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Cost of FUE, increasing or decreasing?


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Sorry Sean just seen this.

Currently dr Karadeniz has techs doing graft placement but he admitted in another thread that if needs be he would have techs doing extractions even though he thought it not in the best interests of the patients.

The way I look at it he is either willing to compromise his morals for money and offer a inferior result for the patients or he thinks he is that good that no tech can match his skill set at extractions which I think laughable.

Since he came to the forum he has attacked tech clinicss or belittled techs doing extractions but then admits he would do the same. Hypocrisy in my mind.

How long he will keep going with his current model I dont know I suppose he will change when the sums dont add up.

Have a good day

It was in reference to Dr. Karadeniz as post stated he now uses techs? But i was wondering what part of the fue process his techs take part in? What do they do , surgical action or assistance action and placement?
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Seems to be a conserted on going effort to remove this clinic from veiws how this serves the community I feel needs explaining to the members and lurkers.

It says it is by patients for patients are the patients in question Pat,Bill,and David as it really is starting to seem as though we have no say in the actions that are thrust upon us.

A public explanation for this on going persecution of patients sharing their results for the benefit of others in required I think.

Its not fair on innocent people that these actions are turning into victims.

Transparency before the community please.

Theres no need for this continued harassment the forum is quiet and free from turmoil theres just no justification for this.

Is this post going to just be deleted and me banned?

Is this the intention ?

Fair play this isn't cricket.

Who apart from the moderators think this is a fair way to treat members just because we have been to this clinic.

Have a good day


Amazing, every surgeon and clinic is allowed to be mentioned except ----- Klinik, not even posts from their clients... weird as hell don't you think...? If we mention the name we may be banned, I can only think of one TRUE reason ----- Klinik is banned from being mentioned is because it is a direct threat to all other clinics, surgeons and competition... I have written again to moderators expressing my disgust about this, but I am informed that once again the ----- klinik is not to be mentioned, if this is not a fantastic promotion for the klinik I don't know what is. This Klinik must have everyone runnign scared, and there are two reasons, maybe three, 1. Quality, 2. Price, 3. Throughput of patients, whilst the surgeons performing their own work directly have limited throughput.


Clearly transparency is not here on this forum. I'm damn annoyed... at the covert injustice and unfairness.


Ive just realized my signature has been hi-jacked by the moderators and my kliniks name has been removed... This is DUGUSTING... you cheating moderators

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Brit and 66,


I'm sorry you're upset. The decision to ban discussion of a particular physician is not one we take lightly. We never like censoring the forums, so we don't resort to this type of moderation until it is absolutely necessary. We tried to do everything we could to avoid this situation, but, unfortunately, we were left with no other choice. We had to act in the best interest of the majority of our members and uphold the very liberal rules of the community.


The entire situation was very public, so I doubt anyone really needs another reminder. However, I will say this: the violations were very clear cut. Even after these were rectified, we still received messages from dozens of members complaining about the ongoing chaos on the boards and asking for order.


I can assure you, this decision had nothing to do with some sort of conspiracy by any physician intimidated by the clinic's pricing or practice model (as Brit mentioned before). In fact, because the doctor was never formally considered for recommendation, we never contacted our recommended doctors and asked for input. Not one of the complaints we received came from another doctor.


Brit and 66, please understand that we can't have every discussion topic dissolve into a debate about physician versus technician FUE or a discussion of this doctor. Like I said before, this redundancy is one of the reasons why a number of members asked us to step in and do something.


I ask you both now to please, remain civil and try and keep discussion focused. I understand that you're upset. I really do. But we don't want this situation to dissolve any further. I'm not trying to stifle or censor, but you will be held accountable for your own behavior.


I hope this makes sense. Please feel free to send me a private message with concerns.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Brit and 66,


I'm sorry you're upset. The decision to ban discussion of a particular physician is not one we take lightly. We never like censoring the forums, so we don't resort to this type of moderation until it is absolutely necessary. We tried to do everything we could to avoid this situation, but, unfortunately, we were left with no other choice. We had to act in the best interest of the majority of our members and uphold the very liberal rules of the community.


