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Need Advise for H.T. Revision


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Hi All,


Well i have already done hair transplant sessions and results are not really up to mark. I want to share my hair transplant story with all the members for better further solution as follows:


1st hair transplant 1500 grafts at AK Clinics Ludhiana on June 2010 : I have noticed my hair loss in the age of 22, and as usual everybody try several hair loss oils, medicines etc etc which i also did. When i found no improvement after taking pills, oils and minoxidil etc then i came to know about HT procedure. I started searching on internet for clinics and nearest i found AK clinics, Ludhiana India. I took their address from website and went to their clinic for consultation. I met Dr. Kapil Dua and Dr. Aman Dua at AK clinics and they explained me the whole hair transplant procedure and pricing for the treatment. After having long discussion with Dr. Kapil and Dr. Aman Dua and searching some internet information i finally decided to go for the treatment. Doctors told me that i need 1500 grafts to cover my receding front hair line. Now, finally the day came i reached at clinic in the morning, after having some tests and breakfast the procedure started at 9 - 9.30am. It took full day to implant 1500 grafts considering lunch break i got free by 5 0'clock in the evening. Procedure was OK, not very painful as i was afraid. Post surgery care and kit had been given by clinic staff and i followed the same. Well now, after waiting 3-4 months i noticed no hair growth on the head , i visited clinic and they told it it will take 10-12 months to see the full growth. I was consciously waiting for time to see growth on the head. Now, even after 1 year i have seen 10 - 20% hair growth on the head and when i visited the clinic they told hair growth percentage varies from patient to patient. I came to know that i was cheated and lost my money as well my time for this treatment..


2nd Hair Transplant 4000 grafts at Reviva Clinic, Chandigarh(India) on June 2011 : As one sitting already done and after seeing no result and awkward scalp situation i need to go for another HT to correct the earlier bad HT. I again found some clinics on the internet and went to consult at Reviva clinic, Chandigarh. Here i met Dr. Pradeep Sohi and he told me that there are so many patients came to him from AK clinics to repair HT done by them. He has shown me some pictures as well for the repaired cases. I got confidence on him and after having long discussion we finalized the date for HT. As i have already done one siting earlier so i was totally aware of the complete procedure already. Procedure started at 9 - 9.30 am and finished by 6 0'clock in the evening considering lunch break for half an hour. They have planted 4000 grafts to repair the earlier bad HT and to cover front hair line of the head. Well, after passing time i found better results from the earlier done HT but not up to mark here also ( results were 40-50% only). I visited the clinic after 9 -10 months to consult the doctor for less growth the doctor told me that i need one more sitting for improve the density of the hairs .


3rd HT 3000 grafts at Reviva Clinic, Chandigarh(India on Feb 2012 : Nothing new ,,, same clinic same procedure same time. They took one day and said we have covered all your head with 3000 grafts and told we have improved the density of earlier HT and covered center area of the head also. Now you do not need any further HT. I am so excited to see the results. Now results again ( only up to 30 - 40%). No density improved and so thin hairs on the center of my head and further i have noticed my crown also getting bald now which earlier was OK. After doing 3 HT sitting i have not seen any much improvement in the hairs. I visited Dr. Pradeep Sohi and he told due to some shock hair loss my other hairs getting thin and crown area is getting bald. I need 2000 more grafts to cover my crown and center are density. They said they will charge the same price as a discount to me as i have already done 2 HT sitting earlier. Well no choice i said yes.



4th HT (2000 grafts at Reviva Clinic, Chandigarh(India) Mar 2013 ---------- Same, 2000 grafts transplanted out which 500 grafts were taken from beard area (this is a new part for me and it is a painful part believe me). They took full one day again and After procedure i was not even in position to talk properly for some hours due to beard procedure involved.

Dr. Pradeep Sohi now told, your hairs are completely covered now, no place left bald and now finally i do not need any further sitting. Well after waiting for another 1 year i am at the same stage . Not much results came out.



So, guys now i have shared my whole HT sittings with you but till date my hairs condition is worst. I am attached some pics of my current hairs you can as follows:


- Hairs direction is totally wrong

- So much thinning of hairs even after transplanting 10,500 grafts...........

