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My 3164 Grafts with Dr. Diep (FUE) -- May 6th, 2016

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Shock loss is in full effect, don't worry it will grow back, I kinda knew this would happen just based on your diffuse loss, the same thing happened to me, don't worry it will grow back, 1 month is still part of the healing process. Unfortunately, things won't start to look better until 4 months, and you'll probably look like you did prior to surgery. But once your transplant and your native hair starts to grow back oh boy is it going to look good.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Yea. It's a tough pill to swallow, but I get that it's part of the process.


In regards to the bumps, is that also expected? I'm noticing more and more of them in the recipient area. No white heads or anything at the top of the bumps, just a lot of them of varying sizes starting at the top of my forehead and working it's way back to the recipient area.

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Quick update.


So over the weekend the bumps on my head and over my ears got worse, and I started finding some on my arms (small amount). Simultaneously, I had some really bad, excruciating headaches (never experienced anything like it), ear aches and awkward pressure around my sinuses.


I thought I may have got strep or mono, so I went to see my Dr who said I was fine and suggested seeing Dr. Diep as he thought he may have been an allergic reaction to minoxidil (since I just started using it).


I sent Dr. Diep some photos, and he prescribed some antibiotics (pill & cream) and I also asked to come in. When I saw him in person he felt it was probably a combination of a few things. The first is that he was pretty confident I had an allergic reaction to minoxidil (or one of the other ingredients in Lipogaine) and that I may have caught an unrelated virus or sickness. He didn't feel it was folliculitis as the bumps were very uniform and they didn't have any white heads on them.


Since I started the antibiotics (as well as Claritin in case it was allergies) the symptoms have gotten much better and the bumps have gone down (but still very much present).


It was a tough couple of days, especially with the headaches that essentially rendered me useless.

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Although side effects are not common they certainly occurr. Im glad you got on antibiotics abd your feeling better, it probably was a combination of things, hopefully things improve from here on out.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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These are the pictures I sent the Dr. The quality is shit, but I was in a hurry when I sent them.


Also, looking back at my previous update with pictures, the redness is pretty crazy. I should have noticed then that something was up.


Good news is that the antibiotics have worked. Almost all symptoms are gone. No headaches or sinus pains, the redness on the recipient area is gone and the bumps on the recipient area are also gone. Just some faint bumps on my ears and forehead, but those are only noticeable to touch.


Now fingers crossed that this didn't damage the implants.



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  • 1 month later...
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Month 2 pics (a few weeks late).


No real updates, so just posting for posterity. Still in the ugly duckling stage, although the shock loss has stopped (but it was a significant amount).


Other small updates:



  • Noticed that I got (and still get) a few pimples in the donor area
  • The recipient area is still nearly tender and sensitive to touch (even a brush on it hurts)
  • Thinning in the donor area isn't as bad as I thought it'd be
  • Nerve regrowth continues and I occasionally get awkward tingling sensations throughout my entire recipient area (almost like a pulse or wave running over the top of my head).






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I actually wear my hair pretty short (usually a 1 or 1/2 blade on the sides and somewhere between a 5-6 on top).


The pre-op pics aren't representative as to how I usually wear my hair, I was just in a mood to grow it out at that point in time :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Month 3 Update


No change really. Still haven't gotten a much needed haircut, and of course no new growth (as expected).


I did get some rather large pimples a few weeks ago (3-4 of them) on the recipient area and Dr. Diep prescribed antibiotics as a precaution. It went away, but interestingly enough, a new one just popped up.


Otherwise most of the same sensations. Really awkward and intense goose bump feelings in the recipient area, and of course the mental game wondering if the skin irritations caused permanent damage and if the hair will ever grow back or if you'll end up worse off as a result of the shock loss :eek: (I know it's too early to expect anything, but the mind tends to wander)



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You look pretty much how you did before the HT which sounds about right for anyone who's suffered shock loss, I got some pimples too at around 3 months, pimples are usually a sign of growth.


Hang in there this upcoming month is what I call the Paranoia month, once you hit 3.5 months it feels like you had your procedure 3 years ago with nothing to show for it, trust me it will get better, by Christmas time this will be a distant memory trust me.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Seem a recovery is on it's way now, I would say next month is where the magic starts & them babies will be awakened if they haven't aleady.


Happy growing to you & thanks for the updates it helps other's tremendously.

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Thanks for the support...I know I'm psyching myself out to a certain extent..crazy how much patience is involved in this :)


The current hair loss is definitely worse than it was before. I feel like I'm taking some pretty shit pictures, but I'm just trying not to focus on it too much (hence the reason I haven't gotten a haircut).


One interesting thing to note is my forehead and head is much more oily than normal, even though I shampoo daily (just head & shoulders). Whereas in the past, I used to shampoo every few days (unless I worked out) as the oil buildup was very minimal and I liked the feeling. But it seems like either I'm producing more oil or the product I'm using (Garnier Surf Wax) is causing more oil buildup.


Also, it literally takes every inch of will power not to pop those pimples! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Month 4 Update


Finally got a haircut :)


I cut the sides/back of my hair with a half guard and I'm pleasantly surprised that it doesn't look that thin back there (at least not the trained eye) and no redness. I was worried that the donor area would end up rather thin and awkward looking when I cut my hair short.


Otherwise, no major updates. No new hair growth (which is expected), but the odd nerve regrowth feeling has subdued. I still get some awkward goose bump feelings, but not as frequently as before. The recipient area still gets red after I comb it (e.g. easily irritable), but otherwise my head doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as before. Basically feels like I'm back to my pre-op days, except for some addd hair loss as a result of the shock loss.


I took these pictures right after I got out of the shower and after I put in hair product, but before I combed my hair. The product unfortunately clumped the hair together a bit, but also makes it easier to see my scalp







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Thanks for the update I called it in my previous post, exactly 4 months and you look like you did prior to surgery,the shock loss for the most part has grown back, you should be seeing some vellus hairs sprouting at this point, but its not really visible at this point. Be patient you'll get there you've already improved A LOT since your 1 month post.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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  • 1 month later...
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Month 5 Update


Really quick update as there's been no change (as expected). The good news is that emotionally I'm past the "oh shit...things have gotten worse" stage as most/all of the shock loss has returned.


The recipient area still feels numb/awkward at times, but it's pretty infrequent. Also, I got a haircut with a 1/2 guard on the side and the donor area looked pretty good. Will try and take a picture next time.


Sorry for the low quality pictures, but they aren't much different from the previous month.




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  • Senior Member

Definitely improvement from last month & yep iooks like your weathered tbe storm of which you well documented In your thread.


Are you still using Rogain/ Min?


Hang in there buddy you look like your on track:)

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Definitely looks better than your last month, I would be interested to see what your hair looks like when it's dry. Would you mind uploading some pics with dry hair?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Not using minoxidil since I had a bad reaction a few months ago, but I think I'm gonna give it another shot since I'm not sure it was the min that caused it.


Will take some pics of the hair dry soon.

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