The entire situation was very public, so I doubt anyone really needs another reminder. However, I will say this: the violations were very clear cut. Even after these were rectified, we still received messages from dozens of members complaining about the ongoing chaos on the boards and asking for order.


I can assure you, this decision had nothing to do with some sort of conspiracy by any physician intimidated by the clinic's pricing or practice model (as Brit mentioned before). In fact, because the doctor was never formally considered for recommendation, we never contacted our recommended doctors and asked for input. Not one of the complaints we received came from another doctor.


Brit and 66, please understand that we can't have every discussion topic dissolve into a debate about physician versus technician FUE or a discussion of this doctor. Like I said before, this redundancy is one of the reasons why a number of members asked us to step in and do something.


I ask you both now to please, remain civil and try and keep discussion focused. I understand that you're upset. I really do. But we don't want this situation to dissolve any further. I'm not trying to stifle or censor, but you will be held accountable for your own behavior.


I hope this makes sense. Please feel free to send me a private message with concerns.


Garbage, twisted distorted excuse and untrue response..., More threats I see, its plain, its clear... its almost like a prison camp... Of course I for sure know that the whole intention is to eventually have the whole lot of us who have used the unmentionable ----- klinik banned....of course this woudl suit the moderators and paid for subscriber well to get rid of genuine patients who have had great results and support from the unmentionable ----- klinik.


I am reticent to post any more updates on my procedures, as this forum has become clearly biased and begins not to deserve the contributions of genuine patients....


Any confusion was caused by at least 8 other members and you know who they are and they are still posting, yet the actual klinik who was attacked has been banned from being mentioned etc.....thats the reality. The attacks were based on attempt at totally discrediting technician driven kliniks or Surgeons who do not perform procedures directly, then pricing. These attackers did the best they could and for some weird reason you sided with these attackers and banned the klinik, and now zealously moderating even signatures to eradicate this very good klinik who has patients at the forefront of their work. Why have you not banned those others who clearly attacked this klinik? If you need to know who they are I will send you a PM, but then I have already done that before and you know clearly who they are yet they still post and are mainly negative toward FUE. I wonder why.


I've seen this totalitarian behaviour before in other forums of the past on different themes (not HT), and in Russia, china, North Korea, and USA and now in EU, big bully behaviour and indirect threats which have ultimate consequences of those complaining behind sanctioned unfairly. I'M WAITING FOR MY WARNING OR TO BE BANNED AND NEVER DARKEN THIS FORUMS STEPS AGAIN.


"Brit and 66, please understand that we can't have every discussion topic dissolve into a debate about physician versus technician FUE or a discussion of this doctor. Like I said before, this redundancy is one of the reasons why a number of members asked us to step in and do something".... and you did nothing about the transparent attackers of the klinik in question!


BTW. This is civilized and democratic discussion, its just that you continue to try and silence the offended parties with statements such as " I'm not trying to stifle or censor, but you will be held accountable for your own behavior" That's exactly WHAT YOU ARE doing! I did not see you banning those other members who continued to attack my klinik, in fact this FORUM begins not to even deserve my response. I have no financial gain from this, it is patient led, and should not be manipulated by controllers of the forum. A very unsavory taste is left. These forums have at the heart management promotion not patient to patients clarity, Lucky I found this klinik before they were unfairly banned and patients silenced into submission but, other patients searching for honest reliable and fairly priced kliniks who deserve to know of patients results should be allowed to see them, the patients are the ones you restrict for fair unbiased opinion... It is really a shame as I first thought this was originally an unbiased forum when I first came here seeking desperate help for my condition.


and this brings us to the original post which is why because of pricing ----- Klinik is banned - because they are cheap as chips and as good as the best surgeons in the world.


