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How Natural is your HT?

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  • Regular Member

Those of you that went to good docs and particularly those who don't have the advantage of lots of native hair to camaflouge transplantyed hair, would you say your HT is 100% natural?


Do you think people ever look at your hair wondering if its a HT? Are you able to tell the difference between native and transplanted grafts?

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I feel my hair transplant looks completely natural and without the 3 surgeries I've had, I'd be completely bald.


I've had compliments on my hair from people who didn't know I've had a hair transplant.


However, some who have known me and have seen the evidence that I was had very little hair left, did notice I had more hair and knew I must have done something. Surgical hair restoration wasn't necessarily the first thing on their minds, but anyone who goes from bald to hairy is going to be noticed by those who know them best.


Feel free to look through my journey and photos in the links below.


Best wishes,



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Do those close to you know how you restored your hair ? Have they asked or they just know it somehow came back?




Thank you for your interest.


Though publishing this hair loss community and moderating this discussion forum has become my career, I still keep my hair transplant surgery relatively discreet in the real world.


I've really only told a handful of people in my real life about it which include my wife, my father, my best friends Erin, John, and Tim. I've told a few others as well at varying times depending on the circumstances. I've only told some of them recently whereas others I've told awhile ago. My wife knew from the beginning.


I find it harder to tell attractive females, especially those younger than me. I'm not trying to pick anyone up being married and all, but I think most people still want to be attractive to the opposite sex and not draw attention to themselves. That's why I had only really told my best friend Erin more recently, whereas best male friends in my life knew for longer.


The funny thing is, many people didn't even know I had hair transplant surgery done because I wore a hat in most social situations for years because I was ashamed of my baldness, sad to say. So only a few people really noticed while others, if they noticed, didn't say anything :-).



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  • Senior Member

Chops, I had a tiny bit but not enough to cover anything on top to hide the HT, plus I was shaved down. In other words, little to no native hair to camouflage for me!


I must say though that naturalness has never been an issue with my HT. As it grows in it went from looking like a sparse buzz cut, to a more filled in buzz cut (I had been keeping it short), and now I am letting it grow in and no one has made a single comment about anything looking weird--simply "you have more hair!". My two buddies that I told cannot believe how natural it looks. And I am confident walking around in sunlight and fluorescent light without feeling any self consciousness.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Kind of like I said in the other thread, I say it's the meds and the majority of my friends/family don't know much if anything about them (except for maybe seeing rogaine commercials which state it regrows hair). I tell them most of the hairline hairs were there just miniaturized and the meds strengthen and thicken the hair shafts.


If they look at me cross-eyed about the explanation or they know more about how the drugs work I may just tell them.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Senior Member

I get sooo many compliments on my new hairstyle ( and the previous one). Naturalness is not even a thought.. In my post op period I have never even had an implication of anyone suspecting anything..


I can say it never crosses my mind



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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  • Senior Member

I agree with you Leeson and you bring up a good point. Typically these questions (for me at least) are coming from non-balding friends and family. So, in my mind I don't feel bad about using this response.


My two really bald buddies are the ones that know I had a procedure (so no bending of the truth there) and if any other balding buddies began to seriously inquire about things I would probably tell them in confidence what was truly going on so they would know not to expect these kind of results.

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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  • Regular Member

I'd like to add that the re-growth is quite gradual. That is, we don't experience a new head of hair "overnight".


I liken the post-HT period to gradually going bald - in reverse.


When you are around people on a regular basis, they simply don't notice the gradual change.


When you see someone you haven't seen in a long time, they seem to notice a change for the better. But these folks can't quite put their finger on exactly what has changed.


The closest anyone has come to noticing my post-HT is to say that "your hair looks like it has changed color."


And, she was partly right. What she was looking at was more hair than she saw a year ago.


I interpret this to mean that my head has more hair on it than before. Hence, there is more hair color to see and less scalp.


There is a great post on another thread here called "hair gazers" - or something like that. The topic concerns people who stare at one's receding hairline.


I haven't ran into one of these people in quite a while. There is much less recession to scrutinize.


All of this, plus my personal observations, leads me to believe that my new hairline is undetectable.


I feel the same about the posts & blogs I've seen here.


Cheers to all.

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  • Senior Member

I just found out last week, from my trainer, that my dentist (who is also a client) has had three transplants down in Atlanta! I never would've guessed, and I'd consider myself in the top 10% based on knowledge of transplants.


So, there you go.... BTW, I think he went to Griffin.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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