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Booked with dr Koray 09.01.


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Hi everybody,


3000 grafts recommended by dr. K. All into hairline. I want temple points as well. We'll se what will dr say. Sitting and waiting, nervous a bit. I'll be happy to share results with you soon. Hope it will be good (very good :D). 9th of January is so so close... :)





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Hi everybody,

I will write a small comment since I arrived today to the Istanbul. So far everything was perfect, like everybody said before I will repeat it the clinic is amazing and there is nothing to add to it. Plus I'm staying at the clinic and I would like to recommend it to everybody who wishes to come to Asmed for HT. Dr. Koray Erdogan and his time are huge professionals and you see it in every detail. I was a bit anxious (which is normal) when I arrived but as soon as got to the clinic everything was gone, especially after my meeting with doctor. When he started to talk about HT with his calm voice (perfect English) I felt relief and then measuring my hair, drawing hairline.... wow this doc is top, as far as I'm concerned. My head is shaved for the first time in my life which felt a bit strange, my hairline is drawn so I can not wait for tomorrow. We decided to go with 3000 grafts as already planned before. I'll try to put a few words after the surgery tomorrow. Until then best regards from Asmed.

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When he started to talk about HT with his calm voice (perfect English) I felt relief and then measuring my hair, drawing hairline.... wow this doc is top, as far as I'm concerned.
no doubt u chose one of the best. top 5 in the world imo. most ppl that get a HT from him change their lives for the better forever.
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I just want to thank you right off the bat for the messages of support you sent me even while you were nervous about your own impending appointment with destiny in Istanbul.


It really is hard to write a contemporaneous account of the experience, so I wasn’t surprised that you’ve left us in suspense, waiting for your next report.


Hope it continued going as great as it sounded like it started. Looking forward to your filling us in with all the details!

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First of all I want to thank the Forum for helping me choose the best doctor for me. I will not talk too much, just upload the pictures doctor and his team gave me.

BetterLate thank you for your kind words and support.

I'm gonna post here same time I will be sending pics to the clinic - 10 days, 2, 4, 8 and 12 months. I hope I've chosen the right pictures because clinic gave me whole bunch of them.

Best Regards




















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To be honest I hated my hairline. I'm 31 soon 32 so I don't want to wait anymore.

Here are some numbers:





Total number:3006

Average hair per grafts:2.48

Doctor estimated my donor capacity 9100 grafts.

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To quote Michael Palin and edwardharvey: “You lucky Bastard!” And you’re going to look like a teenager again after your hairline grows in.


I’m assuming Dr. Erdogan suggested that you, too, look into Finasteride for keeping your existing native hair?


I’d been totally against it because I was just plain scared of side effects. But my decision changed during my two days of HT surgeries. They were virtually painless, but I have whatever “fear of medical procedures” is called. Add that to my knocking on the door of age 60 and Finasteride potentially playing a role in the health of my prostate… and I’m now taking it.


As a younger man, your decision regarding Finasteride doesn’t include any prostate advantages. However, if it does help stop a lot of potential future hair loss in its tracks, that might help you avoid the need for any future surgery… the downside being, of course, that for it to be completely effective, you’d have to continue taking it until there are further developments in the field of hair loss that take its place.


From our brief chats, I know all of the time and consideration you put into making your decisions. That adds a fair bit of weight into how much I value your opinion. While my wondering what your current thoughts on Finasteride are comes from genuine interest, whatever those thoughts are probably has practical value for the younger Newbies and Lurkers who are standing in your proverbial shoes.


I guess that's my long-winded way of asking if you’re going to take any regimen of medication?


PS I hope you are healing quickly and well!

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Thank you guys!

BetterLate, yes I started with Proscar, quarter (1,25mg) every day. My opinion is that if there will be no harm I will continue to take it. I took it mostly because it was doctors suggestion and I'm like that, if I trust you as a professional I will listen to any advice you have to offer. Same thing happened with PRP, doc suggested it I accepted it :). I'll probably need another surgery in the future with or without Finasteride, but if it will help me with current situation I'll be very happy man.

When it comes to healing donor and recipient area look really good and it's itching a bit, so I think it's healing ok. But last two days my face looks like an elephant man :D. Today is much better though, so it's just part of post-op healing process.


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  • Senior Member


To quote Michael Palin and edwardharvey: “You lucky Bastard!” And you’re going to look like a teenager again after your hairline grows in.


I’m assuming Dr. Erdogan suggested that you, too, look into Finasteride for keeping your existing native hair?


I’d been totally against it because I was just plain scared of side effects. But my decision changed during my two days of HT surgeries. They were virtually painless, but I have whatever “fear of medical procedures” is called. Add that to my knocking on the door of age 60 and Finasteride potentially playing a role in the health of my prostate… and I’m now taking it.


As a younger man, your decision regarding Finasteride doesn’t include any prostate advantages. However, if it does help stop a lot of potential future hair loss in its tracks, that might help you avoid the need for any future surgery… the downside being, of course, that for it to be completely effective, you’d have to continue taking it until there are further developments in the field of hair loss that take its place.


From our brief chats, I know all of the time and consideration you put into making your decisions. That adds a fair bit of weight into how much I value your opinion. While my wondering what your current thoughts on Finasteride are comes from genuine interest, whatever those thoughts are probably has practical value for the younger Newbies and Lurkers who are standing in your proverbial shoes.


I guess that's my long-winded way of asking if you’re going to take any regimen of medication?


PS I hope you are healing quickly and well!




That's a well written post.


I hope your doing well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Wow very nice indeed my friend. I have met Dr. Koray in person for consultation and I must admit his method of articulating have me the comfort ai was seeking for. A quick question, why did you opt for the clinic as oppose to the Radisson Blue for accommodation?


I am scheduled for June and your monthly uodates will keep on motivating me given that I am also turning 32 this year and have a similar hairline as yours.


All the best and happy growing!:D

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Hi Bahrain,

Thank you for your kind words. I chose clinic because I was traveling alone and stayed for three days. The weather was bad, didn't want to go anywhere and they have medical bed which helps you to sleep in upright position. If my wife was traveling with me, I would probably chose Hotel, but in this case clinic was better option for me. Hope this helps.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Looks real clean, impressive!

Was the Dr hesitant to do your temple points? I hadn't seen any temple points done by Asmed. I'd love to see more from them, that area is very important to the framing of the face

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hey Ffx305,

thank you. Actually temple points were my decision. I had it in my mind when I decided to go for HT. The problem of temple point is that most of singles go there, so I decided not to drop hairline (it is 6.5 or 7cm depends where you measure it from) but to keep it the way it used to be and have temple points.


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