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sex after FUT


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Hello everyone!

I had FUT 10 day ago. My doctor adviced me not to have sex for atleast 10days but i couldn't resist myself and had sex last night. I just wanted to ask if sex/masturbation has any adverse effect on the transplanted hair. If any please let me know. Thank you.

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  • Senior Member
i couldn't resist myself ....


You just couldn't say no to yourself, huh? :P Don't sweat it, you're good.


I has sex twice the night after mine with no ill effects.


Of course, when I got home the next day my wife gave me hell...

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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Voxman- Classic response :)


Abuzar- You will be fine at 9-10 days in my opinion. Hope you feel better.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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It is called strip, but it doesn't mean you are supposed to strip.


Donor hair tends to be more curly if you engage during the first month, but the results do not manifest for about 3 months.


You notice that buzzing feeling along the scar line as well as in the recipient due to dilation and pumping blood pressure - similar to all strenuous exercise undertaken in the first few months after strip.

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  • Regular Member

Great topic - I recently had a HT and on Day 5 after my procedure my wife "took care of things" for me with minimal exhilaration on my part, I didn't last very long, however my heart rate certainly increased, I don't think I even perspired - then of course AFTERWARDS I thought about checking to see if this was OK, and I was shocked to see doctors on the internet advising patients to abstain from sexual activity for 10-14 days and I thought "Here we go . . ."


So I checked with my doctor's right hand assistant and he thought this was a non-issue - I didn't have any grafts pop off, that was one concern I read about on-line, as for the blood rushing from your head to another part of your anatomy - they dismissed that -


I think sex is more problematical than masturbation because there is physical body movement and the risk of possibly dislocating grafts which haven't fully attached themselves, I was 5 days removed and lying virtually motionless on my back - so my grafts were never at risk


Does blood flow and an elevated heart rate create risks? Only a doctor could say for sure, but mine wasn't concerned


I had a minor sunburn after my first HT (not a sunburn just redness/pinkness) and it killed me that I even put myself in that position - if I had it to do over again I would not have engaged in even this scaled-back sexual act, it's unnecessary, most of us should be able to abstain for 2 weeks to protect the results of a very expensive elective medical procedure - but I crossed the Rubicon looks like you did too, I tend to worry about everything and I'm not worried about this you probably shouldn't be either - FK

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