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Guys....We've Been Saved!


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I have watched this video at least a dozen times. I have probably experienced about ten times as many emotions while watching it: shock, bewilderment, confusion, anger, fascination, etc. This is THE car crash of infomercials, I have to slow down and watch it over and over again.


I cannot believe in 2010 people are still THIS stupid about hair loss. It doesnt take a lot of effort to educate yourself about the causes and cures of hair loss. Damn I think in some of those before and afters different people were used. Are people STILL this gullible? I'm not sure I feel bad for them for ordering and wasting their money on this product.


If you want a good laugh you gotta watch this video.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I loved the Shakira sound track!


I went onto the website and the miracle ingredient is Minoxidil. Plus capsicum for some reason which tends to be irritant.


Before knocking it too much, has anyone tried it?

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  • Regular Member

I started using ProFusion shampoo and the conditioner, they guarantee this will prevent your hair loss or they will give you your money back, which is probably reasonable.


My hair loss actually hasn't got any worse since I began using it, which I'm actually pleased about. I tried Minoxidil a few years ago but it didn't do anything for me.

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I'm still watching these videos while anxiously awaiting my 1250 grafts to kick in (still a few months away). If you type in "biohairs" in youtube's search bar there are about 5 videos on there.


And yeah I'll knock it. CLEARLY false advertising, NOBODY can grow hair like that with drugs alone. Carefully watch and many of the before and afters are different people! Minoxidil and some scalp irritant isn't going to make someone go from a NW6-7 to a NW 1-2. Its clearly bull BUT there are some real facts thrown in like DHT being the main culprit for hair loss. But then they come back and talk about that 95% of your follicles will "awaken" in about a month. These people are scum praying on people who are already in a desperate state about their hairloss.

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