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cost of FUE

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by TC17:



Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully in the future, or speak less authoritatively on matters you know nothing of? Your opinion that SMG would increase was both unsubstantiated and irresponsible.


LOL seriously, who do you think you are? It's as though your *playing* lawyer on HTN. James was merely politely stating his opinion, & explicitly said it was an OPINION; last I checked that was kosher on this site & was one of its purposes. It was also a very logical opinion, but you act as though he just slandered the red cross or some charity group in claiming they might raise prices when they gain more expertise in a field their new to.

Your acting so dogmatic as though your some authority figure on the subject & noone else is permitted to express their views/opinions.

Maybe you should save the legalese theatrics for the classroom.

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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Ron J,


You're wrong. hairloser1 specifically asked if anyone had any thoughts OR inside information on the cost of information. On this forum, it is common practice to preface opinions with "in my opinion", "I believe", "I think", etc., yet JamesH did none of those things. Instead, JamesH posted his comment in such a way so as to come across as more than just his opinion. And, if it was more than his opinion, the implication was that he had some of that "inside information". Clearly he did not.


Further, merely saying something is an opinion does not give one the freedom to spout of about anything. This forum is for educational purposes, and if someone doesn't know or can't help, they shouldn't be speaking. That's not an attack on JamesH, but rather on you RonJ. Everyone is entitled to their opinion on whether a result looks good or on their favorite doctor, but not on matters that are not opinions!


Last, get a life and stop bothering me here. I don't know if you didn't get hugged enough as a child, if you got picked last in gym class too many times, or if nobody "got you" as a teenager, and frankly, I don't care. Your post here is nothing more than an attempt to antagonize me. You are not helping the community, you are not defending JamesH (as he has already admitted that he made a poor choice in words and apologized, and doesn't need defending, he's a competent adult), and you are serving no purpose. It's a very sad reflection on you as a person, and on your life, that you take to the internet to pick fights on a hair restoration site. Grow up.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by TC17:

Ron J,


On this forum, it is common practice to preface opinions with "in my opinion", "I believe", "I think", etc., yet JamesH did none of those things.

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by JamesH:

My comment was only my opinion based on? SMG are new to FUE .


your ridiculous post was *after* James said the above & frankly it doesn't matter if he didn't add that to clarify ANYONE w/common sense can read it and know it was his opinion we're NOT in some court of law or one of your law classes, so stop playing lawyer ok? icon_smile.gif


Your new post LOL 1st two paragraphs w/more ridiculous *play* lawyer talk icon_wink.gif that noone cares about, last paragraph psycho-analyzing me and acting as though your an authority figure on HTN LOL...seriously, who do you think you are? Your not the moderator, this isn't a playground for you to play law, & your absolutely no authority figure to tell people what they should and shouldn't say, so top trying, ya? icon_wink.gif

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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Meh, let's not get all bent out of shape over all this. It's no big deal.


I have to admit I used to be a big skeptic. At first I automatically assumed EVERY clinic was out to bleed you dry but that many could still produce great results. When I found out that SMG occasionally does pro-bono work, I realized that I was wrong. Go to someone like Bosely or Armani and ask them if you can get a free transplant. After they get finished laughing at you they'll call security to throw you out of the building.

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Let's keep the discussion friendly guys.


I do think a certain bit of skepticism is healthy. Though we should never forget that that Dr. Shapiro has a stellar reputation for keeping the highest standards in terms of results and patient care, we also must recognize that Shapiro Medical is newer at performing follicular unit extraction.


However, given Dr. Shapiro's dedication to excellence, I suspect that it is speed, not quality that is/was sacrificed in the beginning. After all, speed without sacrificing quality comes with time, practice, and experience.


I too am looking forward to seeing some examples of Dr. Shapiro's grown out FUE results. Personally, I think their clinic takes a very realistic approach to FUE and what it can and can't accomplish in patients.


To read more about FUE and their approach, visit our Hair Loss Q&A Blog article, "The Evolution, Advantages and Disadvantages of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant Surgery.


All the Best,



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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by TC17:



"Perhaps you should choose your words more carefully in the future, or speak less authoritatively on matters you know nothing of? Your opinion that SMG would increase was both unsubstantiated and irresponsible."


When did TC17 annoint himself Grand Moderator Wizard Special Guy Pre-Law Superstar Perfect Genius Wordmaster of the HTN? Were YOU picked on by YOUR parents and teachers so much so that you find it necessary to nitpick at people commenting on a community based website? Sorry Bill and everyone else but I just couldn't help myself.

