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should I continue procepia , lower dose or what?


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Hi everyone.

I have been stuck in the middle of a huge problem nowadays.

I started finasteride 1mg per day 5 months ago . at first I noticed that my penis became little heavy after few days . Then after a week I noticed my morning erection had gone . I also noticed my semen became watery . but I continued using it for 5 months even though I saw side effects within first week . I thought it would go away in few weeks. my body will be used to it . after 5 months the side effects began to loosen up . Then I quited the drug . after few weeks of quiting every thing became normal . But I am planning to start it again but in much lower dose . like 0.5 or 0.25 mg per day. I need your advice friends .


Does this mild side effects is seen in all the men who starts procepia or on only few mens who will get erectile disfunction in future?.

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I know this probably isn't the advice you were looking for, but I highly recommend consulting with a trusted physician. Preferably, the doctor who prescribed the finasteride. Propecia is a serious medication and all adverse effects and changes in regimen should be thoroughly discussed with a doctor.


Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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As a comparison, I have been on finasteride for almost 2 years and I never had so much as a hint of a problem anything like that.


Now that being said, I have stopped taking finasteride for other reasons but never had even so much as a hint of the sexual side affect.

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definitely consult with a doctor and possibly look into other DHT blockers such as saw palmetto, nettle root etc.

go dense or go home


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Stop it , if u have sides ... they will get permanent OR Google propecia horror stories , wait a while till clarity emerges , Merck is know for antics ... if u know what i mean aka Vioxx , first they introduce the drug and only when the going gets too rough ...... the FDA Bans it .. wow America !!

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I am on Propecia, but have not had any kind of side effects connected to my sexual function. I've heard that there are men whose sexual function decreases, but as I know these are the rare cases. Anyway, I'd consult a doctor in this regard.

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  • Senior Member

it is no longer rare balddonald .... the original fig of 2% ppl have sides has been revised to now 30% offically by FDA .... and i suspect its even huge than 30 % , good luck !

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Guys .. I am currently using minoxidil foam and I hope it will help me . I don't think it would be wise to use finasteride again . I don't know if it is due to finasteride but suddenly after 2-3 months of using finasteride I got a big black floater in left eye. Thankfully it was not retinal dettachment. But I would definately try to take 0.5mg per day consulting my docter .And If the side effects again appears then i would forget finasteride forever. Why the fuck god made us to loose hair??? I am 25 and balding rapidly . I think I would have to get a clean shaved look within couple of years.


And One more thing . May be due to first use of minoxidil foam I overdoes it (unknowingly) and finished it in 14 days . And thats dangerous for heart I felt some pain in my heart.


I guess Life has 2 choices "fight baldness die quick" or "leave healthy and embrace baldness"

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bro , i got sides after just a week .... i did not bother to go to the doc again , becos it was MY BODY telling me to quit .... why shud a doc be able to tell u better than your own body sensations ? but i was luck that the ED resolved on it own within 2 months , now i just use beta sitosterol and i am thinking of adding saw palmetto , i know the evidence is weak BUT at least i am not risking my body .

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