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The doubtness after 5 months

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Hi guys


5 months now ( 4 months and 26 days exactly)



i did not write a long thread here for this month , i now most of the people might hate me now because of thst but i will write my thoughts better than lock them in


As most of the members here said here once you finished the first 3, 4 months your depression and worries start decreased, that is true now 90% of redness vanished and the hair start grown and i start hear some compliments here and there so it starts feel that my decision was not fully disaster till now However, it seems in this stage other worries start attacked me and push me in a new depression hole


1- i start doubt the yield and i feel this is only what i will get and no more growth


after reading about the difference between motorized and manual fue i start doubt about my yield in the 5th month with 3650 in first scalp i should have much more growth than now. I will get back to my surgent and asked him in details about the tool he used,


i remember he told me before surgery it is not motorized nor manual but something in between and it special amended tool that works exactly like manual punch but with faster way and more accuracy and this will allow him to extract maximum 3000 then he said that the tool is not the critical part of the succefull results but it is the surgent skills and experience and what he is capable on and for him his doing that from 15 years and he is comfortable with his technique and results,


But at the end he extract 3650 so he said he judge this will be better for my case and the quality of my hair was easy to extract


I followed up with him in last week and he was happy about my growth and hairline, he said i m on the right track and everythink look fine in this stage, and my donor area seems improved and should expect more growth even in donor area


( i put a pic of my donor area after 1 month from surgery and now)


I keep saying to myself my surgery was not 5 or 6 hours but it was 12 hours with dedicated big team (the surgent and his assistant and 3 technicians)


But i doubt that and feel cuz most of the elite doctors here are using the traditional manual fue with remarkable results and this give me a huge confusion and doubtness about mycase


2- Why always most of HT should start from hairline


For me now i m norwood 4 almost 5, the surgent convinced me that i should start from first third scalp with a receded hairline around 1 to 2 cm because this will give the best results espically this is your first HT and he told me if you start from crown or middle you will not be satisfied and you will not feel any change happen to you so you will come back for hairline, and at that time restoring the hairline might not give the best results as the quality of the grafts might be less not like if you did it from the first time and in next step you can fill in behind in easier way but what is important is the third frontal scalp so i trust his opinion as his a doctor and know what his judgment should be better than me


Now after 5 months i regret doing that, now i feel i fixed something on my head from certain distance and i m forced now to fill in all the bald spot behind, also i still feel the corner closure is not right and it is so sharp ( i do not know if this will be changed with full growth)


It is not natural at all to have your first third scalp fill in and your mid scalp and crown so thin because of that i feel the receding level is not enough and should be higher ofcourse when i see myself in mirror isee some results and my face has changed but i always feel my head is not natural no body has full hairline and almost nothing behind


I think because i m a high norwood level, i was easy satisfied with some hair and there is no need to have a hairline, maybe if i start from middle or restore only the forelock without full hairline, it was better and enough for me



It so tough when you start doubt about your surgent decisions and his skills and if his decision was right or not?


On the same time, i doubt i would have the dare to challenge his opinion before the surgery, but maybe becuase i did not find his name here so i do not trust him and find everything his said is not right


All of that happen becuase i was not well educated and not choosed a famous surgent, and i did not come here in first place just rush in my decision


I start seeing also some failure cases from the clinic but with other doctors that do not practice fue on daily basis and do other types of cosmetic surgeries, so this freaks me out more, i keep saying to myself your surgent is good one and not like the others and he is a little bit known and dedicated fue practice, has published results and he is ishrs abd eshrs


Sorry again for this huge thread, I know everyone told me you should wait before judge but for me it is different case than the others cuz i was rushed in my decision and did not choose well, so now i ve become paranoid and full skeptical


This the cv of the surgent




This is some of his works



My donor area 3 months ago

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The growth so far



Edited by Sam23
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Your donor looks fine, I think you could use some more density, but another surgery should do the trick, I also think that having your hairline and midscalp and crown left thin IS the way to go, it's very natural actually, believe it or not, some men only have balding in their crown whilst maintaining a low hairline, other men have a thin receded hairline while maintaining a thick crown, what you describe as natural is worst case scenario, there is no doctor that would ethically, give you a thin receded hairline to make it more "narural" to pay money to look like you're bald defeats the purpose of having surgery. As a high Norwood you should be prepared to have more then one surgery to achieve the results you desire, I've had two surgeries, and next year I'll go for my third to address my crown.

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  • Senior Member

I agree you should have another HT. This is looking like you might expect for that number of grafts.

You still have quite a way to go. I noticed changes up until 18 months.

Your donor looks like it can give more grafts without too much thinning.

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  • Senior Member

I think its looks good for only 5 months still plenty of time to thicken up ,i am just about hitting the 12 month mark and I feel there is still more density to come especially in the crown area, I wont get a second transplant until the full 18 months is up

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