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Post 2 months worse looking ever

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Hi guys


Now i m 2 months post op. The redness is still there and i had 2 big pimples on my hairline,

I do not know how to make those things vanished, i start using milk lotion for redness called bephantene


I start feel there is somthing boiling there, and based on what i read there should be more shedding, and the hair should start growing in third or fourth months


I wash my head evryday properly with massage but no more shedding, rather what i see the hair is start growing and some of them really are ugly. i have soft fine brown hair, i start see thick dark hair and you can notice the hair head is like carry something rounded. This is not my hair !!! And it feels odd, is this normal or this should be checked by doctor?



Redness, inflamed skin, giant pimples and.some ugly grown hair, ohh and i thought i was depress after the surgery, but it seems it was nothing comparing to now. I feel i am stuck now with this appearance and discomfort feeling.


At this stage, what can i do to improve my status ? i stop using minoxidil to avoid any more redness and now i m afraid to go to gym to avoid any sweating or infection


Before HT i had some thin hair on my mid scalp it was ok to cover part of the crown but now 2 months and no growing where it is gone? just by 7 years from NW1 to NW 5 and now it seems i m moving to 6 after HT,


Really now i wish if i can undo everything !!! My case is holpless, i m too bald now and it was better to shave and move on, i do not want to ruin more my donor area to end up with thin hair,


Ehhhhhh, When i should start write some positive happy threads here ?

Edited by Sam23
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Sam can you post pics? Pimples are actually common, they could be ingrown hairs, or folliculitis, if it's just a pimple or two it's probably just and ingrown hair, I have them too I'm also two months post op, it'll go away, if you're worried about it talk to your physician he can prescribe you something to make it go away sooner, you're freaking yourself out, it sounds like you're growing very fast which is a good thing.

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I looked at your picture,it looks like ingrown hairs, not folliculitis, nothing to be really concerned about, in the next months things should be improving.

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Whoahhh, there is nothing at this point in time that should be freaking you out. I agree that you are seeing some pimples of regrowth which is not a bad sign. They are very temporary and will go away.


The darker thicker hair growth is hair from the donor (occipital) zone and is expected to be thicker in caliber and even darker in color. Yet you have to be patient and allow the procedure to fully mature in a full 12 month period before you can fairly judge the merits or lack of them.


You're going to be fine, you'll see, but again be patient and allow things to go their normal course.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Yeahhh, i will wait sure as i dont have any other options. Thanks for your support really it helps me here to come and check with you here, i m trying to relax but with each new issue i come back to be worried and ask questions


I believe my redness become worse after growth factor injections, my clinic they injected me after 45 days with growth factors and from that time till now i m suffering from more redness and abnormal feeling on my scalp in addition to the pimples. i have checked with the doctor and he told me it is not related to injections but you have little sensitive skin becasue you are white so it will take some time to come back to normal and he prescribed me a steriod cream to be used for 7 days.


Regarding the texture of transplant hair, usually How it is close from normal hair? I mean if you compare yourself before having a hair loss and how you look now after HT? Would it be close or Totally different? Same feeling or you feel somthing odd on your skin ?

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