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Suggestions for cost friendly FUE doctors?

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  • Regular Member

I'n thinking about going the next step for a another hair transplant to restore temple angle closure, temple points, and slightly lower the hairline.



I had my first FUT with Dr. Rahal(NW2) which was a grand slam despite him not giving me temple points. Ever see someone with a strong hairline whether it be an HT or toupee but with flat sides, and no angularity? perhaps a bit of miniaturization... it looks unnatural, and fake to the trained eye.



I'm looking for a cost-friendly and reputable FUE surgeon for 1000-1500 grafts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Yes you can go for another hair transplant if your hairs are going away, the study's on hair transplant is going, the fundamental foundation for hair follicle is harvesting on FUT and FUE are based.


Hey Herman, I agree. Studies of hair, transplant doing FUE or FUT style procedure, indicators point towards a variety of methods all design to provide results when used in proper way tireless research have proved. In addition Coco Oil help naturally prevent.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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  • Senior Member

I agree, temporal restoration and angles are extremely important. It also depends on your head size. Some folks needing restoration may need temples just implanted, or maybe even pushed forward depending on the style of the hairline or scalp shape.


Did you try looking into doctors in Turkey who do fue? They are relatively very reasonabely priced. I think $1-$2 a graft. First, get a consult and make sure in writing they tell you they will do your temples the way you want. Then proceed. It would suck to travel and then have the surgeon twll you no maybe we should do it another way and push his or her recommendation on you. Sometimes, if you refuse they can deny surgery. So, get all things on paper and make sure they address your concerns completely.

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i would have gone with Dr Koray Erdogan in istanbul if i hadnt had the funds for Dr. Jose Lorenzo. I do know also that Dr. Lorenzo is friends with Dr. Erdogan and they share ideas etc and i 'think' i read that they both do manual extraction and transplanting...i know Lorenzo does as he did mine! Dr. Erdogan gets great reviews online and i would say he's about half price of what you would pay for Dr. Lorenzo but then you have to factor in a flight/accomodation etc to Turkey.

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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BTW guys if you get time please follow my pintrest page on FUE transplants.


FUE hair transplant UK on Pinterest


its there to help us normal guys out here find inspiration and courage/determination to go through with an FUE transplant. theres many celeb pics too of who's had what done, supplements and the like..ill be updating it regularly! Enjoy and please follow the page to support it and keep it running!

northernslapheadMy Hair Loss WebLog

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