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Default Cost of FUE, increasing or decreasing?

Hi, I was just wondering how much pricing has changed for FUE throughout the years. When I first started doing research for FUE transplants about 7 years ago, I think it was averaging around 3.50-5.00 per follicle. I've recently had consultations with 3 Dr's and its ranged anywhere from 7-10 dollars per follicle. Do you guys see prices going up or down for FUE procedures in the next 5 years? If money is an issue, would it be smart to rush a surgery now, or wait?


My answer to this is, research, there's plenty on here to research and find a well priced 'team' or surgery or surgeon and carefully consider their results and pricing. You are more than welcome to check my thread for the positive experience I had with my new clinic.


Its like being in the Gulag. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag


This is the last I will say on the matter because I have been silenced by the moderators

Edited by britboy
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Again, I'm sorry you're frustrated. I always do my best to support patients and clearly you guys don't feel supported. I do apologize for this.


However, all I can do is state what factually happened. There was no conspiracy; there were no ulterior motives; there was no physician-led or financial factors behind our actions. In fact, the violations were so blatant and public that I'm really surprised I've had to address this so many times. If you choose not to believe these facts, then I really don't know what else to say.


Furthermore, and I've said this publicly as well, we followed up on every member accused of being a "spammer" accused of purposely disparaging the clinic in question or spreading false information, and not a single issue was found. None.


Again, I ask that we all remain civil. Thanks.

Edited by Blake_Bloxham

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Without a doubt, the cost of FUE is decreasing in Europe. Many European surgeons will charge a discounted rate for the second surgery. For example, Dr. Lorenzo charges (correct me if I'm wrong):


6 x 1000 = 6000

4 x 1000 = 4000

2.5 per graft thereafter.


Therefore, the second surgery is charged at 2.5 euros per graft. This makes FUE very competitive and in some cases cheaper than strip in the U.S. and Canada.


Have a good day!

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I believe and correct if I'm wrong someone but his prices have dropped since he starting having techs do extractions.

In the scheme of things were cost is a issue he is still quite expensive but his results are top tier so if one can afford him and have no issues with parting with that much money thats great.

But what would it cost to go to him for a higher norwood requiring say 7000 grafts?

Have a good day.


Without a doubt, the cost of FUE is decreasing in Europe. Many European surgeons will charge a discounted rate for the second surgery. For example, Dr. Lorenzo charges (correct me if I'm wrong):


6 x 1000 = 6000

4 x 1000 = 4000

2.5 per graft thereafter.


Therefore, the second surgery is charged at 2.5 euros per graft. This makes FUE very competitive and in some cases cheaper than strip in the U.S. and Canada.


Have a good day!

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Personally speaking, I choose not to entrust my health, safety, donor follicles, and cosmetic outcome to physicians ready and willing to exchange their medical ethics for cash by flaunting applicable medical regulatory prohibitions against non-physicians cutting into patients’ skin or otherwise performing surgery.

I would wonder what other shortcuts such a doctor might be taking, other medical regulations he might be violating, and other professional oaths he might be disregarding in order to offer “cheaper” hair restoration.


Then again, I do not think of hair transplantation surgery as a commodity, whether the extraction method is FUE or strip. Marketing it as such, where patients are merely consumers of a fungible product and the lowest price carries the day, is not the mindset I want of the doctor and clinic that will perform my hair restoration.


Surgical hair restoration is cosmetic surgery requiring, when practiced expertly, a combination of artistry, surgical skill, and medical judgment. I am not buying a pound of sugar. I am retaining the professional services of a surgical artist – one who is ably and appropriately assisted by technicians, nurses, and/or physician’s assistants in accordance with the medical regulations governing him and the locale where he practices.


I don’t see the pricing of the “budget” Turkish FUE clinics as a virtue. I see it as an exploitation of an undiscerning market of predominantly younger men wanting a hair transplant on the cheap, by physicians far too eager to sell their medical ethics for a piece of this pie.


