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2551 FUE ARTAS grafts before & 10 months post-op

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This 46 year old male had 2551 FUE ARTAS grafts transplanted in the frontal and mid scalp areas. The photos show before, immediate, and 10 months post-op. The patient is very please with the results of his procedure.










jc 2251 ARTAS grafts before & 10 months post.pdf

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I agree the results are not dramatic. However the results are only at10 months and there is still time for improvement over the next 2-5 months. Something else to consider is that the small amount of hair in the mid frontal area the patient had prior to the HT procedure consisted of very thin miniaturized hairs that likely would not have been around much longer. Most have been replaced with stronger healthier hairs. I discussed with the patient that he would likely want to have more grafting done at some point. I think it is important to show all types of results because that is the reality of hair transplantation. Some patients get better more dramatic results than others.

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Dr Charles,


Can the ARTAS count the number of previous extractions in a donor area? If this patient returns, will it know where the extractions were? Or if you have a patient with 3000+ fue grafts extracted somewhere else, will this machine know where previous extractions were and the total counts of those previous extractions? Is there a way to find out previous extraction counts prior to another FUE surgery? Thanks.

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So this is the one where they pull the hair follicles out from the back, not the one where they do the strip cut ... right?


You are green aren't you?


There are two kinds of hair transplant. The first is the strip technique where a strip of skin is taken out from the back of the head and dissected by a team of technicians. The second is where the doctor removes the grafts or follicles individually from the back of the head itself. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. The doctor here used a robot to cut around the grafts and then he put them into the front of the head where they will grow. This result is probably below what we would normally expect but the patient still has time to grow.

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I think it is important to show all types of results because that is the reality of hair transplantation.


Finally, some honesty with regards to expectations after 1 procedure.


While everyone is going gaga over Aftermath's recent photos, the fact is the results Aftermath is currently posting are after 10 years, 4 surgeries, and ~$40,00 - $50,000.


Thank you for the photos, Dr. Charles

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I agree there is a lot of deceptive practice engaged in in the hair transplant business. That said, I still think this result is on the lower end of what should be expected. But he still has time to grow.


What is more annoying is the playing around with photos to make them look better. Dr.Charles did not do that here, but other doctors do it regularly. Example- before photo from the front is bright and shows the head tilted downward. Then the after photo is darker with the head tilted upward.


Or, the hair is wet in the before with no combing over and then dry with a lot of comb over in the after.

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