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It was last Tuesday. I had a ceremony in my basement. It was actually really nice and classy.


This is a community run site. We are ALL moderators in some capacity. When something does not seem right it is our responsibility to challenge that so that the community continues to run properly. JamesH had roughly 12 posts to his name when he definitively stated that SMG would increase their price as soon as they had grown out results. A poster with that few posts, but with such strong statements, comes across as being a possible shill for another clinic. It would not be the first time someone on this forum has been disingenuous. If I were an unscrupulous doctor that also charged more than $6 per graft for FUE, I would try and discredit SMG and their pricing structure in order to keep business away from them. Let's look at those two possibilities.

1. Speak negatively about SMG's work.

- we all know that would never work. SMG's

reputation is stellar. this would come

across as highly suspicious

2. State that their pricing will increase

- since this cannot be proven nor disproven,

this is the best way to attack. by using

this attack, the shill who works for the

higher priced clinic can imply that the

only reason that SMG does not charge more

per graft is because of their relative

inexperience with FUE. but,that as soon as

they have grown out results, SMG will meet

the ranks of the more expensive clinics.

implicit in that is the belief that $6 is

fair ONLY when a clinic is just starting

out, but that $10 is what you pay for if

you want experience and quality.


I am not saying that JamesH is a shill. Only that his posts were suspicious enough to me that I felt a response was necessary. I stand by my statement. If people on this forum do not know what they are talking about but still feel the need to speak, at least choose your words very carefully and speak less authoritatively.


*Tom R., you couldn't help yourself? it's called impulse control, you're 40 years old, you should have learned that by now.

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Guys, I'm asking as a favor to me....let's just let this one go, cool? Everyone who posted here has something to offer, even if they stepped on a few toes. I believe everyone posted here with good intentions as well.


This is still a good thread....of course, Bill and I could referee some form of chat room death match if that is necessary icon_biggrin.gif




Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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TC17, it could of simply been his hypothesis - right or wrong, he is not required to explain his reasoning to us. Why not just assume everyone is expressing their opinion?


I understand your comment on low post count suspicions (not on this particular persons post), but you know he may be correct in his guess?

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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  • Senior Member

To stay on topic:


There is a documented peak and trough in the incidence of hair transplants across the year (season trends). It is well-known that some doctors that perform FUE will adjust their prices accordingly to keep their techs busy.


*** Example *** Look for cancellation dates of another patient in which you can get called last minute for a nice discount!


So there is no price written in stone, if you think there is, you could of done better!

Dec. 2004 - 1938 Grafts via Strip

Feb. 2009 - 1002 Grafts via FUE

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Do you read minds also? It would seem so as you took the liberty of attacking JamesH. As a student of law, I hope you pay attention and learn that there are several ways to look at any one situation before rendering a verdict. Did you do that with JamesH? It certainly doesn't look that way to me and that's MY opinion.


You could have handled this much more diplomatically. It appears you read the post by JamesH and proceeded to attack without providing him due process. You never asked him to clarify his statement. You were wrong young man.


And for what it's worth, you again have made an assumption about someone without asking any questions. I do have impulse control. The fact that I stated that I couldn't help myself in responding to your posts does not mean I do not possess such control.


You would be correct in categorizing my behavior as such if the act behind my post caused harm to either myself or others. My post, which was done for my own amusement, hardly qualifies. You are wrong again.


Back on topic. I've had several procedures with the SMG and in MY opinion, their price is what it is and will not change unless some other cost factor comes into play. Then again, it never hurts to ask a question. Right TC17!

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I do agree that TC17 was probably a little more abrasive than he should have been. However, I believe his intent was good.


TC17 is right about at least one thing. Though Pat and I may officially run and moderate this community, it's the dedicated members of this community that take responsibility to look out for the community as a whole. This means challenging those who promote potentially false dogmas, even if it is based on opinion. Honestly, the majority of responses on this thread convey the dedication and responsibility members have took upon themselves to make sure that nobody has been unfairly mistreated. Well done.


However, now that everyone has now had their say, I'm asking that everyone bring and keep this back on topic.


Thanks for your anticipated cooperation,



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However, I believe his intent was good.


yeah, no kidding!... anyone who has spent ANY decent amount of time on this site ought to be smart enough to realize that TC17s presence on this forum is overwhelmingly positive..we should all care about the good of the site, and right OR wrong, TC17s points about potential shilling are more than valid given the industry we are talking about here.... none of you are perfect, setting me aside of course, so i just cant believe some of you have felt it necessary to crucify a good poster over something so very minor..

