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Failed hair transplant with Dr Rahal

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  • Regular Member
You posted a picture of the back of your head for opinions on your donor area and a picture of your hairline in November of 2103. You received a warm welcome and some good comments and advice.


Then nothing until today.


If you had posted immediate post-op pics, when you first suspected something amiss, maybe this forum could have rallied around you and made some suggestions on what to do immediately. Now it's going on 8 months and you just today relate your procedural experience? Dr. Rahal's reputation notwithstanding, a lot of people here would have spoken up and given good advice as your healing and growth progressed. That's what this community is all about in my experience.


Deleted by me.

Edited by Follically-Challenged
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  • Senior Member
You posted a picture of the back of your head for opinions on your donor area and a picture of your hairline in November of 2103. You received a warm welcome and some good comments and advice.


Then nothing until today.


If you had posted immediate post-op pics, when you first suspected something amiss, maybe this forum could have rallied around you and made some suggestions on what to do immediately. Now it's going on 8 months and you just today relate your procedural experience? Dr. Rahal's reputation notwithstanding, a lot of people here would have spoken up and given good advice as your healing and growth progressed. That's what this community is all about in my experience.


I'm curious, so what if he didn't do all this? He has been in contact with the clinic, as he should be. It seems that you are implying that he's doing something unethical by not posting regularly regarding his case.

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  • Regular Member

Wow that worries me as I am booked for Sept 17th and lately i have not seen to much positive from my doctor. I don't want a bunch of people doing my surgery I thought i was paying for him to do the majority of it. FUE is a small fortune and this really worries me.

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  • Regular Member
Wow that worries me as I am booked for Sept 17th and lately i have not seen to much positive from my doctor. I don't want a bunch of people doing my surgery I thought i was paying for him to do the majority of it. FUE is a small fortune and this really worries me.


I dont think you have anything to worry about. I know Dr Rahal and Mike personally do FUE. Mike is very experienced so you have nothing to worry about there.


My outburst was probably my own frustrations bubbling over. I have spoken to Dr Rahal and he mentioned that the technicians he used were experienced enough.

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  • Regular Member

Why were all of your messages deleted or edited to nothing after you spoke with Dr Rahal on the telephone today?

You posted 8 month photos with results you were not happy with, and you specifically complained about him barely being present in the operating room while the technicians worked on your head.

Did Dr Rahal ask you to delete this thread as a condition to refund or rework your hair?

I think its a fair question. I'm very concerned that negative reviews of any popular surgeon don't have much of a shelf life on these kinds of web forums. I am considering Dr Rahal for FUE work later this year. If this site is really about objectively sharing information, then negative results threads should never be deleted or censored.

NW5a, fin/foam/couvre

3801 grafts FUE, Dr Jose Lorenzo - Madrid, November 2014

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Yes i concur. Very frequently each time we see a sub par result after the initial complaint the OP then asks for the thread to be deleted or closed after discussion with the clinic.


This goes back to my earlier point i made on one of the threads for this case. That bad HT's are FAR more common than the results posted online reflect.


A lot of the cases posted online are the 'Show case' results and are not necessarily the norm. Then when someone has a below par HT they think 'why i am only one'. 'I have seen so many home run results online!'


It is my belief there is a TON of below par results which don't make it online due to the patient needing to keep 'onside' with the clinic in order to get the repair.


I really wish these threads were not deleted but were allowed naturally come to a amicable solution. These are important examples of when HT's are below par and would be helpful for people who do have a bad experience as a guideline to follow.


And most importantly to give peope more realistic expectations when entering the HT world.

Edited by BaldingBogger
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