, I've seen a number of people, including our very own Assistant Publisher Dave have a less than optimal hair transplant first time around but the second and third hair transplants gave them excellent results.


Best wishes,



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Now i m thinking of removing the hair, not all the hair just at the corners or to readjust the hairline so it allow me to buzz my hair without giving an artificial look


So is it possible to remove the hair? there are no much cases of removing the hair only the old plugs, but with modern technique i did not seen any case of removing,


When removing the plugs usually it leave small scars, so so i assume it should not leave any scars when dealing with modern technique as all the tools used is 0.8 mm and less


If i want to do another procedure, i think i will go to Spain to Dr.Lorenzo, if i m doing a repair and graft removing i will go to Belgium Dr. Mwamba or Dr Bisanga


And my gut feeling is i should go to Belgium and start removing the hair, as there is no guarantee that a second procedure will enhance the situation, i believe i need more than 3,000 graft to start look normal, and i do not have those grafts now in The bank


If there is a hope to remove the hair without much scarring, i will do it now

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Would you consider a shaved look?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Buzz cut would be great, if the skin is clean and no much scars,


The current situation is thin hair like herbs and dense artifical look on the hairline


At least if i can adjust the hairline so i can buzz my hair


This a pic for the hairline


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I think you should try the buzz cut first. That option is FREE. What do you have to lose by just going forward this week with a buzz cut? You may be ok with just a buzz cut without removing anything. After looking at your pictures I don't really see the value in removing transplanted hair. I wonder if there is data available about uprooting transplanted hair again and the survival rate? Sam I wonder if SMP could play a role if you go with a buzz cut?

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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I m against the SMP, i do not bellieve it will not be natural at all.


For removing the transplant, i m just looking to readjust the hairline from corners to look good with buzz cut


Ofcourse, I will do a free test before doing anything also i will judge the donor area also

but the issue of time being is the skin and the ridging


I m still treating the skin and waiting but i m lossing my patience and i feel i m stuck


and the regret killing me everyday

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Sam I know this has been a really tough journey for you. I hope and pray it comes to a conclusion so that you can feel better about your look. I know I am not in your shoes, but before removal I would go ahead and try the buzz cut now and who knows maybe that could save you a lot of time, money, pain and you could start your new look as early as tomorrow. Good luck.

Edited by Shampoo

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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Thanks Shampoo for that, i will try to do it soon and put some pics, but i believe i will not like it due to hairline, as from beginning i hate this shape of the hairline



I m still wandering about Removal option But i will not do anything before buzz my hair,

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Good deal Sam. I think it's worth a try. If you don't like it...it will grow back and then you can always go for removal later....but exhaust the FREE and much easier option first.

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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