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Things everyone should know before considering hair transplant

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For some, hair transplant can achieve desired results but for others it is not the Holy Grail that they expect. I have dealt with tons (and I do mean, tons) of cases where men did not achieve the expected result and as a result suffered depression or numerous other forms of anxiety.


I can't stress this enough, have REALISTIC expectations.


Here are a few things everyone should know about hair transplants:


- most of the time, a hair transplant takes several operations and cannot be all completed in one time


- There is considerable recovery time involved after the operation


- A common after-effect of the procedure is a sudden increase in hair fall (replaced later by thicker and stronger hair)


- the wounds on your scalp take time to heal


and most importantly, results are permanent and irreversible so be very careful! ;)

Edited by KateLeFeb
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While you are welcome to post here as a hairstylist and representative of a particular salon, outside links and promotional content is prohibited. This is stated in the terms of service you agreed to when you signed up.


Thus, all links in your forum signature have been removed and replaced with a simple disclaimer that you work for this salon - which is also required.


Your cooperation is appreciated and expected.



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  • Regular Member

Kate i think your being extremely belittling to everyone on here with the advice you have just given, thinking no one would know what you have just wrote is absurd . Anyone who has went down the ht route knows this stuff, the pros / cons and everything else and tbh i think your offering nothing to this great site other than promoting yourself/company.

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are you all kidding me? I am not using the boards for self-promotion, did I place any promotional links at all in the body of my message? NO, I used the signature like everyone else. Bill, I see you have a link in your signature, do you not?


I have lots of research to publish and share, this is only the very basics for beginners. You people need to calm down, if you want my participation in the future.


If you don't like members using signatures than ban them outright... problem solved

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The content in Bill's (our Managing Publisher) signature links to other areas on our network. Outside links shared on any aspect of our network, including your discussion forum signature, are not allowed. In this sense, signatures of this nature are banned. This is all outlined in the Terms of Service you agreed upon while signing up for an account. If you would like to review these again, please let me know.


Hopefully, this clears things up.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member


we get some new posters with a self-promotion/commercial agendas,

so please excuse some being skeptical if that is not any part of what you intend to do.

always enjoy seeing "lots of research to publish and share".

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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I'm sorry if you felt attacked by me or our members. However, do understand that presenting outside links to a company's website is considered promotional and thus, prohibited. Frankly, putting promotional links in signatures is actually worse than embedding them in a single forum topic because promotional content will then appear in every comment you share. I encourage you to read our terms of use, which you agreed to when you signed up.


Again, you are welcome and encouraged to share your acquired wit and wisdom with this community. However, we ask that you follow the rules of the community.


Bill - Managing publisher of this community

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