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Which Approach Would You Choose?

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  • Senior Member

Between the two following choices, which approach would you take.


1. A moderately dense front third and mid scalp with an even density across the entire crown and the density of the crown is about 25% less than the front/mid. So basically more complete coverage but no area is particularly dense.


2. A front that is about 25% denser than in option 1 but the crown is left with a thin patch (about 2"x2") that has only about 20 grafts per sq cm. So you would be conceeding a thin patch on the crown in favor of added density to the front third.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member

Depends upon how tall you are...


If you're taller than average, 5'9" or above, I would go for option 2. However, if you're only average height or even short, I'd go for option 1.


My reasoning is that thin crown will be much less noticeable if you're taller than most people because they'll always be looking upwards at you. If you're on the same level as most, or shorter, any hair loss will be much more evident. So the even spread would benefit more.



Good luck!





My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Dorin


1,696 FUT with Dr. Dorin on October 18, 2010.


1,305 FUT with Dr. Dorin on August 10, 2011.


565 FUE with Dr. Dorin on September 14, 2012.

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I would go with Option 2


As a norwood 5 myself i wanted a denser frontal third for my first HT, i like to use concealer and that only works well on the crown area for me, for my second procedure i will concentrate on my crown, the black hole for grafts so i got to see what i have available when the time comes, i think the crown laterals are very important so id like to hit those with more grafts and leave the middle of the crown with less density but enough of a sprinkling of grafts so that concealer will attach better

4510 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2012


2350 FUSS Dr Feriduni December 2013


HT 1:Total Grafts 4510: Singles 715, Doubles 2123, Triples 1369, Quads 303 ( 10,280 Hairs )


HT 2:Total Grafts 2352: Singles 350, Doubles 1601, Triples 401, ( 4,755 Hairs )

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For some reason the bald crown has always bugged me more than anything. I would almost rather be completely bald than have a bald crown. That being said, with some coverage in the crown you can get creative covering it up with SMP, a topical concealer, or just combover it. So I'm gonna have to go with option 2.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Hairthere- For my second procedure, I could easily go into Dr. Rahal and have him put 3000-3500 all in the crown and this will likely cover it up completely with good density. My front and top density is already good and I can easily live with it but increasing the density in the front third by even 25% would be nice and expand styling options. Plus, hold up better under more lighting. Since the crown is hard to cover with good density due to its nature, I am thinking why swing for the fences with all the grafts during round 2 and try to eliminate the crown completely when instead, I can close the crown with very good density and increase density further in the front third. Us NW V plus guys usually have to conceed something. I would hate to use all on the crown and it still look thin when I could have used 25% of those grafts on increasing frontal density and still close the crown but conceed a thin patch.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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I vote Option 2; people look more at your face than they do at the back of your head, and as cueball and hairthere said, you can just take 2-4 minutes each morning during your morning routine to touch up that little 2cm x 2cm somewhat-thin spot with a little topical concealer before work. Thickening up the front will, as you said, allow for way more diverse and fun styling options, such as:






The Soft Touch:









The TinTin Flip:









The Jude Law Faux Hawk:











Or even its more aggressive and sexually insecure cousin,

the infamous Douche Bag Faux Hawk:








Because it's more fun to style!




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Thanks for the comments so far guys. I am leaning toward option 2 as well but this all may be a mute point since I am meeting with Dr. Rahal for a consult next month and he may have other ideas :)


Nonetheless, I want to be as prepared as possible and know what I have in mind before going into my consult. My front third has an average density of about 54 now which is good density and holds up well unless I am in direct sunlight or nasty overhead lighting. I imagine even much denser HT have the same issue. I am thinking to have an extra 10 grafts per sq cm put in the front third to jack it up from 54 to 64 grafts per sq cm. This should allow me to more readily spike it in the front. I can spike it a bit now but its not optimal. This would only cost me about 400 grafts. Any thoughts on the differene between 54 and 64?


Then, blunt the corners very slightly which should cost no more than 200 grafts. The remaining grafts would close the crown border focusing on the back part lines as well to make sure my side profiles are solid. If not for the extra frontal work I want done, I could fill the remaining back crown circle with good density but as I said and most agreed, adding to frontal density should have a nice impact. Its not like I intend to leave the remaining crown circle empty, but just light coverage. This area should be relatively small anyway and not viewable from the side profiles.


Ok, I am rambling now. I really need for this upcoming procedure to be my last and I want to make sure I walk away with what I can live with and no regrets on what I should of had done. Fortunately, I have a great doc who I basically gave free rain in my first procedure and he nailed it and then some..

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Spanker - May I ask why you would choose # 1?


Well, having not seen you in person or your crown, it looks like you have a great result and I don't know that the extra 500-800 grafts in option 2 would make a significant different. Consider the H and W patient that received over 8k grafts in one session. He did have high sides, but he got universal coverage. He also was in a high contrast situation but did have some salt and pepper so that helped some. I think either one could be good. It's a matter of personal preference based on supply and demand.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
Well, having not seen you in person or your crown, it looks like you have a great result and I don't know that the extra 500-800 grafts in option 2 would make a significant different. Consider the H and W patient that received over 8k grafts in one session. He did have high sides, but he got universal coverage. He also was in a high contrast situation but did have some salt and pepper so that helped some. I think either one could be good. It's a matter of personal preference based on supply and demand.


Thanks Spanker. Much appreciated. What is the density of your hairline?

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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  • Senior Member
Thanks Spanker. Much appreciated. What is the density of your hairline?


Not sure what density it was transplanted in. You can see my pics, I had 2100 placed there. I didn't have even thinning in the frontal portion so I doubt it is planted even.


It seems close to or even above original density because of all of the native I still had there. I think behind the hairline may visually weaken first because I an seeing a tad but if miniaturization there and it was not planted. I am hoping for 5 years before I have to touch up but we will see. That is an advantage that you have is that the top will pretty much always look as good as it does now. With just my hairline and corners done, I will likely need more done someday. To see the my problem areas now though you have to part the hair and really look, so it I could stay like this for a long time I will be pretty happy. I just introduced rogaine to that area, which is basically the rear forelock.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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