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Dr. Bhatti- 1800 FUE grafts for a Patient with intense scarring

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This 26 years old Patient had a hair transplant done elsewhere about a year ago, leading to minimal growth. No skin disorder. He was treated with a mere 1800 scalp grafts (FUE). Results shown are at the one year post-op mark. Density of plantation 25 per sq cm due to intense scarring. He is due for a second session.


Best regards,


















DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

That is a serious strip scar. This is especially considering he had no skin disorder. This is exactly why some folks are scared to do FUT, as, you just do not want to be that person where a doc says it was a hit or miss after and then blames you for the poor result and even gets some mods to push your complaints out of the forums he/she pays for. This even includes getting a user booted from forums after where that user is asked to explain after they already explained the issue, thus where a business acts as a judge and jury themselves.


It is very honorable you are taking part in such a repair Dr Bhatti. There seems to be some doctors that wont take repair patients as they are not confident in their own work it seems or want only easy less labor intensive passes to promote their online patient portfolios. It is very commendable you are presenting such a case openly, without any fear, with confidence, and are actually attempting to repair a person where some forum labeled reputable docs just wont handle. Even if they handled such a repair, they may charge the patient a lot more money due to the repair aspects. Looks like the patient will grow and it will turn out favorably. I cant wait to see updates from this case. Thank you for actually helping a patient and taking your profession seriously, possibly more than others in the same industry.

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That is an horrendous strip scar. Despite of a lot what you will read online lately the risk of a terrible strip scar , permanent shock loss , nerve damage , crown /scar stretching, scalp tightening etc absolutely exists with FUT. Add to that a risk of awful yield as in this case which also exists with an FUT. Although FUT doctors are not going to tell you that.! They will only tell you how terrible FUE is.


Research , research , research.


I am sure Dr Bhatti's FUE will yield well and also commend him taking on this case. I wish that patient well.

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  • Senior Member

Poor guy! Obviously, this is about as bad as a strip scar can get. It looks like Dr. Bhatti has got him on the road to recovery. Please keep us posted on his next procedure. I wish him the very best of luck.



...and even gets some mods to push your complaints out of the forums he/she pays for. This even includes getting a user booted from forums after where that user is asked to explain after they already explained the issue, thus where a business acts as a judge and jury themselves...


Should I interpret this as a dig at us? I don't want to take this thread off topic Sean so please PM me with details. Don't hold back. I'm happy to discuss.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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