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Tattoo for donor scar


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To my knowledge, scar tattooing basically matches the color of the scar tissue to the color of the rest of your surrounding "natural" scalp. I am unsure if you would trust you local biker-tattoo shop to do it, however. There are probably specialists that handle it, though I could not find much on google at all. I do know that a poster named Poet had his scar tattooed.


You may want to "private message" him to get further information.





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Hi TexasNW2,


Really and I mean really give some careful thought about this area. Most patients I have seen in person "do not" get a satisfactory result with a tatooing approach. Most of them have regretted it later on.


The reasons are that more times than not, more thinning occurs in the area later on which makes the area more noticable. Shock loss can occur post-operatively and the hair may not grow back making the area even larger which would defeat the reason of this approach and even put one in a position of having to do more.


Tatooing does not camaflouge that well in bright light.


The ink can change color and/or shade somewhat over the years.


You would never be able to shave your head in the future in the event your hairloss would become more dramatic. I have seen several guys this has happened to and they ended up in hair systems because they could not shave their heads.


My recommendation is to utilize Toppik or some other form of cosmetic make-up that will wash out and not leave any permanent marks.


Now I realize that you were referring to your donor scar as my foregoing comments also referred to other areas like the crown. The problem with tatooing the donor scar is that scar matter does not absorb ink like tissue does and is very difficult to get a uniform result throughout the scar. Have you thought about a possible scar revision first?


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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I do not think it is a good idea.

poet got it done and dj got it done. I dont think either of them are happy with the results.

The problem with tattoing is that the color of the tattoo changes over time.See some people with tattoos done a couple of years back.They turn blue or greenish blue.

It doesnt really serve the purpose if you wish to buzz cut your hair at the back. At a couple of feet in bright light and it will be obvious.

Worse its very tough to get it removed.

A better option would be to try dermacolor. Its what people with white patches use.

You get natural colors.You can apply it yourself.

And it stays for a week at least and is waterproof.

I think you will find it at 'waterproof make up'.

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Tatoo needles can cause far more trauma to the scalp thereby increasing potential for shockloss to the area.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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thanks for the heads up. I don't think i need scar revision. You see, my scar is really thin. IMHO, it's up there with all the guys with thin scars. but, here's the deal, my friends that i have not seen in a while, all ganged up on my and they knew something was up. They ran their hands threw my recipient hair and tried to get an answer from me. I quickly said rogaine, they called Bullshit. so i backed off and said, "ok, ok. Propecia"



They finally gave up. But it was a matter of time before one of them looked a my donor area to see the scar.


I'm still considering tattooing the scar. we'll see i'm still researching.


I realize i can't go to a biker tattoo shop. Do you guys know of any positive results?

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Texas NW2,


Well I am glad to hear that your donor scar is thin! Can you not simply allow adequate length in the back to hide it? If it is that thin, you should be able to get by with a number 2 cutting guide.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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A #2 or a #3 at the most.


Also, when people confront you about a change, remember that its a good change that they are speaking of. I think your best defense will be humor and a complacent attitude toward the whole thing. The more lackadaisical you seem about it, the more they will.


I do have to add, however, that if any of them are asking because they have a hair loss problem themselves, you may want to pull him or her aside and tell them of your experience. I sure wish someone did that for me sooner!


Best of luck to you





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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your right. I decided along time ago that if anyone in my family would go thru hair loss, i would tell them and help them to the best of my knowledge. now, friends? maybe just close friends. thanks for the advice.

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Tatoo's is a last opion for crown because of future loss and hair turning gray over time-- even dying will not be exact color as tatoo which fades over time. I would think tatoo into donor scar would be a better opion but if you loose future hair then you would have a tatoo line???

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I have just been referring to the donor scar.


Smoothy, you brought up a good point though.


Guys, I have NOT been talking about getting a tattoo line, i.e. a straight "bar" to fill up the entire length and width of the scar.


What I would hope to get is basically random "dots" placed on the scar. You guys see where I am going with this? These dots would be relatively small. I contemplate that the scar will still be noticeable, but it will be less noticeable none the less.


Any comments now?

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I'm not convinced tatooing the scar is a good idea, but if you do decide to do it, try it on one area, not the whole thing. Do a test patch, then get your girlfiend or family to tell you if it's helping.


If your buddy starts running his hands through your donor area, kick him in the shorts.

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  • 4 years later...
Originally posted by texasNW2:hello texas nice to meet you. i too have the same problem and thinking of the same tattoo idea however i do not wish to repeat another permanent mistake. have you done this tattoo procedure yet? thx

I have just been referring to the donor scar.


Smoothy, you brought up a good point though.


Guys, I have NOT been talking about getting a tattoo line, i.e. a straight "bar" to fill up the entire length and width of the scar.


What I would hope to get is basically random "dots" placed on the scar. You guys see where I am going with this? These dots would be relatively small. I contemplate that the scar will still be noticeable, but it will be less noticeable none the less.


Any comments now?

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