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Number of grafts needed?

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New to the forum and wanted to post some pics of my hairloss and see if anyone could give an indication on the number of grafts i would need to achieve a full scalp coverage?


I understand i won't be able to ever have a full head of hair again but what would it take to get as close to that as possible.


Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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As you know you have extensive hairloss, the lateral humps or parietal humps appear to be miniaturized an indicator that you may very well become Norwood 7, of course pictures can be deceiving it's always hard to tell with buzzed hair, currently you need at least 6,000 grafts and that would be full coverage but low density, I don't think you have that much donor hair available, the reason being is that your crown has dipped down a lot so the amount of donor is limited, I recommend letting your hair grow for at least two months and retake pictures, also I recommend going to a consult in person, sending photos will get you nowhere, the majority of physicians will probably say you're not a candidate.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
As you know you have extensive hairloss, the lateral humps or parietal humps appear to be miniaturized an indicator that you may very well become Norwood 7, of course pictures can be deceiving it's always hard to tell with buzzed hair, currently you need at least 6,000 grafts and that would be full coverage but low density, I don't think you have that much donor hair available, the reason being is that your crown has dipped down a lot so the amount of donor is limited, I recommend letting your hair grow for at least two months and retake pictures, also I recommend going to a consult in person, sending photos will get you nowhere, the majority of physicians will probably say you're not a candidate.


This is great advice and I agree with all of it.

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  • Senior Member
New to the forum and wanted to post some pics of my hairloss and see if anyone could give an indication on the number of grafts i would need to achieve a full scalp coverage?


I understand i won't be able to ever have a full head of hair again but what would it take to get as close to that as possible.


Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Adam - looked at your profile and you are 26 with what I'd consider NW6 hair loss. You look like me from the front but you have much more crown loss.


I'm estimating for myself to need >6000 to get "age appropriate results" so that would be the floor. That's not for Beckham hair :) Just to recreate hairline with good density and top of scalp with solid (not great) density, and some minor crown work. Honestly I think you might be nearer to 7-9K.


Like HTSoon said these short buzz cuts make it difficult to assess but you look to have some challenges in the donor area. Especially because that crown has dipped so severely so early in life.


Search for a recommended UK doctor or take a quick train to Belgium to a recommended doctor and get an in house evaluation. I'd also get on finasteride asap to save what little is in the crown.


My gut tells me if you are ok without a full crown you should work heavily on the top of scalp and hairline. Count on 2 good sized HTs as well over time IF you can find the grafts. Your hope is the doctors who evaluate you in person say you have good donor to do a FUT (strip) surgery for HT1 where you can get 3500-4000 grafts out. If the answer to that is no you will have more challenges ahead and I don't think you'd hit the goal of 6K+ without resorting to things like beard hair, etc. So at that point you will have to decide between making 1 part (hairline, front third of scalp) relatively dense and then living with little to no grafts in crown for example.


p.s. it is always hard to tell with these buzz cuts in the back but you might have retrograde alpecia which will make finding grafts more difficult. Again, grow your hair out for 6-8 weeks and then go get assessed.


Good luck.

Jan 2016 - 3800 graft FUT with Dr. Konior

NW 5A to 6.


Docs whose results I am most consistently impressed with: Konior, Cooley (FUT), Hasson (FUT), Diep (FUE) (yeah I like the zig zag).

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