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Opinions needed. Battered FUE patient

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I'm probably going to get a surgery with Dr. Hasson. I've had FUE work done resulting in poor yield, funny angles especially in my temple points, somewhat pluggy hairline.

Do you think 4,000 grafts would help? I want my crown thickened up a bit but I obviously need work in the front too.


photos uploaded to album*

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How many operations have you had and how many grafts in the past Jfables?

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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  • Senior Member
I'm probably going to get a surgery with Dr. Hasson. I've had FUE work done resulting in poor yield, funny angles especially in my temple points, somewhat pluggy hairline.



Go and get yourself an ear-to-ear scar by all means, but know that the funny angles at your temples and your pluggy hairline has nothing whatsoever to do with the FUE method per se.

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I agree with Scar5 that the angles and pluggy hairline have nothing to do with the Fue procedure.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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Go and get yourself an ear-to-ear scar by all means, but know that the funny angles at your temples and your pluggy hairline has nothing whatsoever to do with the FUE method per se.


I'm well aware of that. The poor yield, and hence the wasted donor hair, has much to do with the FUE method however. What would you suggest I do? A bunch of 500 FUE ops over several years so I can continue to waste donor hair and also thin the donor excessively?


Once you get over 4,000 FUE your donor hair will look thin if it's not grown long. Should I shave my head and show off my FUE scars? Keep it buzzed at a 3, 4 guard and display the sickly thinness in my donor not to mention the unavoidable unnaturalness of follicular units when cut short (Nobody ever talks about that. They're fooled by the photos).


Scar5, I know your pain. You made bad decisions years ago just like I did now in the modern HT era. I don't think this is as black & white as you make it. Your FUE doctor has worked on me. I'm not impressed, but I am out a lot of hard earned money from my FUE adventures and don't have much to show for it.

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I agree with Scar5 that the angles and pluggy hairline have nothing to do with the Fue procedure.


Thanks. I just would like to know if 4,000 grafts would make a difference. I'm used to getting 2,000 FUE surgeries and watching a couple of hairs on my head grow so I have no idea what to think anymore when it comes to amount of grafts equating to a cosmetic improvement.

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4000 Grafts would be a nice amount if you are concentrating more on building a Hairline...


Why are you on this forum? You have no hairloss. If you are unhappy with the slightest adult recession then how are you going to feel if you happen to really go bald? Enjoy your hair, man.

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Which surgeon did you go to Jfables?


Hasson is excellent.

2 poor unsatisfactory hair transplants performed in the UK.


Based on vast research and meeting patients, I travelled to see Dr Feller in New York to get repaired.

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4000 grafts would be a home run with Dr Hasson and ive not even seen your pics! :D You would have to have pretty good donor to have that safely in one session now however.


Strip is categorically much more successful and CONSISTENT than strip, especially if comparing mega sessions.


I dont know who did your FUE session/s however FUE can and does produce lower yield as we have seen many times especially with large FUE sessions. If only more people like you would come forward and disclose their FUE mega session outcome it might help address the balance somewhat as there are so many guys ( especially younger guys) who think they know it all based on the relatively few positive mega session FUE results that reside on the net.


2000 FUE or a 4000 strip with Dr Hasson. NIGHT and DAY



Who was sacr5's FUE doc ?


Thanks for the info Spex. My photos are in the album in my profile. Can you take a look when you get a chance? I appreciate your opinion.


I don't doubt some guys have gotten great results from FUE but it just doesn't grow well with me and I imagine plenty of other guys.


Bisanga, if I remember correctly. He worked on me for my first go when he was an apprentice down in Georgia. (can't say the doc's name on this forum for some reason)

Edited by jfables
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Had a look at your photos.


If you can no longer shave down then I think it's a no-brainer. Get the 4000 FUT!


Sorting the front out and filling in the gaps would make a massive improvement for sure.


The one saving grace is that the FUE wasnt a complete failure. There's still some growth there to work around.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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What would you suggest I do? A bunch of 500 FUE ops over several years so I can continue to waste donor hair and also thin the donor excessively? .


Yes, I suggest doing even more ops and hopefully wasting even more money and grafts!:confused: (and thinning the donor area, too):)


I think Spex's suggestion that 4000 strip over 2000FUE being comparable to "night and day" is an excellent analogy too. Having a strip scar or not having one is a categorical black and white distinction. Take it from me, a strip scar is a beast to deal with if you are facing more balding and a lack of donor or a particularly poor appetite for a balding crown.


As u feel my pain, u probably know I am not one to discuss which doc has worked on me so I don't know how you know we have the same doc, but feel free to contact me. And big hugs to Spex for asking you to say on the forum.


