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4500 grafts ASMED


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I've added all your images in your first post and deleted the singles. There seems to be nothing wrong with the system. I'm guessing the issue was that all the images had the same file name.


When I saved them I edited the names and then reuploaded them.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Hey Hairsearch 21,

Hang in there - the long wait is coming to a close and you'll see your results soon.


I'm booked in to Asmed in 3 weeks and think I can deal with the long wait for results, but totally freaking out about the post HT appearance.


When you say its very, very tough: it is that you are impatient for the results, or that you are self concious of your appearance during HT recovery that is the hardest? Can people tell you've had work?



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Hey dude!


Yeah... Slowly but for sure the waiting game comes to an end...

Hopefully im happier in 2-3 more months.


To your question.

Noone noticed my procedure after 3 weeks.

I would say 1-7 days after they will defenitely notice, because youre very red and the donor area is short and you can see where the hair was taken from at this point.


But after 3 weeks its no big deal..

The redness is not that aggresive anymorw and if u want u can cover it with some make up..


So yes, tough is for me the waiting game as im an impatient freak :P

But the waiting game is necessary and part of the journey and i already know that before so i have to deal with it.


The first month will fly by like a bird u will see..

But then in the middle of month 2 time goes slower and slower :P

And you cant await the 3 month mark as it is the first milestone haha ;D


All the best to your procedure!

Dr. Koray is a great guy..

He did a lot for me.


And hey, when youre on your 3 month milestone i already will be much happier with my hair :D!

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Haha dude:D

Lets hope this will be the case :cool:


So today i start a competition with myself.

I can wear a hat all the time when im Outsider even in work so i have the possibility to try that from right now until 22 December. Thats MY 4 month mark.

I look everytime in the mirrow for the last three Months and check MY hair for hours..

BUT now i realized that this will not help me.

So the competition is stay away from Checkens my hair for the next month.

Will be not that easy..

BUT when i wann check it i will work out instead of looking in the mirrow Or just relax and do something else.

Try to forget about it.

And this is the ONLY way to see the real Progression.


Wish me luck :P

BUT i think my mind is strong enough for that!


All the best.

See you on 22 December!

Hopefully with good news and new growth :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hey guys :)


Things are happening now.

And im happy for that because im a unpatient monster O.o

I think im a very very fast grower because i already have some coverage in the hole transplanted area.

Its not that good, bit when i compare with others at this timeline im fine.


My sister checked my hair yesterday and she says that between the longer hairs i already have are thousands of baby hairs they will almost easily double the density from today so thats good news.


Let me know what you think about the progress :).


All the best


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

Hey guys!


2 days ahead of my four month update and i wanna show you how it looks like today.


The progress is good and noticeable, but i wish it looked a bit denser now..

I mean 5800 grafts in all on a 120cm2 area should give better density..

And there was some existing hair to.

But maybe its normal for 4 month to have that lack in density..

Month4 to 5 should give me a nice improvement, because there are so many baby hairs starting to grow right now.

Im very unpatient..

Looking in the mirror every time i can :/


But hey, 3-4 months post op is the hardest time as everyone says..

And its finally OVER! :D

And i did it without driving myself completely crazy.. Just a little bit (;


So please be brutally honest with me.

What can i expect in the coming months in terms of density?

Is my "result" at 4 months okay or is it behind the "normal progress".


Hope for your feedback guys!

Give me your oppinions please :)!


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I guess the next month will almost double the density from today.

Simply because all those baby hairs i can feel everywhere (such a crazy feeling) will grow half an inch and that will make it look much better!


So the next update in one month is the first "very interesting" one i guess.

Cant wait for it and im super super excited for it.


Man.. The day i feel good about my hair for the first time in years is maybe just 1-2 months away. And that alone is pretty amazing...


And if you look at the pics after 7weeks the difference is strong :)..

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I am also just past the 4 month mark and it is quite interesting. I have so many "baby hairs" that are very difficult to see without the right lighting.


I stayed at this hotel the other night and the lighting was just right to where it revealed a load of smaller hairs growing in that I could not see before. I think the 5 - 6 month time frames are going to be VERY exciting indeed.


Happy growing!

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I guess the next month will almost double the density from today.

Simply because all those baby hairs i can feel everywhere (such a crazy feeling) will grow half an inch and that will make it look much better!


So the next update in one month is the first "very interesting" one i guess.

Cant wait for it and im super super excited for it.


Man.. The day i feel good about my hair for the first time in years is maybe just 1-2 months away. And that alone is pretty amazing...


And if you look at the pics after 7weeks the difference is strong :)..


oh yeah there's certainly a difference just wait till the baby hairs start growing and get thicker. I'm happy for you mate. in 6-8 months I can see you being one happy man :-). can't wait for your update(s).

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@Born: Haha true story!

I know what youre talking about :).

Can you feel those baby hairs when you touch your head?

I can feel all of them. In fact they are like a buzz cut between all the longer hairs now.

I'll wait until those baby hairs are 1,5inch long and then i will get a haircut and let all hairs cut down to 1,5inch.

Thats my gameplan :P


@All: Thanks guys for your words and motivation! :D

Appreciate it!

I will keep all of you updated with my progress! :)


See you at the 5 month mark in a month! :D

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