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Donor area full of spots 5 weeks after a HT

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Hi guys, I had a HT over 5 weeks ago by Dr Maral in Istanbul (3000 Grafts) which I though all went well, but I am really concerned about a lot of spots on my donor area and some of them has puss as well (I have included some photos). I have been washing my hairs as instructed but I think after 5 weeks there is no sign of this spots fading. I would like to ask if this is a sign of an infection and if so, do this natural skin antibiotics for acne like Salcura Antiac Activ Liquid Spray will help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will post a full story of my HT including photos in few weeks time. Thanks in advance.


Edited by momo6943
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  • Senior Member

Do you have shots of your donor before the procedure so we can compare? Temporary shockloss from both strip and FUE is not uncommon. I had shockloss up until month 5 in the donor area then it all came back. This could very well be the case for you.

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  • Senior Member

Your donor zone does indeed appear to have spots, even a fair amount of diffused thinning and I'm certain that this was not the case before you had surgery. You wouldn't be a candidate if you showed up with a donor zone that thin. This tells me that you are experiencing some temporary shock loss which, as Mickey85 pointed out, should subside in a few months and return to a relatively normal state.


The "pus" that you speak of however is most likely caused from hair fragments due to transection or because of hairs that were not fully extracted and are trying to regrow. They can become trapped thus causing an attempt by the body to reject the hair and push them out. This is worst case scenario and should rectify itself in a matter of months depending on how many you have. Topical antibiotics can alleviate the issue to a degree but you should consult with your doctor to get a better handle on this.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Regular Member

I'm at week 7 stage and have bad pimples on my donor area my clinic said similar to above "hair being trapped underneath". I find using a cheap non drowsy anti histamine or hay fever tablet great for reducing itching and a anti fungal cream or similar prescribed by your GP


My pimples still come and go donor area only but doing above helps

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  • 4 years later...
  • Senior Member

Just wanted to comment that it's very difficult to tell from pics and the best thing to do is to get physically examined to determine if the area is infected because if it is, it needs to be treated a.s.a.p.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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