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Hi, this is my first post and was hoping to gain some advice or hear from some more experienced fellow hair lose sufferers. I'm 22 and Male. I have been losing hair since I was 19. I'd say I'm vertex 3 on the norwood scale, I think..


I am currently considering an FUE treatment. Well I'm very convinced its my only viable options at this point. I am on haiross treatments (finastride) and minoxidil 7%+retinoic acid 0.01%, additionally I take Saw Palmetto because apparently it helps process the finastride. I receive this medication from Ashley and Martin (way too expensive). I have been on these medications for approx 2 years and have seen some awesome results. I started seeing results in the first 3 months of treatment, although it has now reached a point were it seems like its more maintenance than a 'regrowth' solution.


So I have decided to source out the only doctor that performs hair transplants in South Australia. He is one of the first surgeons to do this in Australia, 30 years experience and from my encounter with him, he seem to know what he is talking about.


My options are as follow (including pricing AU) -FUE,


250 Grafts - $5500

500 Grafts - $7700

750 Grafts - $8800


It only makes sense to pay for the 750 Grafts (this is also what the doctor recommends). I know this may be ultra expensive compared to some other countries but not much I can do, in Sydney the price can get up to $10k for 750.


My main concern is spending this amount of money for no results, this is a scary thought. Also I'm not sure where on my head I should split up the grafts, for example 500 on the crown then 125 on each dip of the fringe.


Can anyone please share any bit of knowledge towards this kind of stuff, as I would really like to understand as much as possible before I sit on a chair for 6 hours while someone gardens my head. :P


Some basic question I have would be:

-What are the chances of this not working?

-Because I got results in 3months of medication, will this be the same time frame to see results after a FUE?

-How should I split up the grafts on my head? I think its up to me.. or is it best to let the doctor to decide?

-Will it hurt?


I have tried to attach the best perspective of my current hairline without making it too embarrassing, also I currently have long hair so I look even balder :cool:


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards.






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  • Senior Member

You are not going to be happy with 740 grafts. You have pretty extensive loss so 750 is not going to cosmetically change that much. Why do you have to use this doctor? Why not go out of the country where you can probably get 2500 grafts at the same price.


You need to do a lot more research before jumping into this.

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You are not going to be happy with 740 grafts. You have pretty extensive loss so 750 is not going to cosmetically change that much. Why do you have to use this doctor? Why not go out of the country where you can probably get 2500 grafts at the same price.


You need to do a lot more research before jumping into this.


OK thanks for the response. 750 does seem like a low amount, considering the posts I see on this website mention up to 1500 in FUE one surgery. I guess doing the HT in another country is an option, however I run the risk of not being able to easily consult the same doctor, and its expensive to travel from aus anyway. I guess with a 10k budget I could potentially go to America but I don't know where I would begin consulting with other doctors.


My other option is FUT where for the same price ($8800) I can get 2000 grafts. I don't usually wear my hair very short, however a gap at the back of my scalp is slightly concerning..


How many grafts do you think I would need for a noticeable improvement? Would 750 be at all noticeable?




EDIT: I've never traveled any where in the northen hemisphere, I have family friends in US and Europe, I'm only assuming US has better prices + good doctors.

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OK thanks for the response. 750 does seem like a low amount, considering the posts I see on this website mention up to 1500 in FUE one surgery. I guess doing the HT in another country is an option, however I run the risk of not being able to easily consult the same doctor, and its expensive to travel from aus anyway. I guess with a 10k budget I could potentially go to America but I don't know where I would begin consulting with other doctors.


My other option is FUT where for the same price ($8800) I can get 2000 grafts. I don't usually wear my hair very short, however a gap at the back of my scalp is slightly concerning..


How many grafts do you think I would need for a noticeable improvement? Would 750 be at all noticeable?




EDIT: I've never traveled any where in the northen hemisphere, I have family friends in US and Europe, I'm only assuming US has better prices + good doctors.


You're going to need 3000+ for the front and mid area. I'd wait to do the crown down the road. You need to start emailing/calling some clinics that you see here and like the results. Send them your pics and they will be able to answer questions directly. If you wear your hair longer and can deal with a strip scar then FUT is the way to go.

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My best advice would be to shave your head and try that look. You're to young with too aggressive loss to fight hair loss with transplants for the rest of your life.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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What's your family history of baldness? I'm no doctor, but it looks like you'd be heading for a fairly high Norwood from a young age. So you need to do a lot of research and do a lot of thinking and planning before contemplating a HT i.e. you're likely to always be chasing your tail.


You don't say what your expectation is, but I'd wager 750 grafts won't meet it. Don't jump into anything - the chances are you will regret it if you do. Take a look at this and other sites. Email doctors (not ones in Australia - try some of the recommended ones on here). Get opinions from the top doctors like H&W, Feriduni, Lorenzo, Konior, Rahal etc. (there's a mix of strip and FUE there).


And good luck.

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I completely agree with Spanker...I would recommend shaving it and possibly reevaluating your situation at 25 which, honestly, is probably still a bit too young for a hair transplant. At 22, my hairloss was very similar to yours except my crown was intact. I have now been spending the last half year researching different ways to further improve my FUT scar after undergoing a 2800 graft procedure. Don't jump into something too soon, especially 750 grafts with your current NW level. If you have not done so already, give the buzz cut a try...you might be surprised how effectively thinning hair is concealed when everything is at a uniform length. Best of luck!

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My expectation is to gain it all back over time, settling with what's there is no option for me. I know I will be chasing my tail but so be it. My family history is just my dad he started losing hair at 30+, but never at my age.


For now I can see research is key here and will email more doctors and gather some more opinions. I've never tried a buzz cut well not since I was 5 but I will give it a go!


Thank you everyone for your advice, I much appreciate it. I will be sure to do another post if I make a final decision on a HT.

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first of all I would wait a few more years, as others suggested, buzz cut it see how you feel. Im sure your mates wouldn't care, in fact being an Aussie myself I know the jokes about going bald always happen when we tend to grow our hair out, the buzz cut tends to tell people I dont care what you think, so the jokes tend to be less. but if you are keen on HT sooner rather than later, seems like price point is a major factor in your decision, and I also think future hair loss should be a factor, NW3 at 21 is likely to go more to NW6, then you might need to buzz cut regardless, so one option is FUE overseas, of course I will suggest Dr Bhatti in India, as I have done many times, he gave me a decent result. feel free to PM if you want to know more. cheers dude

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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Better wait and complete a year on medicines.

750 Grafts for $8800 won't do much

Avoid HT in your own country as its dam expensive, explore your option and start doing some research

If you really interested in FUE then consult doctors from India and Turkey they are quite reasonable

Splitting of the grafts will be decided during face to face consultation with doctor

Till then enjoy you buzz look

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