I think FUE has issues with yield and I wouldn't put it past our beloved docs to hide it, but a strip scar is a strip scar and furthermore, many of the guys warning us against FUE have been beating the drum to keep the strip guys in business. Despite this, we see docs like Lorenzo doing 4000-5000 FUE sessions now and getting good results. In the past three years we are seeing FUE getting bigger and bigger.


If you feel stooged by the dreaded 'FUE hype' you are a good candidate for a strip clinic. Good luck with your quest for more hair.

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Yes, I suggest doing even more ops and hopefully wasting even more money and grafts!:confused: (and thinning the donor area, too):)


I think Spex's suggestion that 4000 strip over 2000FUE being comparable to "night and day" is an excellent analogy too. Having a strip scar or not having one is a categorical black and white distinction. Take it from me, a strip scar is a beast to deal with if you are facing more balding and a lack of donor or a particularly poor appetite for a balding crown.


As u feel my pain, u probably know I am not one to discuss which doc has worked on me so I don't know how you know we have the same doc, but feel free to contact me. And big hugs to Spex for asking you to say on the forum.


I think FUE has issues with yield and I wouldn't put it past our beloved docs to hide it, but a strip scar is a strip scar and furthermore, many of the guys warning us against FUE have been beating the drum to keep the strip guys in business. Despite this, we see docs like Lorenzo doing 4000-5000 FUE sessions now and getting good results. In the past three years we are seeing FUE getting bigger and bigger.


If you feel stooged by the dreaded 'FUE hype' you are a good candidate for a strip clinic. Good luck with your quest for more hair.


This is why I think you are the best and most valuable poster on this forum. No agenda, no bias.

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I took a look at your pics and i think Dr Hasson with some big numbers (donor dependant) could really work wonders on you. If your intension is to go for coverage then strip is the way forward. The strip scar generally with current strip scar closure and a very good ethical surgeon is a non issue - Research current strip scars by leading surgeons, not outdated method by unethical hacks. Most people when comparing the FUE and strip always seem to focus on scars that were old school via outdated procedures, however in the right hands right closure strip scars can be very hard to find and rarely an issue.





Disagree. I have seen stretched strip scars from ALL the top doctors using up to date techniques. From Feriduni, Rahal, Feller to even Hasson. Is it really a non-issue? Do Feller and Lindsey offer a guarantee that the scar won't stretch? No. Physiology plays a very large role in the scar result, not just the right doctor.

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Thanks for the info Spex. My photos are in the album in my profile. Can you take a look when you get a chance? I appreciate your opinion.


I don't doubt some guys have gotten great results from FUE but it just doesn't grow well with me and I imagine plenty of other guys.


Bisanga, if I remember correctly. He worked on me for my first go when he was an apprentice down in Georgia. (can't say the doc's name on this forum for some reason)


So how many FUE procedures have you had? Just the one 2,000 session with Bisanga?? If not who performed the last procedure?

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So how many FUE procedures have you had? Just the one 2,000 session with Bisanga?? If not who performed the last procedure?


4 procedures. 4 flights, 4 hotel stays. 4 post op hiding outs.


I probably got about 5,000 FUE - can't be sure because some docs split the grafts. I've been told in person my growth looks like 2,000 from someone who would know. You guys see the pics. All the terminal hairs on the top are FUE grafts.

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I took a look at your pics and i think Dr Hasson with some big numbers (donor dependant) could really work wonders on you. If your intension is to go for coverage then strip is the way forward. The strip scar generally with current strip scar closure and a very good ethical surgeon is a non issue - Research current strip scars by leading surgeons, not outdated method by unethical hacks. Most people when comparing the FUE and strip always seem to focus on scars that were old school via outdated procedures, however in the right hands right closure strip scars can be very hard to find and rarely an issue.





Thanks Spex. I have extreme donor laxity & density. Mike Ferko saw me in person and thinks 4,000 should be easily achievable.

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Well, my Dr Feller strip scar from October is already a good centimetre wide and stretches way beyond my ears on both sides, so the strip scar is definitely an issue for me unfortunately...


so sorry to hear man... no one is exempt from their scars stretching. its a gamble.

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Disagree. I have seen stretched strip scars from ALL the top doctors using up to date techniques. From Feriduni, Rahal, Feller to even Hasson. Is it really a non-issue? Do Feller and Lindsey offer a guarantee that the scar won't stretch? No. Physiology plays a very large role in the scar result, not just the right doctor.


I agree Mickey, physiology is a big factor.


And for the record, I also agree with several others in this thread that the poor angulations, placement, and poor yield has to do with the skill and competence of the doctor/surgeon, not whether or not it was FUE itself.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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