As for FUE practice in the United States, the U.S. is one of the most expensive places in the world for a physician to privately practice medicine. One would expect to pay more for cosmetic surgery in the U.S. than in other countries, more so if one wants their surgery performed by a top practitioner.


I’m not really sure what the debate is, unless it’s to argue that U.S. doctors should follow the lead of some of their Turkish counterparts, flaunt their state’s medical regulations, set up technician FUE mills, and become front men for a clinic operating in the margins of legality or clearly over line.


As for britboy's and 1966kph's continued complaints about their clinic (meaning the clinic they went to) having been banned here, theirs is not the only clinic to have suffered this fate. Other surgeons and clinic have been banned for similar, repeated violations of the rules and for other reasons. The most recent I recall was an FUT-only clinic at the time, so you can set aside wild conspiracy theories about the moderators banning your clinic to protect FUT clinics. My understanding is that their clinic was banned for repeated lying and improper promotion, and for chronically disrupting this forum and disparaging its members, moderators, and sponsoring physicians.


Not for nothing, but last I checked, their clinic continues to lure in patients with deceptive representations on the clinic's web site implying, or stating outright that the patient's FUE transplant will be performed by a renowned ht physician.

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So do you agree or disagree pup with the continued harrasment and censorship which the admin continues to escalate on us. The forum was quiet so you ask yourself what purpose is it serving.

And blake if you would be so kind I had a response to your earlier post pulled for moderation there was nothing therein to cause offence. Please will you check it out? Thank you

Pup you just the same as anyone is entitled to go were ever you choose whether it be a tech clinic or a doc that does 100% of the ht and this I s the point.

All information should be available. We way it all up and we make our choice it might not be the choice you or I would make its individual choice.

Its fact a awful lot of people are choosing to go to Turkey or europe you dont need to agree with their choice but we should all wish them success.

We should allow them to tell their story free of censorship.

We have nothing to do with the clinic but are becoming victims in all of this its wrong and I think a lot of people would agree.

You have a good weekend.

Edited by 1966kph
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I had a consultation with Dr. Lorenzo and I was quoted 12,500 euros for the first 3000 grafts. 2.5 Euros per graft in the second surgery.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I'm confused. I explained very clearly to you why there was a "delay" between banning the abrasive rep and deleting the duplicate IP address accounts and actually banning discussion. We wanted to take our time with the decision because banning content is a big deal to us. We went through all the available information with a fine tooth comb and then brought the issue to the site owner who did his own investigation and made a final decision.


You say the forum became "calm" in the meantime. Frankly, I disagree - and this discussion further confirms this.


When I explained all this to you before, you thanked me for taking the time and said it made sense and you understood?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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There are some clinics in Turkey, Europe, India that operate the same way as some docs North America and offer far less rates. These clinics have docs extract fue grafts. It is wreckless to say all Turkish clinics follow the technician extracts fue graft protocol because it is not true.


In North America there are also some docs that have techs extract fue grafts and still charge a very high premium.

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Hello delancey.

So for 7000 grafts at those rates its 22500 euro.

A lot of money that as I've said I would not be prepared to spend that much on myself but I would never condemn anyone else for doing so.

As I say in a vote for top fue doc he would probably be voted number one and IMO his crown work is unparalleled. With the current weak euro when we are talking these figures its the ideal time to employ his services.

There are some very good drs out there at very reasonable rates thats for sure but to cover a 4 inch by 8 inch piece of skin with hair I was never going to have my family go without far more important things.

I built a extension a garage,a shed and block paved a 90 square metre driveway for less than I would have paid to address my hair loss at Lorenzos prices.

I just could not justify to myself never mind to my wife and children. Yeh I can see it now- kids you cannot have a playroom because daddies so desperate to have hair on top of his head.

Have a good weekend all.

