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Combo FUT + FUE performed by Dr. Feriduni – 3950 FU in a single day session

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A combination of FUT and FUE performed on a 36 year old Caucasian male with:


- NW III anterior Class N

- Donor density of ~90-104 FU/cm2 in the occipital donor region and ~84-90 FU/cm2 in the temporal donor regions

- Hair diameter of ~84-96 microns

- A wide linear scar from a previous surgery (ex domo)


Treatment plan:


- Scar revision in Follicular Unit Strip Technique to reduce the width of the existing linear scar (in my opinion, placing follicular units right into the scar was not an option due to the extreme width of the linear scar). A second minor FUE procedure to fill in the linear scar has been performed in September 2014

- Reconstruction of the hairline, temples and temporal peaks and add density to the central core


Performed procedure (November, 6th 2012):


Follicular Strip Transplantation with 1714 FU:


* 499 single hair FU

* 892 double hair FU

* 323 triple hair FU


Follicular Unit Extraction with 2236 FU:


* 199 single hair FU

* 1637 double hair FU

* 400 triple hair FU


Total number: 3950 FU


Double layer closing with PDS 4-0 absorbable sutures and disposable skin staples;

Extraction performed with a 0.85mm FUE punch with CIT Manual Punch Handle. No microscopic preparation of the follicular unit grafts;

Parallel incisions (single, double and triple units) were made in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.75mm – 0.95mm).



Dr. B. Feriduni































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  • Senior Member

Wow... Probably the best scar revision result I have seen documented. The patient must be absolutely over the moon with the result and much thinner scar.

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Dr. Feriduni,


In your experience, how wide is the average strip scar in mm?


Thanks in advance.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Senior Member

Wow. He had a crazy scar before. Poor guy. He must be feeling much better now though. Good to see the problem could be resolved.

Did he start his HT journey with a tight donor area? Im wondering why that scar stretched so much.

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To Delancey: A linear scar is always influenced by various factors, and those factors are often decisive in the outcome of a linear scar, such as:


1. Patient factors:

- Patient’s age (in general better scar results in older patients)

- Smoking or non-smoking patient

- Diseases that influence wound healing, such as Diabetes, Ehler-Danlos syndrome etc.

- Previous surgeries


2. Surgical factors:

- Area/position of the linear strip

- Width of the linear strip – tension

- Suture technique (single, double layer suture technique, trichophytic closure technique)

- Experience of the hair surgeon


3. Postoperative factors:

- Aftercare (infection, scabbing, etc.)

- Sports (weight lifting)


In general and under ideal conditions, a linear scar will be between 1mm and 4mm in width and invisible when the hairs are buzzed in grade 2-3.

In case of a full shortcut a linear scar will always be visible, even when the outcome is optimal, due to the scar tissue and difference in skin structure.


Kindest regards,


Dr. Bijan Feriduni

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