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Number of grafts?

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I've been meeting with a number of doctors and most of them suggest around 1500 (give or take a few hundred) and some have also hinted that I could also come back in 12-18 months for another round if I wanted to (depending on the outcome).


One doctor however suggested doing 2500 off the bat to get a fuller/denser result.


In my discussions with the doctors, they didn't highlight any risks/cons of getting more done in one session (from a long term result perspective) although I have admittedly not done that much research on that specific topic.


What I'm trying to wrap my head around is why some doctors would recommend less vs more. Is it to keep the cost down and get a result that I'd be reasonably happy with (I'm told I'm a Norwood II+)? Is it that if I come in for a second round the total I would pay them would be more?


In other words, why not get the most possible implants in one sitting?

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Typically, conservative doctors will quote less because MPB is progressive, they want to ensure you have enough grafts in the future should you progress to a higher norwood, for example, if you're 21 years old norwood III, sure you could dense pack a hairline with 3,500 grafts and your result would look good, but what if you lose the rest of your hair behind that? then you only have a limited amount of grafts to work back, you may not have enough to give you a natural looking result.


We would need to see some pictures to really give you a better assessment, there's a lot of things that need to be considered, whether you are on any meds like Finasteride and Minoxidil, how old you are and what level of baldness you are currently at, I would say if you're relatively young like in your 20's its better to be conservative, if you're in your 40's and your hair loss has been stable for years, then you may be able to get away with being a little more aggressive.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Thanks for the responses. I'll take a picture tomorrow to hopefully try and provide some additional context.


As far as your other questions. I'm 35 and started noticing hair loss when I was roughly ~20 and started on Finasteride around the same time (honestly can't remember exactly). In my recent conversations with doctors it sounds like I should also couple that with Minoxidil. The Finasteride has definitely slowed down my hair loss, but I recently started looking at some older pictures (~5 years) and it's clear that the loss has worsened over time (it's just been slow enough that I didn't notice it in realtime).


It was actually Dr. Diep who suggested the 2500 grats (@HTsoon, I mention this because I followed your post/comments about your HT with him)

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So here are some pictures...I took a few last night, and honestly I don't think they came out that great (never really taken pictures of my hair).


I also included some pictures from one of my doctors visits.


Unfortunately, my hair is much longer than I actually keep it. For some crazy reason I decided to grow it out, so this isn't my actual look. I actually keep it pretty short (especially on the sides where I use a #1 clip...which is why I'm only considering FUE)


Majority of the loss is in the front 1/2 of my head, although I was surprised how much scalp I could see on the back of my head from one of the pictures (not sure if it's the styling or not).


Hope this is helpful










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You have a pretty good head of hair and characteristics. I actually think the 1500-1800 # is pretty spot on. Considering your age and minor overall loss, you'd still have plenty of donor left in the bank for the long haul should you need it.


I'm 35 and just had 2450 grafts and you definitely have more hair than I did. My forelock was roughly the same as yours, but my sides/temple region was receded much further back. You need to reinforce your hairline, but there's still a good foundation remaining. you'll hear different opinions, but given our similarities, 2,500 grafts feels aggressive to me.


I know you've heard this already, but you got Konior and Shapiro right around the corner. If you check out some of their results on here you'll be pretty excited. Of course, have as many consults as you can and do what feels right, but you appear to be a good candidate.

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You have a lot of hair left thankfully, I would say 2,500 just to the hairline would be a bit of overkill, I would say 2,000 grafts is enough to give you a good result, however, you do have some minor thinning in the crown, its not much, but it is definitely thinning, im not sure if you were going to do 2,000 to the hairline and 500 to the crown. Also, I definitely recommend FUE for your case, I would not do FUT for the amount of grafts you need.


Since you're 35 years old and your hairloss has been pretty stable and you take meds, i'd say its safer for you to be aggressive, I really just recommend to be conservative for guys 30 and under, because if you're destined to be really bald most of the time you'll get there by 30.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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jj2000. The variation exists because doctor's are more or less conservative with patients of certain ages. There are other factors along with your specific goals and degree of hair loss, not to mention if you have a family history of hair loss. That's why you definitely want to compare clinics and results that are most similar to your case and expectations. Get more than one expert opinion for good measure. Proceed with caution as hair loss is progressive, and a repair procedure will usually cost more than the actual hair restoration procedure.


All the best

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Thanks so much for the feedback guys...I really appreciate it.


Answers to a couple of your questions:


@Jmt2005, The price per graft is the same/similar in these cases, so it's not my primary concern


@esrec & @HTsoon Thanks...I am grateful for all the hair I have. Definitely recognize that it could be way worse (especially given family history...all the men on both sides are pretty bald). Starting on Finasteride early definitely helped. The 2500 was suggested just for the front, and not for the crown. I also feel that it's a little high. Curious if the new pictures change your opinion at all.



@MrGio-WHTCClinic Thanks for the advice. I've definitely started seeing a lot more doctors and getting as many opinions as I can. This forum has also been incredibly helpful.

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It's not an exact science until the doctor is in there. For context, I was estimated 2000-2500 and we arrived at that 2450. So don't be too concerned with the exact #. As mentioned, different surgeons with different approaches will arrive at different recommendations.


If you've consulted with some of the names we've mentioned, you can trust the estimates provided.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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You've been given some good advice here. I'm inclined to think 1500-2000 seem sufficient to address the frontal zone.


No doubt you'll get differing opinions and recommendations but with enough research you'll find the right physician who you'll trust to restore your hair.


Best wishes in your search. :)

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You definitely have some diffused thinning in your frontal core so IMHO, the lower range would help lower the risk of shockloss.


You will lose more in the years ahead so you can always go back for another procedure in the coming years and you will have the donor available to accommodate future loss.


Best wishes to you in your upcoming procedure and let us know how things turn out for you...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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