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FUE with Rahal - 30 Days


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  • Regular Member
Well I am finally doing it. After years of quietly reading the message boards and gradually losing my hair, I'm taking the plunge with Rahal for an FUE procedure at the end of Sept 2015.


Hey GPS3, you're in great hands. I'm 3.5 month post-op FUE with Rahal. I know it's early but i'm seeing excellent growth. I'll update my original thread (below) soon with pics.




I completely agree with Rawkerboi, I think Erdogan would be a much better (and cheaper) choice for your situation, especially if you are looking at a large number of FUE grafts in a single pass. Rahal can most likely only perform up to a certain number of FUE grafts in a single day, and would be limited in getting more than that. Rahal is the best in the world when it comes to hairlines though (my opinion).


Not sure I agree with any of this. For starters, the number of FUE grafts available in a first pass is relative to your donor area (size and grafts cm/2). Meaning, if you don't have the supply, it's not possible. The only other factor is punch size. Smaller means more grafts. Implying that Erdogan can get more grafts is a lie.


If I'm not mistaken, Rahal performs 3500 FUE a day, depending on donor supply and uses the smallest punches available. Erdogan does ok FUE work. But his hairlines are no where near a good as Rahal's. Rahal's also cheaper if you're from the USA than Erdogan, as they charge in CAD dollars. Instant 30% off savings. If you're from Canada, then you have one of the best in your backyard.


Guys also forget to mention that should you require a touch-up (and most of us do), you will need to cover the cost of hotel/flight to Turkey again. I doubt any of them would cover travel cost for a couple of hundred grafts.


Bottom line, I know from experience. I've had the procedure and met many many Rahal FUE patients at the guest house. I'm still in touch with all and all have no complaints.


Please don't point to one FUE result that didn't grow as well, Sean. For starters, it's one guy out of thousands. Consistency is key, and Dr. Rahal is just that with FUE. From my understanding Dr. Rahal is also paying for Sean to have his procedure at another clinic.


How many clinics do you know who would do that?


Anyway. Sorry to rant. But it's hard enough choosing a good doctor in this industry and when you do, you're head is filled with doubt from misinformation like above.


You know how many spam emails I received when I announced I had FUE with Rahal? Here is just ONE example. Keep in mind that I already had my procedure. He (the moron) didn't even bother to check that fact. Spam at it's finest.





see your considering dr. rahal for FUE. you can also consider turkey. it's much cheaper.



There are many more examples of this crap in private PM's, trying to sway guys from their chosen doctor. All seem to have a Turkey theme.


Just my opinion.


You're in great hands GPS3. Ignore the spam.

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  • Senior Member

Good luck with your procedure regarding 'shadow of the empire's' views, the thing is its all relative a Norwood 5-6 will never get his teen age hair back again but a hair transplant can make a big difference even to the high Norwoods ,I as a norwood 5-6 am more than happy with the 4200 grafts implanted you can check put my album I'm at nearly 8 months post op, is it going to be perfect ?no is the answer but it's a big improvement and i will need a second one for the crown which i have more than enough donor for so

go for it i'm sure you won't look back.

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Congrats on pulling the trigger! You have every reason to expect a terrific result and, especially, a masterfully designed and executed hairline by Dr. Rahal. He has the gift.




Thank you for saying what you said and for reassuring GPS3. The "go to Turkey" bunch has grown tiresome here. I also agree with your opinion of the hairline work of the particular Turkish doc being pushed on GPS3.

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  • Senior Member
Hey GPS3, you're in great hands. I'm 3.5 month post-op FUE with Rahal. I know it's early but i'm seeing excellent growth. I'll update my original thread (below) soon with pics.






Not sure I agree with any of this. For starters, the number of FUE grafts available in a first pass is relative to your donor area (size and grafts cm/2). Meaning, if you don't have the supply, it's not possible. The only other factor is punch size. Smaller means more grafts. Implying that Erdogan can get more grafts is a lie.


If I'm not mistaken, Rahal performs 3500 FUE a day, depending on donor supply and uses the smallest punches available. Erdogan does ok FUE work. But his hairlines are no where near a good as Rahal's. Rahal's also cheaper if you're from the USA than Erdogan, as they charge in CAD dollars. Instant 30% off savings. If you're from Canada, then you have one of the best in your backyard.


Guys also forget to mention that should you require a touch-up (and most of us do), you will need to cover the cost of hotel/flight to Turkey again. I doubt any of them would cover travel cost for a couple of hundred grafts.


Bottom line, I know from experience. I've had the procedure and met many many Rahal FUE patients at the guest house. I'm still in touch with all and all have no complaints.


Please don't point to one FUE result that didn't grow as well, Sean. For starters, it's one guy out of thousands. Consistency is key, and Dr. Rahal is just that with FUE. From my understanding Dr. Rahal is also paying for Sean to have his procedure at another clinic.


How many clinics do you know who would do that?


Anyway. Sorry to rant. But it's hard enough choosing a good doctor in this industry and when you do, you're head is filled with doubt from misinformation like above.


You know how many spam emails I received when I announced I had FUE with Rahal? Here is just ONE example. Keep in mind that I already had my procedure. He (the moron) didn't even bother to check that fact. Spam at it's finest.





see your considering dr. rahal for FUE. you can also consider turkey. it's much cheaper.



There are many more examples of this crap in private PM's, trying to sway guys from their chosen doctor. All seem to have a Turkey theme.


Just my opinion.


You're in great hands GPS3. Ignore the spam.


I also said Rahal produces the best hairlines, yet you stated you disagree with everything I wrote. I know we agree on that fact. How much did you pay per graft? Rahal's clinic posted on a separate thread that the cost per graft for FUE works out to around 6.5 US dollars I think. Erdogan works out to around 3euros a graft which is around 3.5 US dollars. How is Rahal cheaper? How is what I said misinformation?

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  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  • Regular Member

Hi Guys! I haven't forgot about you and the forum :)


Its been exactly 1 year since my FUE procedure with Rahal and I couldnt be happier with my result. I will be creating a new thread and will provide the link below.


I chose not to report on my progress throughout the last 12 months for two reasons:


1. I didn't want to dwell on things or create unnecessary worry on myself. I wanted time to take its course and not constantly think about progress or where i think I should be. I did it, and resumed normal life. Only thing I did do was take monthly photos. Otherwise i didn't dwell on it.


2. Before I did my own procedure, I myself would always be so anxious to see everyone elses progress and wish i could fast forward and see the final result right away. So i saved everyone a year of suspenseful forum posts and emotions running high and low, by providing you all with a before and after in one shot


I will create the new post now and provide a link. Looking forward to helping answer questions from others who are thinking about doing FUE with Rahal. I am here to help!

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