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FUE to thicken and lower my hairline

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ok, so i've read quite a few forum posts and i have a few quick questions:


are transplanted hair follicles more fragile long term - are they more likely to fall out if rubbed or when styling hair?

will they wither over time - or should they maintain hair strand density? im talking about 10 years down the line


could someone give me their honest opinion:

i am a 20 year old male, my hairline isn't receding - but is naturally far back and sparse(compared to the rest of my hair) - i have pictures on my profile.

i do expect to start seeing MPB when im in my 30's, but it isnt evident yet - my hairline has remained the same throughout my teens. the reason i want a hair transplant is to stop looking like im balding prematurely - so i can style my hair shorter without worrying. i also want very thick hair in front to match the rest of my head.


in your opinions - should i get a FUE procedure? i have been saving up for around 2 years, so i can cover around 1000 - 1500 grafts from the shapiro medical group (fingers crossed).


would getting the fue so young result in thinning of the transplanted grafts early on? how long should the grafts last?


im rough on my hair - will grafts fall out easily after they have healed?


will 1000 grafts make any improvement whatsoever to my hairline, or is it a futile attempt?





thanks to anyone who has read this whole post! i would really appreciate your advice!!!!

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  • Senior Member

Man your hair is great, and it doesnt look like particularly high to me!


Your hair is probably receeding to a mature hairline. Do you have similar hair to the rest of the family? Did they / have they lost a lot of hair?


SMG would not operate on a 20 year old with minimal loss and is not on meds. Unfortunately however, there are many clinics out to make a fast buck and probably would, leaving you with potentially big regrets in 5 years time.


You should look into Propecia and Regaine, understand the possible side effects, and consider getting on them as a preventative measure.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Man you have a great head of hair.. If I were you I would put aside this whole thing and enjoy your twenties surgery and complication free because I tell you what, NO ONE is going to fault your hair as it is. Let's say you went with the surgery and all went well. How much of a difference to YOUR life do you think it will result in? Will it result in more girls, more job opportunities, more wealth? Because if that is what you think it will do you will be disappointed as the change will be quite minimal. If you are distressed(doesn't seem like you are) about your self image and think a procedure will make you 'happy' then I would still hold off until at least 25. Again, it does NOT look like you are balding prematurely.


You really don't wanna know what happens if your result does not turn out well, and that can happen with ANY surgeon. In most cases the patient ends up worse then prior to the procedure. I'm a prime example. Enjoy your twenties man, you're a good looking dude and don't need a procedure in my opinion. Spend the money traveling or buy an investment property that you will have paid off by 30 and then you will have a passive income from renting it out. Just my advice as I was in a very similar situation to you and wish someone told me what I'm telling you now. Peace.

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thanks for your opinions!

i still think if it was a little lower and thicker it would make a huge improvement - particularly when cut short.


ya, im having a consult with the shapiro med group on the 3rd of may - so if they tell me its a bad idea, i won't give it a second thought! definitely not going to ignore their advice - or your advice! thanks guys.

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im weary of starting medication to prevent a oss that isnt apparent yet. my family is 50/50 when it comes to hair - half the guys both sides(mothers and fathers side) are showing signs of MPB and the other half have good heads of hair. no way for me to predict whats going to happen, but im not expecting to loose much until im into my 30's.



what im more concerned with is the hairline - i've kept it long since i was younger - now that it's time to loose the scruffy look im noticing how bad my hairline is.


so fue is definitely a bad way to go???

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They will tell you it is a "bad idea" : )


Here's why:


1. As of now, you are really not exhibiting any significant signs of patterned hair loss. If anything, it seems like your hairline recently matured from its juvenile form to its mature state. In many cases, this is often mistaken for progressive hair loss, but maturation is not necessarily a sign of new loss.


2. If you are thinning (and I don't personally think you are), the first steps would be maintaining your current state with preventive measures like minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia). If you're able to halt the progressive hair loss and stabilize the current pattern, surgical hair restoration may become a better option down the road.


3. Even if you are receding, at 20 years old, you are likely too young for a hair transplant procedure. Though opinion differs, most experts tend to believe that recreating youthful, low hairlines in younger individuals doesn't take the progressive nature of hair loss into account and can lead to an unnatural appearance down the road.


Altogether, I'm glad you're consulting with Dr. Shapiro. If you are losing hair, you've caught it at a very early stage, and Dr. Shapiro will recognize this and help you maintain with preventive medications.


Good luck! Feel free to ask any additional questions and keep us updated.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • Senior Member

Great hair mate. Nothing at all to worry about IMHO.


Keep an eye on it closely and if you notice a significant loss over the next year pr so, then get on the finasteride.


I'd forget about an HT for the time being if I were you.



Finasteride (1.25mg): Daily.

Minoxidil (5%): Twice Daily.

Super Biotin (5000mcg) Vitamin Supplement; Daily

Silica Complex; Daily

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im weary of starting medication to prevent a oss that isnt apparent yet. my family is 50/50 when it comes to hair - half the guys both sides(mothers and fathers side) are showing signs of MPB and the other half have good heads of hair. no way for me to predict whats going to happen, but im not expecting to loose much until im into my 30's.





You hit he nail on the head there. It's a lottery and the last thing you want is a patch of 1500 grafts right at the front of your head, a 5cm bald patch and then a second hairline right behind it. That will be a bad look at age 25 let alone 30!


FutureHTDoc summed it up well.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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