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Q for Dr. Rahal patients

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I have rin out of the Vitamin E solution at 2 weeks so for the past days i haven't put any Vitamin E on the recipient site. Is this bad for me? nothing seems to be falling off icon_frown.gif

I got the stitches removed which was not very comfortable! but wasn't as bad as i expected,


Additionally did you have to take a blood test? for HIV and Hepatitis?

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  • Regular Member

I have rin out of the Vitamin E solution at 2 weeks so for the past days i haven't put any Vitamin E on the recipient site. Is this bad for me? nothing seems to be falling off icon_frown.gif

I got the stitches removed which was not very comfortable! but wasn't as bad as i expected,


Additionally did you have to take a blood test? for HIV and Hepatitis?

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  • Regular Member

I had read a post on another forum that addressed this same question. In fact, Dr. Feller had provided a rather insightful answer.


He indicated that the vitamin E does not in itself have any effect on the grafts and their growth. Rather, the vitamin E merely helps the crusts come off sooner and easier.


He made a very good point that the grafts' moisture needs are met quite readily by their surrounding environment, that of the skin.


From what I understand from his post on that forum, he does not tell his patients to keep their recipient area moist. This was a practice that was adopted for earlier transplants that involved large minigrafts and plugs but today's follicular units do not require this kind of attention.


Anyway, I hope that information helps. I went through a lot of Vitamin E. For me, it helped reduce the itching from the grafts.


And in answer to your last question, no I did not have to take blood tests. I assume you did?

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Right on Goldilocks.


After my third procedure, I didn't put anything on my recipient area for the first 9 days. But all my scabs were gone from working them properly in the shower.


Mind you, Vitamin E or Emu Oil does seem to work nicely to soften and moisten the scabs for ease of removal.


Best wishes,



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I used the vitamin E up until the 2 week mark post op, during those 2 weeks I almost went through 2 containers of the stuff! When I went into get the sutures removed I was told I could stop the vitamin E.


Prior to my HT I did need to get a blood test, to me it made sense as it is a fairly bloody surgery and their are many people involved.




3500 Grafts

Dr. Rahal

Jan 12 09


My Hair Loss WebLog


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  • Regular Member

Hey guys!

Ok here is the thing i am not in Canada anymore...I am in Europe. Here they don't have the same brand of Vitamin E but have Bio oil which has other stuff including Vitamin E which i didn't know if i should use?

Thats the reason i haven't applied anything, otherwise if i was in Canada i would!

Regarding these scabs, mine haven't fallen off yet and i am a little over 2 weeks. After two weeks i did become a little careless and brush against them gently a few times...don't think that would be a problem? I am brushing my hair forward to cover the recepient area. I AM HAPPY YAHOO! finally i don't have to put that greasy stuff on my head or hide under a surgical cap icon_biggrin.gif

Feeling more normal now. Although i wonder how i will feel after the scabs fall off and expose my skin (making me look balder). Right now they kinda blend in.


Thanks for all the nice comments guys icon_smile.gif

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I had to get 6 different blood tests I think. HIV and hep were included in the 6. It is standard on the doctors paperwork. It was not unusual for you to get tested. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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Originally posted by growmehair:

Hey guys!

Thanks i feel better now...I dunno it just came out of the blue for me. So now what? Scabs come off...wait for a year and thats it?

I can't wait! I am gonna look so sexy with my new full head of hair icon_biggrin.gif



I'm glad you feel better and so confident. I dont know about in Canada patients but I would guess all non Canada patients get the same paperwork where it calls for the blood tests a a week or two (cant remember for sure) before the surgery date. icon_smile.gif

4374 grafts-7/2/2008-Dr Rahal

485 singles

2336 doubles

1526 triples

16 quads

9809 total hairs

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  • 1 month later...
  • Regular Member

I am a woman who had HT with Dr Rahal. I did have to get the blood tests in 2 weeks before the surgery (which I had in December 2008). I used the vitamin E Oil until the sutures were taken out.(ouch!!!) ..13 days after the surgery. Head still very red 3 months later.

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We require ALL of our patients who are scheduled for surgery to have blood tests completed along with getting a medical clearance from their Family Practitioner to ensure that the patient is fit for surgery.

This is what we ask for:


HEP B and C

INR - (Prothrombin Time)




These results and Doctor Clearance need to reach our office at least 3 weeks prior to the surgical date. In some cases we have had a patient who has reacted to a cancellation date and there has been no time for them to get the blood work done. In this case our Head Nurse either takes the patients blood while they are at the Clinic or we take them to a blood lab which is located 2 blocks away from our offices.

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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does anybody know the approximate cost of the blood work for a HT? I have to meet a yearly deductible before coverage kicks in and i never go to the doctor or get sick so I would basically have to pay for the bloodwork out of my own pocket?

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Adrian sorry if i am posting in the wrong place ive been sending my story/images into dr rahl twice now without any replies. i was wondering if you could act as a go between for me here and look to forward me details on? thanks in advance here....

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Please send me an email directly to adrian@rahalhairtransplant.com with your photos attached and I will get back to you quickly with Dr. Rahal's recommendations.


Thanks very much!



Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks for posting


I would be happy to give you some ideas to help with your post-op redness


Please either call me directly at the office at 613-739-3044 or you can send me a quick email to adrian@rahalhairtransplant.com and I will send you some details.



Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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hoose- blood work done by a clinic to cover what Adrian discussed is approximately $350 here in the US. You may be able to run it through insurance, but I wasn't.


In terms of redness, I have found not washing your hair as much (especially three months after the procedure), use of natural aloe vera products help as well. I would stay away from any hair products as they contain alcohol and can irritate the scalp, especially if your scalp is still dry and pink.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member



You say that the patient will need bloodwork and clearance from family practitioner.


I currently do not have a doctor and am planning on booking a HT with you for Dr. Rahal.


Do you send paperwork or info that the patient can take to their doctor? Should I book a doctor's appointment telling him my intent is to have an HT?


and finally, how far in advance can this happen? Say I get a doctors appointment in the near future but my HT is a couple months away?


Thanks always for the help Adrian

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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  • Senior Member

okay so i should be able to get bloodwork done and be good? The doctor situation would be a lot for me to get situated any time soon and would prefer just to go somewhere and get bloodwork. I'm healthy! haha


soo... do they send you something to take when getting bloodwork?


and where/how can I just go get bloodwork?

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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