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Finally considering a FUE HT, but am I a suitable candidate.

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Ok, I started losing my hair at 18, I am now 31 and I am on the upper levels of the hair loss scale. I have the money (well it would be this or a deposit on a house). Its hard to tell if its progressing or not as I Buzz to a number 1. I am not on any meds and don't intend too. Looking at my pictures, do I have any hope of getting a decent result, and how many grafts do you think i will need? (I dont expect my 18 year old hairline), a mature hairline with strong hair behind it is what I am looking for. Your help will be greatly appreciated. :-)

Edited by Uk_lad
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It depends on what you consider a decent result. Looking at your last photo of your donor its looks really fine not sure if you are able to get the number of grafts that you would consider decent. I would put a deposit on a house and look at SMP.

That's my opinion.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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Thanks for your replies... ..I have considered SMP, but have seen some terrible hairlines (way too straight) and the best results seem to be on meditterean skin toned men, with dark hair. I have dark blondish hair, and haven't seen any great results with this type of hair colour.

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UK Lad,


You should take a range of good clear photos in natural light with no flash, you hair needs to be grown out to ideally 1/2 cm to be able to assess what your density is like.


The key to whether you will get a decent result will be what your density is like. From that last photo I am not so sure you are a candidate but better photos will tell.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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@ UK_lad


I would have to ask you what specific goal is your first priority. Oftentimes, the amount of hair loss can place too great of a demand on a patient's donor resources. Of coarse, many hair loss suffers have the desire to get exactly what they had at the age of eighteen. This isn't usually the case as the average patient has approximately 6500 FUE prior to exhausting the and overly thinning the area.


I must also see if you could post a few more photos to show the current condition of the crown area. Like the procedure of any consultation, we prefer to see and measure your donor area, discuss the negative aspects of the nature of the FUE surgical method, and have you attempt to provide a indication of the hairline location that you find appropriate.


The best place to start is to have more than one consultation to do yourself some level of justice while offering educational awareness regarding the surgery. There are lots of different clinics that will recommend higher and lower numbers of adding transplanted follicular units to treat each individual patients. The most uncertain aspect of proceeding with an FUE procedure is the experience of newly trained surgeons and medical assistants. Don't compromise excellent results by limiting your choices which are pertaining to geographic location, reduced pricing, and hastily scheduling FUE surgery prior to completion of intimate research of a prospective FUE surgeon. One procedure is life-changing but one bad procedure leaves adverse effects on a patient's mental health, emotional health, and self-confidence. The effects can last an entire life time so be very cautious when you are approaching any FUE clinic that has solely divulged positive details of the procedure. There are more limitations than most prospective patients seem to realize.


You are in the right place to make great forward progress on your quest to find excellence in FUE method. Please make time to conduct due diligence with your studies of reputable FUE clinics. Don't concern yourself with the pressures of sales pitches, promises, and undocumented verbal agreements. This uncommon information is not usually made available to the newer forum members. WHTC clinic doesn't believe in providing prospective patients the most vital information prior to you pursuing your most effective treatment plan. I certainly hope that you can see my intent to provide you with such hard obtained information. Don't hesitate to let me be of any further service to you.

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

Free Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba


Brussels, Belgium - Available

London, United Kingdom - Available

Zurich, Switzerland - Available

Bologna, Italy - Available

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for the advice everyone, I will try to take better pictures. I suppose, what I would want is a mature mairline, and medium density behind that....I'm not so sure I could get that from the pictures, but when I feel back there it feels really thick....

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Hello Uk_Lad,


Think carefully about a HT if the money could be used for a house deposit instead. I'm all for HTs but only if the money is not a big issue and you could afford to write it off if the HT didn't meet your expectations. I hope I have not jumped to the wrong conclusions about your finances, please forgive me if I have.





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You won't do meds and you started losing at 18, and you are 31. These three point to 'no way' for HT in the old scheme of things, but the advent of FUE changes the equation. Obviously those clinics that specialise in strip will say don't bother with an HT - except the very worst - so you'll have to dig in the right areas for information.


I think you will benefit from an FUE, but you might not get full coverage. Even so a little hair might go a long way.

One of the benefits of FUE is that it should evenly thin out your donor zone so that you won't get as much of a contrast with the hairless areas.


With hair texture you could add some SMP to the FUE. I agree that SMP hairlines look ridiculous and you need that FUE to combine with it. You will however lose bragging (of being the guy who wasn't vain - no small thing IMO) rights by doing a procedure. You are, I assume, OK with that.


Can I ask, why no meds?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
Thanks for the advice everyone, I will try to take better pictures. I suppose, what I would want is a mature mairline, and medium density behind that....I'm not so sure I could get that from the pictures, but when I feel back there it feels really thick....




I appreciate you sharing your history. You seem to have reasonable expectations and that is a good start in qualifying for surgical hair restoration. Whatever you decide to do will be life changing. A 5.5 centimeter hairline may work for you depending on the shape of you forehead , but try to avoid considering dense packing at age 31. If you must do surgery, start with a test of 100 FUE grafts so that you can evaluate the growth and find out if you are able to accept the effects of the results. Observe how well your donor will heal and examine the yield to find out if it is acceptable for you. By the way, you seem to have average donor density, but you have medium-fine caliber of less pigmented hair.


Your happiness is worth no amount of money but remember that money can't necessarily allow you to buy any additional donor hair. Make sure you chose an ethical clinic that specializes in conservative hairline restoration. The last thing that you want to have happen is poor quality of work being performed because you will only complicate your situation. This may not seem important now, but not all well-known clinics can restore the hairline and even fewer of them can remove bad hairline work (hair angles and improperly placed grafts). Don't just rely on photos results or expensive pricing to dictate what you perceive to be high-quality restoration. Keep us updated and best of wishes out there on your hair restoration journey, brother.

My opinions are based on my beliefs and are simply my own. I am one representative of the WHTC clinic.

Free Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba


Brussels, Belgium - Available

London, United Kingdom - Available

Zurich, Switzerland - Available

Bologna, Italy - Available

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Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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