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Best and most reasonably priced HT surgeon in Europe?


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I'm new to this forum so hello everybody!


So, I'm a 41 yr old male and I have decided to finally bite the bullet and have a hair transplant. The thing is it seems to be a minefield out there, with so many conflicting stories and recommendations. I actually have no idea where to start so because a lot of you guys have been down this road before or still on it my questions are:


Looking at my head, how many grafts do you think I might need?


Which method would seem best for me?


My budget is between €6000 - €8000. Who is the best surgeon with the best results considering my budget?


Thank you in advance guys


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Looks like you'll be Norwood 6 eventually it looks diffuse, if you're not on any type of hairloss prevention I'd recommend starting, although you're 41, the loss may be slow but eventually you'll get there. Its hard to say how many grafts you need without knowing your goals, for your hairline and midscalp id say 3,500 grafts should give a solid result. Keep in mind the crown would be left as is, I don't recommend doing the crown just yet unless you're willing to spend more $ and have been on hairloss prevention meds. I recommend Dr. Bisanga in Belgium or Dr. Lorenzo in Spain, there's also Feriduni in Belgium Europe has the world best FUE surgeons, you can choose FUT but the best surgeons are in North America. Personally in light of the recent events I'd stuck with Lorenzo, Belgium and turkey are both FUE destinations, but it's not very safe at present moment.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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You're right home I missed the 6-8000 part, hmmm then I'd say maybe 2,000 grafts only to the hairline might come out to €8,000. Save up and get the midscalp done later on.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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