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What is enough density?

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I have been reading about HT density lately and have found some conflicting information.


When I got a consultation with Dr. Dorin, he said it would be impossible to achieve cosmetically acceptable density on the hairline in a class 2 patient where the temples are completely bald in only 1 procedure. With 2 procedures it might be enough.


This article by Dr. Shaprio's group says 50 grafts per cm sq is enough to achieve cosmetically acceptable results: http://www.shapiromedical.com/_asset/k5q1og/CONSULT_RESOURSE_PAGE_4.pdf


However this page by Hasson & Wong refutes that and says it varies from 30 to 70 grafts per cm sq. before acceptable results can be achieved: http://www.hassonandwong.com/hair-transplants/dense-packing/achieving_natural_density.php


I am confused. I have a class 2 hairline with temples that are totally bald. In 2 months I have an HT with Dr. Path. He says he can densely pack 50 grafts per cm squared. Will this be enough to give me the an decent look?

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It really depends on your hair color and texture. If you have very fine hair it may take more grafts per sq cm to achieve a camouflage effect, conversely if you have very coarse and thick caliber hair it may take less. Also if your hair is very dark in color and your skin is lighter that also would effect the amount of grafts needed to provide adequate coverage, etc... I don't think Hasson & Wong are refuting anything that SMG says as in general 50 grafts per sq cm will usually provide adequate coverage.


Kapish pisan?

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  • Regular Member

Yea I know what you are saying.


However I just found this thread: (promotional link removed - sorry, we don't allow links back to this forum because they don't allow links back to us)

Click the link. That guy looks a lot like me. We have the same skin tone and head shape. But I still have some more hair than he does and mine is a bit darker. You can see my pics here: https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/168534-should-i-go-through-hair-transplant.html


It says they transplanted 90 grafts per cm squared on that guy. I didn't know that was possible. If I could achieve results like him that would be ideal. I am just worried that with only 50 grafts per cm I will be disappointed.

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Decent look? It depends on who is saying it is decent.


What color is your hair? What caliber? What is your age?


Take a look at corvettetester (not sure if that is the spelling of his user name). He had the pattern you described and it took Dorin 2 fut and 1 fue procedures. I would say that this patient like most of us are picky and that the term "decent look" is subjective. I tend to agree that a totally bald area looks exponentially better after second pass in most cases.


50 cm seems low if you are backing up against a solid hairline but every patient is different based on his characteristics and goals.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member
Yea I know what you are saying.


However I just found this thread: (promotional link removed - sorry, we don't allow links back to this forum because they don't allow links back to us)

Click the link. That guy looks a lot like me. It says they transplanted 90 grafts per cm squared. I didn't know that was possible. If I could achieve results like him that would be ideal. I am just worried that with only 50 grafts per cm I will be disappointed.


90 per sq cm is a very, very dense pack. You see that sort of work where a guy is a low Norwood and is looking to simply bolster his hairline in most cases. Dr. Rahal comes to mind immediately. You need to discuss these concerns with your surgeon before you have surgery or you are going to be freaking out and/or disappointed if your goals are not met. Get on the horn and start talking and make sure your goals are realistic and attainable.


Good luck.

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Depends entirely on the density of the native hair around the recipient site and throughout the rest of the scalp.


It has to be in line with overall density and future loss, so having a very dense hairline is sometimes not the ccurate end game



2800 FUE, Istanbul

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I am not sure why T&D would tell you that. I have seen many T&D cases where one pass up front on a basically bald scalp was definitely enough density.

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Agree with what Rob has said.


I think the reason why Dr Dorin has said that is when you are a low norwood level ,it can be more difficult to satisfy a patient as transplantation is the illusion of density, but not always.


Your hair characteristics are very important for determining your density.


The more tightly packed and the higher the density, the more risk there is of compromising the yield.


When a clinic states that they can or have transplanted at a very high density in the past,it sounds great, but I am guessing these patients only make up a small proportion of the clinics yearly work.


Then the question to ask is could they go and do that successfully 96-99 times out of a 100 on the next 100 patients. I think Dr Dorin is just being more cautious which is understandable.

Edited by chrisdav

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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