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Again, I'm sorry you're frustrated. I always do my best to support patients and clearly you guys don't feel supported. I do apologize for this.


However, all I can do is state what factually happened. There was no conspiracy; there were no ulterior motives; there was no physician-led or financial factors behind our actions. In fact, the violations were so blatant and public that I'm really surprised I've had to address this so many times. If you choose not to believe these facts, then I really don't know what else to say.


Furthermore, and I've said this publicly as well, we followed up on every member accused of being a "spammer" accused of purposely disparaging the clinic in question or spreading false information, and not a single issue was found. None.


Again, I ask that we all remain civil. Thanks.


we patients should still have the right to have our surgeons, clinics doctors spoken about in our posts along with new patients from those same surgeries.


You should re-consider the contribution that ----- Klinik has given to numerous patients including myself and allow them to post, speak plainly and honestly.. You continue to refuse to accept that attackers were against my Klinik.

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I'm confused. I explained very clearly to you why there was a "delay" between banning the abrasive rep and deleting the duplicate IP address accounts and actually banning discussion. We wanted to take our time with the decision because banning content is a big deal to us. We went through all the available information with a fine tooth comb and then brought the issue to the site owner who did his own investigation and made a final decision.


You say the forum became "calm" in the meantime. Frankly, I disagree - and this discussion further confirms this.


When I explained all this to you before, you thanked me for taking the time and said it made sense and you understood?


Hi Blake,


Let me tell you something about the so called abrasive rep... The whole issue here was I believe difficulty with the English language and the interpretation of that language to English speaking people.. there in laid the rub. No respect was shown for the limited English ability and therefore judgement was made, but it was not made against the attackers English speaking or not.


I understand English perfectly, whether or not I made typos is irrelevant,... as I often do..:-) I saw quite clearly that any abrasiveness was due to the limited English language ability in the written form.

Edited by britboy
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Personally speaking, I choose not to entrust my health, safety, donor follicles, and cosmetic outcome to physicians ready and willing to exchange their medical ethics for cash by flaunting applicable medical regulatory prohibitions against non-physicians cutting into patients’ skin or otherwise performing surgery.

I would wonder what other shortcuts such a doctor might be taking, other medical regulations he might be violating, and other professional oaths he might be disregarding in order to offer “cheaper” hair restoration.


Then again, I do not think of hair transplantation surgery as a commodity, whether the extraction method is FUE or strip. Marketing it as such, where patients are merely consumers of a fungible product and the lowest price carries the day, is not the mindset I want of the doctor and clinic that will perform my hair restoration.


Surgical hair restoration is cosmetic surgery requiring, when practiced expertly, a combination of artistry, surgical skill, and medical judgment. I am not buying a pound of sugar. I am retaining the professional services of a surgical artist – one who is ably and appropriately assisted by technicians, nurses, and/or physician’s assistants in accordance with the medical regulations governing him and the locale where he practices.


I don’t see the pricing of the “budget” Turkish FUE clinics as a virtue. I see it as an exploitation of an undiscerning market of predominantly younger men wanting a hair transplant on the cheap, by physicians far too eager to sell their medical ethics for a piece of this pie.


As for FUE practice in the United States, the U.S. is one of the most expensive places in the world for a physician to privately practice medicine. One would expect to pay more for cosmetic surgery in the U.S. than in other countries, more so if one wants their surgery performed by a top practitioner.


I’m not really sure what the debate is, unless it’s to argue that U.S. doctors should follow the lead of some of their Turkish counterparts, flaunt their state’s medical regulations, set up technician FUE mills, and become front men for a clinic operating in the margins of legality or clearly over line.


As for britboy's and 1966kph's continued complaints about their clinic (meaning the clinic they went to) having been banned here, theirs is not the only clinic to have suffered this fate. Other surgeons and clinic have been banned for similar, repeated violations of the rules and for other reasons. The most recent I recall was an FUT-only clinic at the time, so you can set aside wild conspiracy theories about the moderators banning your clinic to protect FUT clinics. My understanding is that their clinic was banned for repeated lying and improper promotion, and for chronically disrupting this forum and disparaging its members, moderators, and sponsoring physicians.


