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Has anyone had surgery with Dr Jean Devroye or Dr Greg Williams (Farjo)


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I'm new to this forum and in the process of investigating surgeons. Can anyone share their experiences with either of the hair transplant surgeons I am considering using? One is Dr Greg Williams of the Farjo Institute in Manchester, UK. The other is Dr Jean Devroye in Brussels, Belgium. Both seem to have good reputations and results. I will need 3000+ grafts, so it is quite a big procedure.

Thanks for any input. It's a tough decision to make!

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Thanks for your reply BUSA. I live near London, UK. I admit I was surprised by the costs quoted (?10k for Dr Williams, approx ?7k Dr Devroye), but then I assumed you pay for what you get? If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys! Who would you recommend? Do those quotes seem a lot for 3000 grafts?

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Hi larch,


I also live near london and we havent got many good doctors near us for hair transplants except farjo which unless you got wayne rooney money i dont see te point going to when uou can travel abroad for a far much cheaper ht. i see your looking at Brussels and the doc you choose has a good reputation in the industry. you could also look at dr de reys from brussels hes quite cheap and does it manually which you want really. And is producing some nice results(going by what ive seen on this forum). Failing that you could branch out a bit to turkey theres two docs that imo are producing good results at the moment and thats doganay and erdogan. Its worth giving them a shot if you want to travel that is..


Best if luck mate.

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Hi wwhhiizzkkiidd24 and thanks for the reply. Sounds like I need to investigate the Belgian surgeons a bit more thoroughly. These may be a better option and should be easy for travel from the UK I think. Do you or anyone else have a feel for what 3000 grafts typically cost (rough price) from a reasonably priced HT surgeon? It's great to have this feedback from those of you with much more experience and knowledge of HT.

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No worries.. The two turkish doctors ive said i know dr erdogam charges 2.50 euros. I think the ither one is roughly the same.


The Belgium doctor he qouted me 3000 grafts for 7000 euros i think that works out to be around just over 5000 pounds wich isnt bad at all.


Hope this helps.

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  • Senior Member

I'm new to this forum and in the process of investigating surgeons. Can anyone share their experiences with either of the hair transplant surgeons I am considering using? One is Dr Greg Williams of the Farjo Institute in Manchester, UK. The other is Dr Jean Devroye in Brussels, Belgium. Both seem to have good reputations and results. I will need 3000+ grafts, so it is quite a big procedure.

Thanks for any input. It's a tough decision to make!


I've met Dr Williams and he's a good doctor doing serious work. I've no doubt he would do a great job for you.


That said, 10G is quite high for 3000 grafts, that's London for you! The US is also catching up with the not-so-good exchange rate currently.


Maras (Cyprus), Bisanga / Feriduni (Belgium) would all be about 20% less. Karadeniz (Turkey) is a relative newcomer and would be about 50% the price.


Devroye has shown some great results although I do not know much about him.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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  • Senior Member
Hi larch,


I also live near london and we havent got many good doctors near us for hair transplants except farjo which unless you got wayne rooney money i dont see te point going to when uou can travel abroad for a far much cheaper ht. i see your looking at Brussels and the doc you choose has a good reputation in the industry. you could also look at dr de reys from brussels hes quite cheap and does it manually which you want really. And is producing some nice results(going by what ive seen on this forum). Failing that you could branch out a bit to turkey theres two docs that imo are producing good results at the moment and thats doganay and erdogan. Its worth giving them a shot if you want to travel that is..


Best if luck mate.


There have been quite a few bad results from Doganay lately, so I would steer clear from him. Just my two cents.


Here you go:


Dr. Lorenzo

Dr. Bisanga

Dr. Feriduni

Dr. Erdogan

Dr. Mwamba

Dr. Konior


Best of luck to you!

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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