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27-Contemplating HT..need advice!!

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Hello, all. I've been lurking around the forum for a while.I'm 27-year-old thinking of getting hair transplant surgery within the next 3-4 months.I have a receding hairline & have had hair loss for 3 years now.I have been taking Generic Fin daily for about 7 months now, with okayish results.I think i am Norwood 2A, but not sure.Maybe you guys can help me out.


I am thinking about getting a conservative FUE. How much grafts do you guys think i need?A ballpark figure would do.I don't have any problem with strip as i don't usually keep my hair very short,but since i may require a relatively low number of grafts,i prefer FUE.


Next : Doctors. I have heard good things about Dr Rahal, Dr feller and Dr Bisanga. I believe most of the above mentioned docs are pretty good at strip,but who among them is the best for FUE? I know this is a vague question considering that all three are pretty good at what they do,but which one would you go with?


Lastly, considering that i will be getting HT at a young age, i would really appreciate any advice/pointers from people who took the plunge at an early stage.


P.S. : Pictures are attached


Thanks a ton!!





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  • Senior Member

Your hair still looks quite good but obviously the hairline has crept higher over the years. The same thing happened to me.


The following aspects mostly define who is a 'good candidate'. (you don't necessarily have to meet all criteria)


1) Well-defined baldness in the frontal 1/3 of the scalp.

2) Dense donor area.

3) Complimentary hair to skin color match.

4) Slight curl or wave in the texture of the hair.

5) Over 30 years old.

6) Realistic goals and expectations.


I think you should try adding minoxidil to see if that has any effect. It might not regrow much in the hairline but it will certainly help to maintain it.


Agree that a small FUE might be the way to go but at 27 you would always have that risk of further progression and having to go back for further work.


Trya and hold off for at least 3 more years as your hair still looks decent.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Definitely stick with FUE. Don't let any rep or doc sway you to FUT simply for the 'yield' as the drawbacks of FUT strongly outweight the yield benefit(which varies from minimal to large depending on which doc you go to) in my opinion. Bisanga is the best at FUE out of the 3 you mentioned. Again, in my honest opinion. Take your time and research ALOT.

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Thanks for the comments guys!!


1978matt : I have heard too many discouraging things about minox. I am not saying they are true,but i subscribe to the opinion that unless you have full belief in something, it won't work for you.


I realize that it's likely that i may have further hair loss, but my current situation is not doing me any good.If i go for FUE now and have 'enough' grafts for further procedures,what are the risks?Am i missing something here?


mickey85 : First of all i really appreciate your thread regarding adv/Disadv of FUE. Very informative,sir.

Secondly, i concur to your views regarding FUE,but don't you think that Strip would be better if the patient is not concerned about the scar(considering the fact that a strip scar from a TOP DOC would be minimal).

I have seen some of Dr. Bisanga's work and they look top notch,but as you said i need to research and make up my mind before taking the plunge



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Your fourth pic looks a little thin, but really hard to tell as the pictures are not that great.


But from the first three, I would wait. I have said this before to people with your relatively little loss...enjoy what you have, wait to see where the hairloss takes you, do a ton of research, and then and only then begin your HT journey if that is the route you decide to go.


For you at this time, I would simply wait!

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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I would tell you to give it more time. You haven't even been on fin for a year. Keep taking it. Keep a photo journal of your hair loss or lack of to keep track of how the hair loss is going. See if you can stop the loss first and that you can continue to take fin without side effects. Read up on fin and talk to your doctor about the consequences if you stop taking it - you'll find out that they aren't pleasant.


I'd at lease wait till 30 and see how you feel about your hair loss at that point. If you find out you can't stay on fin and then get a HT you MAY be chasing something you just won't be able to catch. I'm no doctor, just my friendly advice based on experience. Good luck either way.

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I would also advise waiting at this time. Your hair is not bad at this time. You aer nearing 30 and have been using finasteride for less than a year. I would continue with fin. Perhaps add Rogaine into the mix and monitor while you continue to research your options.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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You look like you are in good shape to me. I could understand wanting to lower the hair line a little. The problem is that many people in your situation end up getting 2 surgeries to be satisfied in your case since all of your hair is good, except your old hairline which is bald.


I would consider adding minox too, just because it really can't hurt. Its super easy to apply in foam, and it will likely leave you with hair a longer, but its up to you. I just started adding it to my crown mostly for preventive measures.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Different people will give different opinions, your hairline won't come back now no matter with the use of minoxidil and fin.


Fut is an option, also it has the benefit of a larger amount of graphs. The drawback is the scar but i found it is only visible if you take your hair down to about a grade 2 at the back.


Also even if you had the transplant now you would be looking at waiting a good 8 months for results, also the waiting time to save money and get booked in for it. I had my first one just as i turned 26 and second just as i turned 27, my hairloss was a lot more severe than yours though :)

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Research research research... I would wait as long as you can and listen to what the fellas above said... Enjoy what you have now, see if the fin helps, and really understand what your getting yourself into! I had my HT at the age of 26 and i had more loss than you, i opted for a strip of 2k grafts with a top notch doc an I was on top of the world for 5 years... Having that said I got lazy and got off fin, and guess what happened.... My hair loss accelerated.... I always knew this would be a minimal 3 step process. I am currently back on fin and setting myself up for possibly getting another HT in the next year or so, Im trying to wait as long as I can. Just know if you start to lose your hair early it will almost certainly keep going... Just prepare yourself.... Listen to Mickey85 for your FUE guidance, obviously hes done his homework... You have come to the right place. Hope this helps

You only live once...

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a) I think a small HT will kill some of the minaturizing hair you have. So if you think 1200 will make you happy based on the current balding space. I think you need to add 50% to that - 1800, but then again, some will say you are wasting precious donor, spending all that on a NW 2. So compromise, and realize there may be a 'gap' that a grown out 1000-1200 might cover, keeping with that comb-back thing. I suspect you'll be back for more.

b) Fin is working Okish? Good sign.

c) Consider other docs for FUE too.. This is a very limited set of choices. It would obviously be Belgium, Lorenzo (Spain), Turkey and Harris in the Rockies.


If it is just a small FUE done by a well-mannered doc, chances are, if things go south quickly in your thirties, you'll have an escape route. Try to make sure 'their' (whomever you choose) FUE actually works....I mean, yield can be weak, so check it out if you can.


Avoid strip IMO, but no doubt it will give great short term benefits.

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  • 1 month later...

Firstly,thanks for all your support guys.This is a wonderful place to have quality discussion about your hair related problems.


My hair loss during these past 2 months has certainly exceeded its pace.

1.A lot of diffuse thinning has taken place,as i can feel my scalp when i caress my hair now.

2.Temples have also receded significantly as you can clearly make out from the pictures.

3.An increase in body hair growth and some hair growth on upper arms.

4. Definite hair loss in crown.



1.My generic fin intake in the past two months was down to 1mg every other day, maybe even lesser.

2.I had been taking Green tea almost daily for two months with Fin .Maybe just a misconception but definitely made me 'feel' that i was having thicker hair.



1.Does this look like a normal fin shed?

2.Will these hair grow back?

3.Should i continue taking fin?


I have been suffering from mild temple hair for almost 3 years now,but never experienced diffuse thinning.Also the crown loss is starting to bother me now.What do you think guys?





Edited by DevilRed07
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