Not for nothing, but last I checked, their clinic continues to lure in patients with deceptive representations on the clinic's web site implying, or stating outright that the patient's FUE transplant will be performed by a renowned ht physician.


You're part of the fly in the ointment - You absolutely refuse to accept the obvious and proven track record of FUE by not only a certain Klinik but Turkish clinics - Again you're last sentence about luring patients in is inflammatory, "Not for nothing, but last I checked, their clinic continues to lure in patients with deceptive representations on the clinic's web site implying, or stating outright that the patient's FUE transplant will be performed by a renowned ht physician"., despicable and wholly untrue, you although you have the advantage of ----- klinik being banned in part by you're posts and inflammatory posts to boot as this most recent post of yours.


I was lured in by the new promotional American creation....'slit grafts' technique which was a complete disaster... as I'm sure many people are lured in by other proclamations, but the result from this banned Klinik have been exceptional. A disservice is done to the forum by banning this klinik.

Edited by britboy
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Personally speaking, I choose not to entrust my health, safety, donor follicles, and cosmetic outcome to physicians ready and willing to exchange their medical ethics for cash by flaunting applicable medical regulatory prohibitions against non-physicians cutting into patients’ skin or otherwise performing surgery.

I would wonder what other shortcuts such a doctor might be taking, other medical regulations he might be violating, and other professional oaths he might be disregarding in order to offer “cheaper” hair restoration.


Then again, I do not think of hair transplantation surgery as a commodity, whether the extraction method is FUE or strip. Marketing it as such, where patients are merely consumers of a fungible product and the lowest price carries the day, is not the mindset I want of the doctor and clinic that will perform my hair restoration.


Surgical hair restoration is cosmetic surgery requiring, when practiced expertly, a combination of artistry, surgical skill, and medical judgment. I am not buying a pound of sugar. I am retaining the professional services of a surgical artist – one who is ably and appropriately assisted by technicians, nurses, and/or physician’s assistants in accordance with the medical regulations governing him and the locale where he practices.


I don’t see the pricing of the “budget” Turkish FUE clinics as a virtue. I see it as an exploitation of an undiscerning market of predominantly younger men wanting a hair transplant on the cheap, by physicians far too eager to sell their medical ethics for a piece of this pie.


As for FUE practice in the United States, the U.S. is one of the most expensive places in the world for a physician to privately practice medicine. One would expect to pay more for cosmetic surgery in the U.S. than in other countries, more so if one wants their surgery performed by a top practitioner.


I’m not really sure what the debate is, unless it’s to argue that U.S. doctors should follow the lead of some of their Turkish counterparts, flaunt their state’s medical regulations, set up technician FUE mills, and become front men for a clinic operating in the margins of legality or clearly over line.


As for britboy's and 1966kph's continued complaints about their clinic (meaning the clinic they went to) having been banned here, theirs is not the only clinic to have suffered this fate. Other surgeons and clinic have been banned for similar, repeated violations of the rules and for other reasons. The most recent I recall was an FUT-only clinic at the time, so you can set aside wild conspiracy theories about the moderators banning your clinic to protect FUT clinics. My understanding is that their clinic was banned for repeated lying and improper promotion, and for chronically disrupting this forum and disparaging its members, moderators, and sponsoring physicians.


Not for nothing, but last I checked, their clinic continues to lure in patients with deceptive representations on the clinic's web site implying, or stating outright that the patient's FUE transplant will be performed by a renowned ht physician.

Why is it more expensive to own a medical practice in the U.S. than in Europe? I assume that fixed and variable expenses are the same.

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Why is it more expensive to own a medical practice in the U.S. than in Europe? I assume that fixed and variable expenses are the same.


