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Dr. Cooley-3049FU with PRP & Acell

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This patient first came to see me at age 25. He had been on finasteride for four years and his hair loss was stable. He wanted to fill in his hairline and thicken his crown (photo 1). I advised waiting on surgery and doing a PRP/ACell treatment instead, which he agreed to. He returned a year later with clear improvement in hair thickness throughout (photo 2).





Because hair thickening is only seen with finasteride in the first 1-2 years of starting, the improvement was solely due to the PRP treatment.



He was still very motivated to address the hairline and crown, so after a thorough discussion with both him and his family, we performed FUT 3,049 grafts (with about 600 of these in the crown- photo 4) plus another PRP/ACell treatment.





He is shown one year later along with a photo for placement.








I see many young men in their early to mid 20’s who want a hair transplant. In general, I get them to put off surgery and start finasteride. Depending on the degree of thinning throughout, I will often recommend PRP/ACell as well. In this case, the patient was highly motivated, had favourable characteristics, and had the support of his family, so I felt comfortable proceeding with surgery. They fully understood the possible need for more surgery and PRP treatments if and when further thinning occurs.

I represent Dr. Jerry Cooley online. All opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Cooley. I am not a doctor.


Learn more about Jerry Cooley MD and Hair Center in Charlotte, NC


For complimentary consultations with one of the leading hair transplant doctors worldwide please contact us here.


Hair Transplant Consultation With Jerry Cooley MD at HairCenter.com

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Hi, though still more number of grafts can be implanted on the crown area for density. However frontal results are exceptionally good.

Yeah thanks for that can always transplant more grafts or waste them when patients are young. Dr Cooley is highly ethical cares about long term for his patients. Would be easy to waste grafts on his crown now but he looks at the big picture and that is what makes him great one of the best.

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Hi, it will not be wastage if doctor would put 200-300 grafts more for best results. However if you will consider it by putting 200-300 grafts more on the crown area would be wastage- Nice to know. I do understand there might be limitation like budget, donor availability, future plan of doctor and patient.

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No not budget of money, this doctor understands that budget of potential grafts is more important. Less coverage at 25 so you have more coverage at 55. Great doctors care about their patients for their long term not how much density they can get for a short time. Whoever you really are that's the truth.

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Dr. Chaudhry,


Thank you for taking time to share your opinion. Yes, 200 to 300 more grafts would have made a visible improvement. So would 1000 or even 2000 more. The point of performing surgical hair restoration is learning to balance what can be done with what should be done, or in a case like this, what should NOT be done. The long term aesthetic cannot be sacrificed for the short term aesthetic.


When we perform hair transplant surgery we are allocating a very limited and finite resource. When a patient is 25 years of age, regardless of how favorable his medical response may be, and regardless of his ambitions or his family approval, we sometimes must do what is considered to be just enough and nothing more. Ultimately, the patient is very happy. If he was not he would not have agreed for us to use his photos in a public domain.


Thank you again for your input.

I represent Dr. Jerry Cooley online. All opinions are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Dr. Cooley. I am not a doctor.


Learn more about Jerry Cooley MD and Hair Center in Charlotte, NC


For complimentary consultations with one of the leading hair transplant doctors worldwide please contact us here.


Hair Transplant Consultation With Jerry Cooley MD at HairCenter.com

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  • Regular Member
Dr. Chaudhry,


Thank you for taking time to share your opinion. Yes, 200 to 300 more grafts would have made a visible improvement. So would 1000 or even 2000 more. The point of performing surgical hair restoration is learning to balance what can be done with what should be done, or in a case like this, what should NOT be done. The long term aesthetic cannot be sacrificed for the short term aesthetic.


When we perform hair transplant surgery we are allocating a very limited and finite resource. When a patient is 25 years of age, regardless of how favorable his medical response may be, and regardless of his ambitions or his family approval, we sometimes must do what is considered to be just enough and nothing more. Ultimately, the patient is very happy. If he was not he would not have agreed for us to use his photos in a public domain.


Thank you again for your input.


Thank you for detail and patient satisfaction.

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Interesting write-up. I like the approach and looks like an nice result. Congrats.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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