*** RESULTS WILL 100%, without a DOUBT, VARY***

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Tom R.,

I couldn't agree w/you more.

Et Al,

I have nothing against SMG, but only TC's attempt to: usurp authority and *play* mod/lawyer/HTNs' 'affirmative-action' attorney via propping up unknown, no-name third world hacks while at one and the same time putting down THE only time tested dr.'s in the field a la' Hasson, Feller, & Rahall.


TC, you act like some affirmative action liberal who puts down THE best in the industry in an attempt to promote weaker, less qualified surgeoens MERELY in order to level the playing field, w/no interest in the actual material outcome of your advocacy. I've seen you put down Hasson & Feller, while at the same time promoting some total hacks in crazy places NOONE as heard of..do *you* plan on going to these same hacks you've promoted? doubt it...


What's almost more troubling than this is your pedantic, pompous attitude towards *anyone* who expresses an opinion which dissents w/yours'. You assume the position of authority & tell people they shouldn't dare express their oposing opinions.


1- your NOT a moderator.

2- your NOT an attorney for this forum, even though you like to *play* that you are.

3- I'd love to see you go to ANY of these no-name, hack dr.'s in third world counries you've been propping up - over the likes of Hasson, Feller, and Rahal - for your *own* ht...will you?...doubt it.


What about when you recently said H&W abuse grafts and other Dr.s' could do *way* more w/less, how about that recent case - was it Alexander- where ~2xK were used and the results were pitiful...you *accuse* THE top clinics like H&W of "wasting" grafts and 'claim' other no-name clinics could achieve the same results w/ *half* the amount of grafts, yet you will NOT reply to rebuttals like mine which ask you for actual pictures of documented cases to PROVE your (non-sensible, non-rational theory) (?)....

No response?...typical.


stop w/all the *play* attorney talk, and show us some cases of your hack dr.s' using HALF the grafts H&W uses to produce exponentially better resutls...wait- - - don't have *any*, do you? icon_eek.gif

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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Originally posted by Ron J:

What about when you recently said H&W abuse grafts and other Dr.s' could do *way* more w/less, how about that recent case - was it Alexander- where ~2xK were used and the results were pitiful...you *accuse* THE top clinics like H&W of "wasting" grafts and 'claim' other no-name clinics could achieve the same results w/ *half* the amount of grafts, yet you will NOT reply to rebuttals like mine which ask you for actual pictures of documented cases to PROVE your (non-sensible, non-rational theory) (?)....

No response?...typical.


stop w/all the *play* attorney talk, and show us some cases of your hack dr.s' using HALF the grafts H&W uses to produce exponentially better resutls...wait- - - don't have *any*, do you? icon_eek.gif




*still* waiting for a response; will I get one? doubt it. But would love to hear how your no-name, *hack* dr.'s have achieved the *same* results as H&W w/exponentially less grafts (?) H&W "over-use" grafts, and so does Feller, & Rahal; *but* your thirld world hacks don't..so, where are YOUR pics/evidencs to back it up?... (yawns).


pics, *please*?...oh, I forgot, your all talk no substance.


keep touting your view w/absolutely ZERO evidnence/support to substantiate it. just lovely. this is tantamount to ht dr. communism: all *should* (moral imperative) receive equall pay and praise irrespective of their individual value... you disagree TC? then post your results from *their* work which transends HW, Rahal, & Feller w/substantively fewer grafts...crap drs want cheap procedures for free

(can't)...- enter ad hominum attacks vs. me - ...

Delicately helping those fragile souls who suffer from hair loss, w/motherly nourishment & care.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Guys I found something amazing. My apologies for the advertising but I think that this information will be useful for this forum's members. 1 EURO PER GRAFT in strip and 2 EURO PER GRAFT in FUE HT method. The clinic is in Georgia - Europe and i spoked with one of their clients who told me that he is very satisfied with the result.I can't tell the name of the web site because of the forum legal notice, but if you are interested you can send me a private e-mail for information. I'm considering to go there in January next year. They told me that they can perform over 2500 grafts in one session with FUE HT. I think that this will be more that enough for my receding hairline of Norwood slace 2. Best wishes for all of you.Sorry for my bad english icon_biggrin.gif

Current regimen


Minoxidil 5% - 2x per day

Ketoconazole 2% - 2x per week

Merz Vitamin pills - 1x per day


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