- Donor area completely used, left with no hairs ( even it looks bald now :-(



I have heard about this website from a friend of mine who told me to put my whole story here for better consultation.

Please guide me what further procedures should to normalize my hairs condition. I still need to put a cap for going outside to attend some parties or roaming with friends to hide my head.


Please guide


Thanks and Regards






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I'm sorry you're dissatisfied with your hair restoration experience. I know this can be very disheartening, and I'm sorry you went through it.


I think the most important "first step" in your situation is a consultation with a physician who specializes in alopecia (hair loss). I say this for several reasons: first, it appears as if you suffer from some sort of diffuse alopecia. While this could be a diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA), it may also be a different type of hair loss altogether. If you suffer from an unusual type of alopecia, you may not be a good hair transplant candidate. This may explain why you're not achieving your desired results. Finally, a hair loss specialist may recommend a treatment better suited to your condition.


I think delaying another procedure until you are properly diagnosed may be advantageous. Please, feel free to ask any additional questions. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member



I'm sorry you're dissatisfied with your hair restoration experience. I know this can be very disheartening, and I'm sorry you went through it.


I think the most important "first step" in your situation is a consultation with a physician who specializes in alopecia (hair loss). I say this for several reasons: first, it appears as if you suffer from some sort of diffuse alopecia. While this could be a diffuse unpatterned alopecia (DUPA), it may also be a different type of hair loss altogether. If you suffer from an unusual type of alopecia, you may not be a good hair transplant candidate. This may explain why you're not achieving your desired results. Finally, a hair loss specialist may recommend a treatment better suited to your condition.


I think delaying another procedure until you are properly diagnosed may be advantageous. Please, feel free to ask any additional questions. Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member

Seriously.....? 10,500 FUs from your limited donor area. The doctor ripped you off. He did this to you just for money? He might as well start killing people for money. Hire a lawyer and sue the guy. What he has done to you is not acceptable by any medical standards.

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  • Regular Member

Dear ,


I had also gone HT surgery's and got excellent results.

If u would like to get any type of help or guidance, you are welcome.

I can share my results


You are from Punjab , I also have touch with Punjab , As i have done my engineering from there.




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  • Senior Member

You can contact Dr. Tejiner Bhatti in Chandigarh or Dr. A. Poooswal in Delhi. ****** claims to have done a lot of repair cases. Body hair transplant may be an option if you have coarse body hair.

Alternatively, you can try shaving your head if the scar is not going to be a big problem.

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To begin your search, you might contact a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons.


Next stage to find a surgery is by word of mouth, talk to another patient or form the hair forum sites. For me the hair forums are the best place to get some advice from patients and surgeons.


At the Consultation make sure that you are actually being evaluated by a physician – the one who will be performing your actual surgery – and not a senior consultant, if that is the case than I suggest you leave the consultation. Although it is fine for a non-physician to answer general questions, your examination should be conducted by the surgeon and he or she should be the one to make all treatment recommendations.


Next, ask how long they have been working with their team. The larger clinics have a much higher staff turnover rate, so it's usually best to go with the smaller individual practitioner or group.


Make sure to have a good examination, including having your density checked with a densitometer and your scalp assessed for laxity. Beware of the doctor who takes a quick glance at your head and exclaims. Does the surgeon take a holistic approach to hair restoration? Your surgeon should help you evaluate all your options, surgical and non surgical.


Be sure that the surgeon is focused on a long-term plan. A good doctor will be thinking about where your hair loss is headed many years to come and consider how a procedure performed now will affect your future. It is important to think what the hair restoration will look like 5, 10, 20 years down the road as you may lose native hair with age.


Is hair restoration the primary focus of their practice? Outstanding results require a surgeon and a full staff who perform hair restoration surgery on a regular basis. Doing hair restoration as a sideline, along with other cosmetic procedures, may hinder their ability to do large sessions of highly refined follicular unit transplantation.


Choose a hair restoration clinic that is patient focused rather than commercially focused. Some clinics emphasize revenue, speed and volume rather than dedicating the time and individual care needed to produce optimal results.


