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New Member 2500 FUT Konior Jan 2016

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I'll put up some pics shortly. I joined so I didn't have to bug him with questions and fears, but still get some feedback on where I am, what the next 6 months will hold, etc.


I had growth at 3.5/4 months and have not had any since. It looks as if my growing is done because of this and if anything I'm losing hair (he put me back on Rogaine and I'm shedding like crazy). This was a frontal hairline restoration with a little bit up into the crown to make sure the hairline was very dense. Right now the hairline in pictures will look very good and well ahead of schedule, but it is thin still with light on it.


My initial question, without pictures, is this..... For those who have had transplants, did you get a lot of growth early, have a dormant period and then another growth period?


Also, at 6 months, I'm styling my hair everyday. Is this ok? Am I doing damage?

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Personally, for my HT with Konior, I went on Propecia 5 months before the surgery. I stayed on it for one year before post HT reducing dosage to 3 pills a week (Sun, Tues, Thur). I also use Rogaine foam every day. Not sure why you would stop using the foam, but good to hear you're back on it.


Not sure if you want to try Propecia, but it's something to consider. Combing your hair everyday or styling it at 6 months won't affect a thing.


My growth started at around 3.5 to 4 months with Konior. But I kept my Rogaine use and Propecia constant throughout until I hit 12 months post HT, at which point I cut back on Propecia.

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I never started on the Propecia prior to the transplant because I thought it was for people with progressive baldness conditions. I was a Norwood II and through the research I have done thought that people at my level did not need to take the Propecia or the Rogaine. I only took the Rogaine because it was on his instruction sheets, but it said to stop once you started to see growth so I did.


I will get on the regular computer in a few hours and post some pictures.

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You want to take Propecia to preserve the hair that you have, once it's gone it's really too late to start. Rogaine helps jump start the growing process of the transplanted hair and helps the crown. I wouldn't worry about bothering Dr. K with questions, he is your surgeon and that's what he is there for. Corresponding with him is very simple as he is deligent in responding, I'd look to him for answers first.

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If you are only 6 months out from surgery, you are likely to experience more growth. Moreover, even if all the hair has poked through the scalp, it takes up to a year to thicken, darken and mature. Thus, I would expect your hair will look thicker and fuller in another 6 months even if all your new hair has surfaced at this point.


For me personally, I did experience most of my hair growth early on but did see some gradual improvements each month up to a year.


I hope this helps.




P.S. Styling your hair is fine however, I recommend using products that are good for the hair and nothing that will dry it out or damage the scalp. This isn't particular to transplanted hair, just hair in general.

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I am a little confused that you said you are a Norwood 2, but had grafts in the crown? I do suggest propecia for almost anyone needing a transplant, especially someone who can get 2500 grafts including crown work. Propecia works best at retaining the hair you have. Knowing about propecia and waiting until your baldness is more progressive is like waiting til after a flood before buying flood insurance.


I advise you to reach out directly to Dr. Konior. He is as accessible as any doctor out there and I know that you would not be bothering him. Good luck.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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