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Dr. Panine - Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic - 2,166 FUE's / 14 Months Post-Op

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This 27 year old gentleman had a hair loss pattern similar to a class 3 on the Hamilton Norwood hair loss scale. After establishing his medical history and understanding the progression of his hair loss, I diagnosed his condition as Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness), ruling out any other possible dermatological or medical conditions which can cause hair loss. His goal was to augment his hairline without bringing it down that much by adding density to the frontal 1/3 of his head. Taking his age and current/expected future hair loss into consideration we agreed upon a surgical plan that would be in line with his expectations/goals as well as working well with how he would like to comb/style his hair after the procedure.


During the procedure I focused on reinforcing the patient’s current hairline and adding density to the frontal 1/3 of his scalp. A total of 2,166 FUE’s were used. The break down was as follows: 889 single hair grafts, 1,155 two hair grafts and 122 3 hair grafts. I used a significant amount of single hair follicular units which allowed me to create a very natural hairline. This action will allow him to comb his hair without anyone detecting that he has had anything done. These are his results 14 months after his first procedure and there will continue to be more improvement over the next few months. The patient is extremely happy with his result and is taking finasteride 1mg to control further hair loss. He does understand that he might need an additional procedure if he would like more density or does have any further hair loss down the road.


























































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Good afternoon, Dr. Panine, can you please tell me consensuses betwen FUE and FUT of which is has best results. I had the FUT done on 7-2-14 and i didnt do my due diligence. I had a consultation on 7-1-14 and freaked out when i saw the overhead view of my head and jumped in to have the transplant done. I'm just curious if FUT was a good choice or if i went FUE if it would've been better. Thank you for your time.

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  • Senior Member

Looks extremely natural. It's hard to tell exactly where the grafts went because they were scattede about and he was not shaved down, but I still think this was a good result for the grafts.


Very nice pictures as well. I can't view the video at the moment, but if it's actual footage of the result then I take my hat off to you.

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Davidla, when performed properly, both FUE and FUT procedures should produce excellent results.

Choice of procedure depends on your particular situation.

In general, you can obtain more follicular units (FU) with FUT, the trade-off is the possibility of a linear scar in the donor area. I use trichophytic closure and get minimal scarring.

The other major point is that with FUE procedure the yield of FU can be lower than with FUT.

Since I personally remove FUs and personally place them, I have not seen that much of a difference in the yield between FUE and FUT.

The third point is the amount of FUs that you can harvest - of course there is a range depending on many factors, surgeon, etc., but when I perform FUE I can do up to 3000 FUs versus 4500 FU

with FUT.

FUE is less uncomfortable, but patients have to shave their heads like they are signing up for the Marines, and it takes approx. a week to grow out, sometimes faster. My last FUE patient was back at work in 5 days.

Finally, FUE is a more expensive procedure.

Both procedures have pros and cons, and should be tailored individually during consultation.

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