Once you have decided to have a hair transplant is whether to have the surgeon to harvest the donor hair through a long, thin strip via Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or as individual follicular units using Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). There are advantages and disadvantages to each, so it is important to have a good understanding of both techniques, I believe there is a thread about this topic on this forum.


Can the surgeon provide a minimum of 12 sets of before and after photos taken at the same angle, the same background, and the same lighting? These picture specifications are important to ensure that there are no possible discrepancies when looking at individual cases.


Be sure that the photos provide a clear view of the hairline, as well as the mid scalp (the top between the hair line and crown). Also, ask if the surgeon can provide you with photographs of donor scars (FUE and FUT), which are left behind on the back of the scalp after surgery.


Ask for the names and phone numbers of at least 5 patients you can contact to discuss their experiences/results from their hair transplant, try to see them face to face as you would be able to see their results.


Ultimately, the most important measure of a hair transplant surgeon’s work is their patient’s level of satisfaction. Find out what patient’s think of their surgeon work by visiting discussion forums or by viewing hair loss blogs created by patients.


Overall in my opinion I would try to remember this list as this helped me when I decided to book my HT with Dr Bhatti:

• How long have you been doing this procedure?

• How many patients have you performed?

• May I see photos of your patients

• Are there any of your patients I can talk to?

• How long after surgery was the photos taken?

• Do you perform FUT and or FUE?

• How many grafts are usually done in a session?

• How many sessions will I need to achieve the look I want?

• How much will the entire procedure cost?

• Are there any preparation fees or other costs besides the per-graft charge?

• Describe the HT procedure

• What risks are associated with this kind of procedure?

• Are you board certified and which board certified you?

• What part of the surgery do you yourself perform and what part is

performed by your technicians?

• How many surgeries do you perform a day?

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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I must, again, stress the following: please undergo a scalp evaluation before discussing further surgery. I feel like you may suffer from a diffuse non-scarring (non-cicatricial) alopecia and may not be a good surgical candidate. I would hate to see you undergo another operation without satisfactory results!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I must, again, stress the following: please undergo a scalp evaluation before discussing further surgery. I feel like you may suffer from a diffuse non-scarring (non-cicatricial) alopecia and may not be a good surgical candidate. I would hate to see you undergo another operation without satisfactory results!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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If you are trying to stay local Dr. Bhati may be your best bet, however, you will get limited success because your donor is very bad. Sorry. You may be better off shaving and just doing a scar revision. Shame you used over 10k grafts.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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agreed either ur suffering from some form of alopecia or u have the "X" factor going on. after having that many treatments with such poor results id say ur not a good candidate for a HT.


but, if u have plenty of donor body hair either body or face I wud try anyway. all ud hav to lose is money. id roll the dice on it. wat other choice do u have?

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Hi All members,


Thank you so much for givinh your valuable comments and advises. I met Dr. T.Bhatti last week and he explained me well everything. He is a very nice person and tells clearly everything to me for the best possibilities. Hopefully i will have a session with Dr. Bhatti soon............


Will post further very soon.



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  • Regular Member

Hi All members,


Thank you so much for givinh your valuable comments and advises. I met Dr. T.Bhatti last week and he explained me well everything. He is a very nice person and tells clearly everything to me for the best possibilities. Hopefully i will have a session with Dr. Bhatti soon............


Will post further very soon.



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I'm sending a private message to explain.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Regular Member
Hi All members,


Thank you so much for givinh your valuable comments and advises. I met Dr. T.Bhatti last week and he explained me well everything. He is a very nice person and tells clearly everything to me for the best possibilities. Hopefully i will have a session with Dr. Bhatti soon............


Will post further very soon.




Helo Dear ,


You can see my results on this website by following this link.






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  • 4 months later...
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This is my follow up after 2 sessions with Dr. Tejinder Bhatti ( Darling Buds, Chandigarh)


first session- Sep.2014 (991 grafts from beard) - Centre of forehead

second session- Nov 2014 ( 470 grafts from chest) - Crown Area


Attaching some pics.........


Will update further my progress.....







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