Pup as well, Turkey is not part of the EU. So the costs are absolutely less than Europe or USA, this is why the prices are able to be so low. But it does not mean the quality is any lower, in fact I woudl say in todays world, higher quality, back to the very first original issue and the one million disagreements on this forum about my klinik.., Low price high quality unlike anywhere else in Europe or USA.

Edited by britboy
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I do kinda refuse to believe people were maliciously attacking the clinic because we followed up on EVERY single one of these complaints and found nothing.


And I do wish we could all share openly, but after repeated attempts to allow this open discussion failed, we had no choice but to restore order. We don't want to prevent any member from sharing their experience, but we can't allow this discussion to trample our rules and turn all discussions into battles.


We also thought it was a language barrier for quite some time. However, it eventually became abundantly clear that it was not.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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One example charlyboy please look up his post history then come back with a judgement.




I do kinda refuse to believe people were maliciously attacking the clinic because we followed up on EVERY single one of these complaints and found nothing.


And I do wish we could all share openly, but after repeated attempts to allow this open discussion failed, we had no choice but to restore order. We don't want to prevent any member from sharing their experience, but we can't allow this discussion to trample our rules and turn all discussions into battles.


We also thought it was a language barrier for quite some time. However, it eventually became abundantly clear that it was not.

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Received a complaint about the member. Looked into it, checked IP addresses, and spoke with another person accused of being in cahoots with Charly. Found nothing.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I would venture to say that if one received 7000 grafts from Dr. Lorenzo the result would be that of a natural appearing full head of hair that no one other than an expert could ever detect was a HT. The same amount of grafts from an elite clinic in NA performing FUE would run between 50,000-70,000USD. Those who feel that either option is beyond what they would be willing or able to spend and opt to travel to a third world country for a much cheaper procedure performed primarily or entirely by unknown technicians are in essence willing to take more risk that their result may have lower yield, less aesthetic appeal, or depletion of ones donor hair without achieving their desired goal. Much like buying a used car or winning an auction for an expensive item on eBay, some will be quite satisfied with their decision to spend less and others will be disappointed that what they thought to be a bargain did not turn out that way.

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Blake you just said you kinda believed the clinic was not being attacked. I just told you to

look at the post history of Charlyboy with each and every one of his dozen or so posts aimed at the clinic but no he was not a attacker. Please come on!

He gets warned off by mikrofue and you tottaly mid interpreted it as though mikrofue was treating the forum.

Charliboy got the message and disappeared and has not posted since.

Really this is so unfair and biased.

And with regard to me agreeing with your explanations I did but then there is continued harassment by deleting members threads and altering patients signatures.

These actions have yet again inflamed this situation the total opposite of its intention so please stop it have we not suffered enough?

Have good evening




Received a complaint about the member. Looked into it, checked IP addresses, and spoke with another person accused of being in cahoots with Charly. Found nothing.

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I agree hairware.

This is why research is so important as is all possible clinics patients being allowed to show their story without censorship as its for the good of all that the imformation be available.

Why would someone pay far more in the states when they could go to the best in Lorenzo for instance? Traveling is one major factor being out of ones own country and the world being a dangerous place at times all are factored into the decision IMO.

Have a good evening


I would venture to say that if one received 7000 grafts from Dr. Lorenzo the result would be that of a natural appearing full head of hair that no one other than an expert could ever detect was a HT. The same amount of grafts from an elite clinic in NA performing FUE would run between 50,000-70,000USD. Those who feel that either option is beyond what they would be willing or able to spend and opt to travel to a third world country for a much cheaper procedure performed primarily or entirely by unknown technicians are in essence willing to take more risk that their result may have lower yield, less aesthetic appeal, or depletion of ones donor hair without achieving their desired goal. Much like buying a used car or winning an auction for an expensive item on eBay, some will be quite satisfied with their decision to spend less and others will be disappointed that what they thought to be a bargain did not turn out that way.
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